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San Bernardino Microwave Society Press Release - February 9, 2010

Microwave Update 2010 Comes to Southern California

February 9, 2010 -- CORONA, Calif. -- Microwave Update (MUD), the nation’s most popular, amateur radio-focused microwave and millimeter wave experimentation technical conference will be held at the Sheraton Cerritos Hotel from October 21 through 24, 2010.

Each year, the MUD attracts attendees from all over the world to discuss the latest technical developments and operating achievements in amateur experimentation on the 1,000MHz and up frequencies.

This year’s event is hosted by the San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS). MUD is a technical conference and includes presentations by leading microwave radio experimenters and a banquet as well as a vendor area where exotic microwave RF components can be bought and sold. Several commercial equipment manufacturers are scheduled to appear, to demonstrate their latest offerings. In addition, noise figure and antenna gain test sessions for up to 47GHz are being planned.

Call for Papers and Speakers
The call for papers and guest speakers is being announced now. Deadline for paper submissions is September 1, 2010 in order to appear in the MUD Proceedings. Go to the MUD 2010 website for guidelines and submission information.

Pre-Register Now!
Participants are encouraged to register for the conference and reserve hotel rooms as early as possible. When making hotel reservations, make sure to mention the Microwave Update to qualify for your special rate.

The town of Cerritos offers a number of excellent activities for sight-seeing, and the Southern California Fall weather is another bonus. Participants are encouraged to make this a family affair. We will have Ladies Activities in and around the hotel, and there are many local attractions such as Medieval Times®, Knott’s Berry Farm®, Disneyland® and the Queen Mary (W6RO) nearby.

More details, including a registration form, can be found on the Microwave Update website, at

About the San Bernardino Microwave Society
The SBMS is a non-profit technical organization dedicated to the advancement of communications above 1000 MHz, and was founded in 1955. The club has a membership of over 90 amateurs from Hawaii and Alaska to the east coast and beyond. Visit the SBMS website,

For more information, contact:
Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ
Telephone: 559-332-3613

Posted 2/11/2010
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