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Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation

PMI Intros 6.7 to 7.9 GHz, 30 W RF Limiter

PMI header

January 7, 2013 Press Release

PMI Model LM-6D7G7D9G-30W-SFF is a RF limiter that operates in the 6.7 to 7.9 GHz frequency range. This limiter can handle 30 watts CW input power and provides a maximum leakage of +18 dBm. This model has a low insertion loss of 1.1 dB maximum and a recovery time of 10 µsec maximum. This limiters is supplied with SMA female connectors and the package measures 1.0" x 0.65" x 0.38" which is gold plated.

PMI Model LM-6D7G7D9G-30W-SFF packageLM-6D7G7D9G-30W-SFF electrical specifications

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[borders/inc-300x250.htm]About Planar Monolithics Industries
Planar Monolithics provides its unique products for applications in space, military, communications, telecommunications, commercial, and consumer electronics systems. Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc. has been set up to manufacture and market various MIC/MMIC (Microwave Integrated Circuits and Monolithics Microwave Integrated Circuits) Components, Supercomponents, and Subsystems for applications in Telecommunications, Terrestrial, Satellite, and Mobile-Radio Communications, Defense (ECM, ECCM, ESM, Radars, and Electronic Warfare), Cable-TV, Navigation and Marine Electronics, FAA/DOT-Avionics, Ground Based Systems, and Microwave Landing Systems.

Planar Monolithics Industries Inc.
7311-F Grove Road
Frederick, Maryland  21704, USA
Phone: (301) 662-5019
FAX: (301) 662-1731

Posted  1/7/2013
Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation
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