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MegaPhase Announces Private Labeled Test & Measurement Cables

January 5, 2012 Press Release

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Stroudsburg, PA, Jan. 5, 2012 — MegaPhase, a global innovator in the design and manufacture of RF and Microwave cable assemblies, is pleased to announce Private Labeled Test and Measurement (T&M) Cables with guaranteed pricing, delivery times and no minimum quantities. MegaPhase products feature vertically-targeted test cables through 70 GHz for telecom, semiconductor, spacecraft and C4ISR test sets using hand-held equipment, vector network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, probe stations, EMC and environmental test chambers.

"MegaPhase's test cables are currently private labeled for some of the world's largest instrumentation manufacturers," Bill Pote, Founder & CEO of MegaPhase reported. "This capability is a great way for our customers in equipment rental, "rack and stack" integrators, distributors and brand-conscious manufacturers to offer a more complete product line to their end-users."

MegaPhase's seamless and confidential branding opportunities include:
  • Custom jacket color (including specific Pantone matches)
  • Custom logo and labeling
  • Test data on your letterhead
  • Customer-supplied serial numbering and part numbering
  • Custom packaging and shipping labels for drop-shipment to customers.

About MegaPhase — MegaPhase is an industry leader and innovator in design, manufacturing and marketing of coaxial cables for radio frequency ("RF") and microwave applications through 70 GHz. The Company's unique GrooveTube® Technology features a Copper outer conductor designed to maximize phase stability and durability. MegaPhase test & measurement products feature vertically-targeted cable assemblies and adapters used from 10 MHz through 70 GHz for telecom, semiconductor, spacecraft and C4ISR test sets using vector and spectrum analyzers, probe stations in addition to environmental and EMC test chambers. The Company's products are also used to enable advanced optoelectronic systems in aircraft, spacecraft and Military applications. MegaPhase is the leading provider to the US Army's PM Electronic Warfare, US Navy AWACS E-2D, CEASAR, Advanced Hawkeye and many other high-profile programs. Founded in 1998, the company is headquartered in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, with a management system certified to ISO-9001:2008. MegaPhase has over 500 active customers in 30 countries, including the most prominent names in technology, the US Government and its allies.

For more information contact MegaPhase at 570-424-8400, by e-mail at or visit

2098 West Main Street, Building 3
Stroudsburg, PA 18360-9526

Posted 1/5/2012
TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
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