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Sensus Customer NV Energy Earns Top Smart Grid Award at DistribuTECH

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-- Pennwell Bestows Smart Metering Project of the Year

RALEIGH, N.C. (January 29, 2013) … NV Energy, a Sensus smart grid customer serving the state of Nevada, has received a top industry award from Pennwell for Smart Metering Project of the Year. NV Energy has deployed the Sensus FlexNet™ communication network and 1.3 million smart endpoints to date. The utility was honored today at the DistribuTECH Conference in San Diego, California. Sensus is presenting a full complement of products and services in booth #1817 at DistribuTECH.

"We took a very measured approach with our NVEnergize project," said Gary Smith, director of customer energy solutions. "What makes our project unique is that it covers virtually the entire state and once complete will bring operational benefits to our company and energy management benefits to 1.3 million customers statewide. Our partners in this project, like Sensus, have been integral to the deployment of NVEnergize."

"We are pleased to see NV Energy recognized for its efforts in leveraging technology for the benefit of its operations and its customers," said Sensus President and CEO Peter Mainz. "The building of a smarter grid by this progressive utility is a benchmark for others in our industry."

The Sensus FlexNet multi-application, two-way wireless communications system is based on open standards, interoperability and FCC licensed spectrum. Sensus has more than 12 million smart endpoints deployed at more than 300 electric, gas and water utilities in North America.

[borders/inc-300x250.htm]About Sensus
Sensus is a leading utility infrastructure company offering smart meters, communication systems, software and services for the electric, gas, and water industries. Sensus technology helps utilities drive operational efficiency and customer engagement with applications that include advanced meter reading, data acquisition, demand response, distribution automation, home area networking and outdoor lighting control. Customers worldwide trust the innovation, quality and reliability of Sensus solutions for the intelligent use and conservation of energy and water. Learn more at To follow Twitter updates from Sensus, please visit

Linda Palmer
Manager, Corporate Communications
(919) 845-4021 or (919) 259-5778 (cell)

Posted  1/31/2013
Temwell Filters
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