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NuWaves Engineering Wins USAF SBIR Contract for GPS III Satellite RF Filters

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NuWaves Engineering Team Wins Air Force Small Business Innovative Research Contract for GPS III Satellite Radio Frequency Filters

Middletown, Ohio, July 7, 2014 – NuWaves Engineering, an international Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave solutions provider, announced today that the company has been awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to research and develop advanced RF cavity filters for use on Global Positioning System (GPS) III satellites.

NuWaves worked with Exelis Geospatial Systems’ Positioning, Navigation and Timing business located in Clifton, New Jersey, to propose an innovative method to dramatically reduce the size and weight of space-based diplexers, triplexers, and quadruplexers – or “n-plexers” – for multicarrier RF combining by incorporating specialized inserts within the filter cavities. The proposed design also supports wider bandwidths and higher signal power levels than previous generation n-plexer solutions. As a culmination of the Phase I SBIR project, NuWaves expects to develop and fabricate one or more filter prototypes.

Graphic showing the six orbital planes of the constellation“Our team’s solution has the potential to drive a significant reduction in the GPS III satellite’s launch weight, reducing cost to orbit,” said Jeff Wells, President and CEO of NuWaves Engineering. “We’re thrilled to have GPS III navigation payload provider Exelis on the team, and together we look forward to helping the Air Force exceed its GPS III mission goals.”

“Exelis welcomes the opportunity to work with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and NuWaves with researching and developing this advanced technology to improve the GPS technological base,” said Mark Pisani, vice president and general manager of positioning, navigation and timing systems at Exelis.

NuWaves Engineering is a premier supplier of RF and Microwave solutions for Department of Defense (DoD), government, industrial and commercial customers. An RF engineering powerhouse, NuWaves offers a broad range of design and engineering services related to the development and sustainment of key communications and telemetry systems, as well as a complete line of commercially available RF products. NuWaves’ products include wideband frequency converters, high-efficiency and miniature solid state power amplifiers and bidirectional amplifiers (T/R modules), high intercept low noise amplifiers and miniature RF filters. NuWaves Engineering…Trusted RF Solutions™.

Contact Ryan Canning, Director of Business Development, at (513) 360-0800, or visit for more information.


About NuWaves Engineering

NuWaves Engineering is a premier supplier of Radio Frequency (RF) and embedded systems products and solutions for DoD, non-DoD government, and industrial customers. An RF engineering powerhouse, NuWaves offers a wide range of engineering design services focused on wireless communications, as well as a complete line of commercially available module-level products, such as wideband RF upconverters and downconverters, high-efficiency miniature solid state power amplifiers, high intercept low noise amplifiers, miniature RF filters, and fiber optic RF distribution modules.

Contact Kevin Harrison, Business Development Engineer, at (513) 360-0800 ext 313, or visit our website at for more information.


Ryan Canning
Director of Business
NuWaves Ltd.
132 Edison Drive
Middletown, Ohio 45044-3269
(513) 360-0800
website at





Posted  July 8, 2014

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