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Richardson RFPD Introduces Pair of New Converters from ADI

March 28, 2012 Press Release

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Richardson RFPD Introduces Pair of New Converters from ADI
-- True 16-Bit Voltage Output DAC and 14-Bit ADC Are Latest Additions
    to Broad Range of Converters to Suit Every Specification

March 28, 2012 – La Fox, Illinois: Richardson RFPD, Inc. today announces immediate availability and full design support capabilities for a pair of new converters from Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI). The devices are the latest additions to ADI's broad range of digital-to-analog (DAC) and analog-to-digital (ADC) converters that meet every data conversion challenge and application, and cover every specification, including accuracy, resolution, sample rate, bandwidth, power, size and value.
The AD5760 is a single 16-bit, unbuffered voltage output DAC that operates from a bipolar supply of up to 33 V. The device accepts a positive reference input range of 5 V to VDD-2.5 V and a negative reference input range of VSS+2.5 V to 0 V. It offers a relative accuracy specification of ±0.5 LSB maximum, and operation is guaranteed monotonic with a ±0.5 LSB DNL maximum specification. The device is ideally-suited for applications like medical instrumentation, test and measurement, industrial control, scientific and aerospace instrumentation, data acquisition systems, digital gain and offset adjustment, and power supply control.
Key features of the AD5760 include:
  • True 16-bit voltage output DAC, ±0.5 LSB INL (B Version) or ±2.0 LSB INL (A Version)
  • 8 nV/√Hz output noise spectral density
  • 0.00625 LSB long-term linearity error stability
  • ±0.018 ppm/°C gain error temperature coefficient
  • 2.5 μs output voltage settling time
  • 3.5 nV-sec midscale glitch impulse
  • Integrated precision reference buffers
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to +125°C
  • 4 mm × 5 mm LFCSP package
  • Wide power supply range of up to ±16.5 V
  • 35 MHz Schmitt triggered digital interface
  • 1.8 V-compatible digital interface
The AD9642 is a 14-bit ADC with sampling speeds of 170, 210 or 250 MSPS. The device is designed to support communications applications, where low cost, small size, wide bandwidth, and versatility are desired. The ADC core features a multistage, differential pipelined architecture with integrated output error correction logic. The device offers wide bandwidth inputs that can support a variety of user-selectable input ranges. An integrated voltage reference eases design considerations. A duty cycle stabilizer (DCS) is provided to compensate for variations in the ADC clock duty cycle, allowing the converter to maintain excellent performance.

Key features of the AD9642 include:
  • SNR = 71.0 dBFS at 185 MHz AIN and 250 MSPS
  • SFDR = 83 dBc at 185 MHz AIN and 250 MSPS
  • -152.0 dBFS/Hz input noise at 200 MHz, -1 dBFS AIN, 250 MSPS
  • Total power consumption: 390 mW at 250 MSPS
  • 1.8 V supply voltages
  • LVDS (ANSI-644 levels) outputs
  • Integer 1-to-8 input clock divider (625 MHz maximum input)
  • Sample rates of up to 250 MSPS
  • IF sampling frequencies of up to 350 MHz
  • Internal ADC voltage reference
  • Flexible analog input range
  • 1.4 V p-p to 2.0 V p-p (1.75 V p-p nominal)
  • ADC clock duty cycle stabilizer
  • Serial port control
  • Energy saving power-down modes
  • User-configurable, built-in self-test (BIST) capability
Common configurations are in stock and available for immediate delivery. To find more information, or to purchase these products today on the Richardson RFPD website, please visit the ADI D/A Converters webpage and the ADI A/D Converter webpage. The devices are also available by calling 1-800-737-6937 (within North America); or please find your local sales engineer (worldwide) at Local Sales Support. To learn more about additional products from ADI, please visit the ADI storefront on the Richardson RFPD web site.
About Richardson RFPD, Inc.:
Richardson RFPD, Inc., an Arrow Electronics company, is a global leader in the RF and wireless communications, power conversion and renewable energy markets. Relationships with the industry’s top component suppliers enable Richardson RFPD to meet the total engineering needs of each customer. Whether it’s designing components or engineering complete solutions, Richardson RFPD’s worldwide design centers and technical sales team provide support for all aspects of customers’ go-to-market strategy, from prototype to production.  More information is available online at
Follow Richardson RFPD on Twitter at subscribe to Richardson RFPD’s New Products e-newsletter, visit

For details, contact:
David Silvius
Director, Strategic Marketing
Phone: (630) 208-2700

Posted  3/29/2012
Temwell Filters
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