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Qosmotec Propagation Effects Replicator (QPER) Now Supports Azimuth Systems’ Market Leading ACE MX MIMO Channel Emulation Platform

 February 24, 2012 Press Release

Qosmotec Software Solutions logo                             Azimuth Systems logo

24 Feb 2012 – Aachen, Germany - Qosmotec, a global leader in wireless device testing technology, today announced that it would support Azimuth’s portfolio of real world test solutions with the Qosmotec Propagation Effects Replicator (QPER) software. With QPER, Azimuth’s customers will have access to a powerful application that creates virtual environments, which can then be recreated with the dynamic RF fading capability available with the Azimuth ACE MX MIMO Channel Emulator.
The Qosmotec Propagation Effects Replicator is a powerful software tool for subscriber mobility and MIMO simulation and is designed for lab usage. It can simulate drive tests in a virtual landscape, handover, and cell reselection scenarios, and can verify network set-ups by virtually driving through a predicted network.  QPER also supports simulation of fast fading amplitude fluctuations, antenna coverage patterns, as well as radio shading.
Azimuth’s portfolio of solutions enables network operators, network equipment manufacturers, device and silicon vendors to recreate real world network conditions in an automated lab environment.  Azimuth’s solutions include:
  • the ACE MX MIMO Channel Emulation platform, the industry’s leading, easy to use bi-directional MIMO channel emulator,
  • Azimuth’s award winning Field-to-Lab (FTL) Solution, which provides a repeatable and automated environment for replaying field conditions within the labs of mobile operators, and
  • Azimuth’s RPM Real World Performance Measurement solution, Azimuth’s automated and cost-effective over-the-air device performance test solution.
QPER support for the ACE MX channel emulator means that customers will now be able to leverage Qosmotec’s leading solution for network modelling with the power of Azimuth’s leading wireless channel emulation platform to define and develop customized network fading channel models and scenarios, which they can use to simulate and evaluate device and network performance before committing to actual network modifications.
Dr. Dieter Kreuer, Qosmotec managing director, stated, “We are very pleased to be cooperating with Azimuth Systems. By adding support for the ACE MX MIMO channel emulator, we provide our customers with the most robust platform on the market to develop new network models, and predict and evaluate device and network performance.”
Pete Paglia, senior vice president of Field Operations, Azimuth Systems, said, “Azimuth is very excited that Qosmotec will now support the ACE MX channel emulator with their Qosmotec Propagation Effects Replicator.  Together, we enable operators, infrastructure and device vendors to test proposed network configurations - modelled with QPER - using real world fading implemented using the ACE MX MIMO Channel Emulation platform.  With Qosmotec’s help, Azimuth has yet another way to put the world in our customers’ lab and we look forward to working closely with Qosmotec to bring this new capability to our customers.”
QPER, with support for Azimuth ACE MX, is being demonstrated at Mobile World Congress (booth 2.2D49), Barcelona Spain from Feb 27th to Mar 1st. Azimuth Systems will also be exhibiting at Mobile World Congress in booth 2.1D46.
About Qosmotec
Qosmotec Software Solutions is the most flexible provider of customizable end-to-end test automation systems and radio propagation modeling for mobile communication networks.  The Qosmotec concept embraces the entire range of network verification via test automation and unattended test execution. It enables network operators and infrastructure vendors to test their complex systems in the test lab faster, more thoroughly and at lower expense.
Qosmotec is based in Aachen, Germany and may be contacted at +49 (241) 87975-0 or at
About Azimuth
Azimuth Systems is the leading provider of comprehensive real world wireless test solutions for 2G/3G/4G, LTE-Advanced and beyond, with field-proven, solutions-focused automated wireless test equipment that makes testing more affordable and reliable by increasing the scope of testing while enabling real world performance testing across the entire product design cycle, resulting in high quality devices that perform as expected in the field.

The company is based near Boston, Massachusetts, USA and may be contacted at +1 (978) 263-6610 or at Follow Azimuth Systems on Twitter at:
Azimuth® is a registered trademark of Azimuth Systems and ACE™ is a trademark of Azimuth Systems.
Editorial contacts:

Erik Org
Senior Marketing Manager, Azimuth Systems
+1 617.407.2968 
Mark Hakim
Executive Board, Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
+49 241.87975-11

Posted  2/27/2012
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