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Triad RF Systems and DCH Systems Join Forces

 Triad RF Systems+  DCH Systems

May 1, 2013

On May 1st, 2013, DCH Systems, EIN 20-4638136 and Triad RF Systems, Inc., EIN 27-3907731, merged into one entity with the Triad RF Systems, Inc. name surviving. Triad RF Systems is fully owned by three (3) partners: Dean Handrinos, Steve Barthelmes, and David Campbell.

Triad RF Systems, was formed with the objective to solve the problem of high power amplifiers (HPAs) being the Achille's heel in most RF radios. We have solutions for integrating high performance HPAs into sophisticated RF subsystems and systems without sacrificing efficiency and linearity.

Triad RF Systems serves all areas of the RF and Microwave industries including military, satellite and commercial communications. Our solutions can also be found in medical, home land security, digital video broadcast, aviation and commercial wireless applications. Our products operate from 10 MHz to 20 GHz.

For a sampling of the customers we serve and the products we deliver, please visit Triad RF Systems' News page.

Call us to find out how we do it.

About Triad RF Systems

With over 25 years of RF Amplifier experience, Triad RF Systems was created with one goal in mind, give the customer what they want at a reasonable price. We have set up the company and the methods of operations to maximize this goal.

For example, we understand first hand all of the difficulties of placing an “off the shelf” power amplifier into a complex system and the consequences that come with it. Therefore, we have designed our amplifiers with built-in features that address these potential issues in advance. With solutions such as wide DC input capability, variable gain, and rock solid DC protections, we expect system integration with our products to be trouble free.

We also have implemented internal systems that allow information to be seamlessly exchanged across sales, engineering, purchasing and production which greatly enhances efficiency and improves on-time delivery.

[borders/inc-300x250.htm]Finally, Triad keeps our overhead low by remaining agile and private, outsourcing to U.S. only CMs, and eliminating the need for costly layers of overhead management. This allows us to pass the savings on to our customers which is where we add true value. Call or email us for a free assessment of your power amplifier needs, and we’ll get back to you with a plan to make your RF project a success.


Triad RF Systems, Inc.
180 Tices Lane
Building A, Suite 107
East Brunswick, NJ  08816
Office: 1-855-558-1001

Dean Handrinos
917 327-2080

Steve Barthelmes
732 310 2201

David Campbell
908 581-0913

Posted  October 11, 2013

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe