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Heuermann HF-Technik Press Release - March 14, 2011
Heuermann HF-Technik Introduces SMA-Calibration Kit, Multiport-AutoCal-Kit, 1.2-40GHz Antenna

March 14, 2011 -
8 GHz-VNA-Cal.-Kit: This economic calibration kit for SMA-female-connectors from HHF
supports broadband VNA-measurements of microwave devices up to 8 GHz, which is achieved with three SMA-components
for the four calibration measurements short (S), open (O), load (L) and thru (T). This EcoCal calibration-kit has
been used already for a long term in many departments and laboratories successfully. Price: 59
Vector-IM-measurements (NonLin-IM): This is the most cost efficient solution to perform error-corrected
IM-measurements for magnitude and phase for different IM-test-sets. IM-sources can be located and a perfect
fitting/modelling can be performed. An absolute novelty is the replacement of the comb generator by a new phase
reference generator! NonLin-IM bases on non-linear multi-port S-parameter using LMR or the novel and patented
calibration procedure Without Thru.
Rapid Automatic multi-port Calibration box (RapACal): It allows an easy and rapid one- or multi-port (n-port, n =
1, 2, 3, …) calibration of Vector Network Analyzers (VNA) up to 18GHz. The calibration is quite simple. The number
of ports is unlimited. Only for the calibration: RapACal will be controlled over VNA-internal PC interface (LAN
and USB) with a graphical user interface from a windows operating system (NT, XP, Vista).
Price: 5900 EUR
Broadband Conical Monopole antenna BCM40: The low-loss antenna BCM40 supports a monopole antenna characteristic
and an ultra broad frequency band (1.2-40GHz). This antenna covers all major frequency bands, ideal for
surveillance applications with a very robust casing and design. The BCM40 antenna is manufactured precisely,
offers good matching and an antenna gain of ca. 0 dBi. The robust casing allows for indoor and outdoor use even in
moist conditions. Price: 2990 EUR
HHF offers a wide range of other RF standard as well as customer specified products, available on the
www.hhft.de or on request.
Heuermann HF-Technik GmbH Auf dem Anger 29; 52076 Aachen Mail:
Heuermann@HHFT.de Internet:
www.HHFT.de Tel.: +49 2408/9379019 Fax: +49 2408/9379952
Tel.-FH: +49 241/6009-52108
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Aachen Registergericht: Aachen HRB 14882 Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Holger Heuermann Dipl.-Ing. Regina Heuermann-Peters
Posted 3/14/2011 |
