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RF Micro Devices Intros RF3235 and RF3237 Quad-Band GSM/GPRS
Tx Modules with UMTS Transmit/Receive Ports

 February 8, 2012 Press Release

RFMD New Product Alert
Irma Swain
Sr. Manager, Communications

PDF • 简体中文 繁體中文 한국어

February 8, 2012

RFMD’s new RF3235 and RF3237RFMD’s new RF3235 and RF3237, paired with one or more discrete 3G power amplifiers such as RF722x or RF724x, enable best-in-class performance at the lowest total solution cost for 3G entry platforms.

RF3235 and RF3237 are quad-band GSM/GPRS Class 12-compliant transmit modules. They include four ( RF3237) to six ( RF3235) UMTS transmit/receive ports that also serve as GSM Rx ports and are pin-to-pin compatible. Both build on RFMD's PowerStar® integrated power control technology, SOI (silicon-on-insulator) switch technology, and integrated transmit filtering. These devices are designed for use as the final portion of the transmitter section in a GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900/UMTS handset and eliminates the need for a PA-to-antenna switch module-matching network. 50Ω matched input and output ports require no external matching components.

  • High Efficiency at Rated POUT
  • VBATT = 3.5V
  • GSM850/EGSM900 = 43%
  • DCS1800/PCS1900 = 36%
  • No External DC Blocking Needed on TRx Ports
  • 0.6db LB, 0.8dB HB TRx Insertion Loss for 3G Efficiency and Improved Rx Sensitivity
  • Four (RF3237) to Six (RF3235) High Linearity TRx Ports
  • >35dB Isolation for Most Port Combinations
  • Single through Quad-Band UMTS Handsets and Connected Devices Including TDSCDMA and CDMA
  • GSM850/EGSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900 Products
  • 3V Multimode Mobile Applications
  • GPRS Class 12 Compliant
These products are currently available in production quantities.

Pricing for RF3235 begins at $2.70 each for 100 pieces. For more information on RF3235, visit

Pricing for RF3237 begins at $2.47 each for 100 pieces. For more information on RF3237, visit

This message was distributed by
Techwire International

Posted  2/9/2012
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