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TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Boeing Performance Excellence Award Issued to Pasternack

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July 26, 2012 Press Release

-- Pasternack Enterprises Receives Silver Level Supplier Excellence Award from The Boeing Company
July 26, 2012 – Irvine, CA - Pasternack Enterprises, Inc., a leading ISO 9001:2008 manufacturer and International supplier of custom and standard RF, microwave and fiber optic products, today announced that it has received the 2011 Boeing Performance Excellence Award.
The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance. Pasternack maintained a Silver composite performance rating for each month of the 12-month performance period, from Oct. 1, 2010, to Sept. 30, 2011.  This year, Boeing recognized 407 suppliers who achieved a Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award.
“We are very proud to be recognized as one of Boeing’s top suppliers and believe this is a reflection of the Company’s dedication to service and level of commitment we have for all of our customers,” says Terry Jarnigan, President of Pasternack Enterprises, Inc. “For over 25 years Pasternack has helped support the requirements of countless Boeing programs with various RF and microwave related products and we have always appreciated the opportunity to be a part of their team.”
To find out more about the Boeing Performance Excellence Award, visit  For more information about Pasternack, please visit our website at

About Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.
A leader in RF cables, adapters and connectors since 1972, Pasternack Enterprises is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer and international supplier of RF, Microwave and Fiber Optic products. Pasternack offers off-the-shelf availability and same-day shipping of the industry’s broadest selection of quality RF and Microwave components.

Press Contact:
Ken Vitto
Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.
17802 Fitch
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 261-1920

Press Contact:
Ken Vitto
Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.
17802 Fitch
Irvine, CA 92614
(949) 261-1920

asternack Description: 40th-Anniversary-small

Posted  7/26/2012
TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
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