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Nanoelectromechanical Quantum Circuits and Systems Online Course


NanoMEMS Research, LLC logoNanoMEMS Research, LLC



Nanoelectromechanical Quantum Circuits and Systems (NEMX)

Date of Course:

July 31, 2014/August 1, 2014


Live Online


Time Zones:

Schedules according to local "Business Hours." North America, Asia, Europe.

Total Fee: 

$US495 (Requests for discounts, if necessary, may be considered. Contact Us.)

Course Summary: 

Nanoelectromechanical Quantum Circuits and Systems Online Course - RF CafeThis course introduces the emerging field of nanoelectromechanical quantum circuits and systems (NEMX). The field derives from exploiting progress in techniques for fabricating, down to nanometer-length scales, free-standing device structures that incorporate mechanical motion and that may be designed to perform a variety of functions, such as employed in electronics, RF/microwaves and, in particular, mechanical and mixed domain. The ability to create these nanomechanical structures, in turn, brings within our reach a tremendous possibility for both creating superior implementations of conventional circuits and systems, as well as entirely new ones. Since novel quantum mechanical effects, for instance, quantized heat flow, manifestation of charge discreteness, and the quantum electrodynanical (QED) Casimir effect, become operative in this regime, exciting new paradigms for circuit modeling and design must be invoked in order to fully exploit the potential of this technology in sensing, computation, and signal processing applications.

Key markets of potential applicability include:

Cell Phones, Terrestrial and Satellite Communications, Computers, Anti-Terrorism, Military, Instrumentation Equipment, National Security. 

Who Should Attend? 

Advanced undergraduate/graduate engineering and physics students, R&D scientists & engineers.


Course Objectives: 

This course aims at getting interested parties informed on:

  • Motivation behind NEMX
  • The fundamentals Physics of NEMX Devices
  • Fundamental applications of NEMX
  • Opportunities for NEMX Insertion in a Variety of Applications


About NanoMEMS Research, LLC

NanoMEMS Research, LLC, is a privately-held company founded in 2002, to research and develop, and commercialize novel ideas exploiting RF MEMS and Nanotechnology (thus NanoMEMS). The company’s mission is to research, conceive, develop and commercialize RF MEMS and Nanotechnology devices, circuits, systems and applications.


Héctor J. De Los Santos, Ph.D.
President & CTO
NanoMEMS Research, LLC
P.O. Box 18614
Irvine, CA 92623-8614
Mobile: (949)682-7702






Posted  February 25, 2014

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