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RFMD Intros Two New WiFi PA Modules

RFMD logoJanuary 8, 2013
Product Announcement

Irma Swain
Sr. Manager, Communications

RFMD’s new RFPA520x series of three-stage WiFi PA modules - RF CafeRFMD’s new RFPA520x series of three-stage WiFi PA modules are designed for 802.11b/g/n applications. Each is a high-performance, highly integrated solution with minimal external components, eliminating the need for any external matching components and greatly reducing layout area, bill of materials (BOM), and manufacturing costs for the customer application. Built with an advanced InGaP HBT process, these PAs have high linear output power while maintaining excellent power added efficiency (PAE). RFPA5200 comes in a 4mm x 4mm x 1mm, 10-pin laminate package, while RFPA5201 comes in a 14-pin, 7mm x 7mm Multi-Chip Module (MCM).

RFMD RFPA5200 3-Stage WiFi Module - RF CafeFeatures
  • POUT:
      RFPA5200: 27dBm, 5V < 3% Dynamic EVM
      RFPA5201: 29dBm, EVM = 3%; 11n MCS7 HT40
  • High PAE:
      RFPA5200: 21%
      RFPA5201: 18.5%
  • High gain:
      RFPA5200: 33dB
      RFPA5201: 33.5dB
  • Input and output matched to 50Ω
  • Integrated power detector, biasing, harmonic filtering, and enable pin
  • WiFi 802.11 b/g/n applications
  • Consumer premise equipment (CPE)
  • Picocells, femtocell
  • Data cards and terminals
  • Wireless access points, gateways, routers and set top box applications
  • ISM band transmitter applications
Both parts are available now in production quantities. Pricing for 5000 pieces begins at $1.26 each for RFPA5200 and $2.64 each for RFPA5201.

For more information on RFPA5200, visit

[borders/inc-300x250.htm]For more information on RFPA5201, visit

About RFMD
RF Micro Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq GS: RFMD) is a global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance radio frequency components and compound semiconductor technologies. RFMD’s products enable worldwide mobility, provide enhanced connectivity and support advanced functionality in the cellular handset, wireless infrastructure, wireless local area network (WLAN), CATV/broadband and aerospace and defense markets. RFMD is recognized for its diverse portfolio of semiconductor technologies and RF systems expertise and is a preferred supplier to the world's leading mobile device, customer premises and communications equipment providers.

Headquartered in Greensboro, N.C., RFMD is an ISO 9001- and ISO 14001-certified manufacturer with worldwide engineering, design, sales and service facilities. RFMD is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol RFMD. For more information, please visit RFMD's web site at

RF MICRO DEVICES®, RFMD® and PowerSmart® are trademarks of RFMD, LLC. All other trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Douglas DeLieto
VP, Investor Relations

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Techwire International

Posted  1/10/2013
Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe
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