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Advanced Test Equipment Press Release - April 14, 2010

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Announce Availability of the New
Narda SRM-3006, 9 kHz - 6 GHz Selective Radiation Meter

ATER logoSAN DIEGO, Calif. – April 14, 2010 – The SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter is Narda’s second generation, hand-held system for performing narrowband analysis of electromagnetic fields.  The SRM-3006 has the ability to provide results of individual emitters and also generate a total of all emitters. It also allows for verifying compliance with the US FCC’s “5% Rule” as well as accurately detect fields well below domestic and international standards. The SRM-3006 also has the ability to measure fields more accurately than broadband equipment and is able to give more information than just the total – like exactly what emitter(s) are generating the most of the power.

This unit consists of a basic meter and a 3-axis, E-field antenna. The meter is really an optimized spectrum analyzer covering 9 kHz – 6 GHz and modified to make accurate field strength readings. The 3-axis design covers 27 MHz – 3 GHz, calibrated at 20 different frequencies and reliably works down to 200 µV/m. Narda Safety Test Solutions also provides complete calibration information standard with every unit. This portable, rugged and splash-proof system incorporates a highly readable color display, GPS receiver and microphone for voice recording. Also supplied is the full SRM-TS software package, a 1.5 meter cable to separate the antenna from the meter and charger, manual and other accessories inside a protective carrying case.

The SRM-3006 has the ability to perform single or multiple measurements that can be averaged and/or stored in the meter for download to a computer. It can also be set-up to your liking and store a complete configuration for later or repeated use. Parameters can be set-up for time controlled storing that only logs the needed data above a certain threshold level. A GPS receiver and microphone also comes standard, allowing for storage of GPS coordinates and audio description. The Narda SRM-3006 has been designed to perform the following RF safety, engineering and standard safety applications: safety evaluation, spectrum analysis, spatial averaging and level recording.

About Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

Advanced Test Equipment is a rental solutions provider of test equipment for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Communications, Aerospace and related industries. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Advanced Test Equipment has over 28 years of experience and services clients worldwide. Additional information about Advanced Test Equipment is available at www.atecorp.com.


Advanced Test Equipment
(888) 485-ATEC (2832)

Date posted - 4/7/2010
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