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Linx Technologies Begins Shipping Radiotronix Product Lines

May 14, 2012 Press Release

Linx Technologies

May 14, 2012 — Linx Technologies, a developer and manufacturer of wireless products including radio frequency (RF) modules, has started shipping the product lines it acquired from Radiotronix. The first products shipped in limited quantities are the TRM-915-DTS (formerly the Wi.232DTS-R), TRM-868-EUR (formerly the Wi.232EUR-R) and the TRM-915-R250 (formerly the Wi.232FHSS-250-R). In late May, Linx will start shipping the DP1203 modules as well as recertified versions of the DTS, EUR and R250 modules.

Radiotronix was acquired by Linx in March 2012. Linx will support, manufacture and continue development of the Wi.232DTS, Wi.232EUR, Wi.232FHSS, Wi.DP1203 and Wi.DP1205 product lines. Radiotronix operations have moved to Linx headquarters in Merlin, Oregon.

For more information, pricing and availability, call Linx at +1 800 736 6677 (+1 541 471 6256 outside the United States) or email

About Linx Technologies

Linx Technologies makes wireless simple by developing and manufacturing wireless products that are easy for engineers without RF experience to use. The company's assembled wireless products as well as its RF modules, antennas and connectors make it easy for OEMs to integrate wireless features without the hassle and expense of engineering RF functionality from scratch.

For customers who need help implementing Linx modules, Linx offers affordable design services including board layout assistance, programming, certification advice and packaging design. For more complex RF solutions, Apex Wireless, a division of Linx Technologies, creates optimized RF designs with RF components and firmware selected for the customer’s specific application.

For further information regarding this press release please contact:
Linx Technologies
159 Ort Lane
Merlin, OR, U.S.  97532

Linx Technologies - Wireless Made Simple (restricted)

Posted  5/14/2012
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