Radiometrix Press Release: CTA88 Remote Control Application Boards
22, 2010 - Leading wireless solutions manufacturer Radiometrix has just introduced the CTA88 remote control chip
application board offering. These boards provide simple 8-channel digital input/output implementations of remote
control functions, using either the company’s multichannel LMT/ LMR (UHF and VHF band) or single frequency BiM (FM
band) series of wireless radio modules (which are ordered separately).
The offering consists of two CTA88-000-DIL chips, a CTA88 encoder board, a CTA88 decoder board, ¼ wavelength
monopole or helical antennas, 4 jumpers for mode configuration, DIP switches for address and frequency channel
configuration, 8 opto-isolated digital inputs, and 8 relay outputs.
The CTA88 chip at the heart of each board is an 8 bit address encoder/decoder for use with licence-exempt
ISM/SRD band radio modules. It permits the setting up of a straightforward one-way wireless link for remote
control applications. This requires the minimum of engineering effort and takes little time to establish.
Furthermore it does not call for the inclusion of any customer software input.
The transmitter and receiver application boards are designed to allow easy evaluation of the CTA88 device’s
performance and functionality in elementary jobs. The boards have compact 115 x 86 x 20 mm dimensions, and their
operating temperature range goes from -20 °C to +70 °C.
CTA88 Remote Control Applications Boards
About Radiometrix
Founded in 1985, London-based Radiometrix has become a leading global developer of low power VHF and UHF radio
modules for licence-exempt and licensed frequency bands. Radiometrix offer products for a wide variety of
applications, with both customized and off-the-shelf solutions available directly from Radiometrix and through the
global distribution network.
*************************************** Radiotronix 905 Messenger Lane Moore, Oklahoma 73160
Phone: (405) 794-7730
Fax: (405) 794-7477
Posted 10/23/2010