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Analyst-MP V12 Delivers 10X Speed Improvement

National Instruments / AWR logo

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. – July 13, 2015 – NI (formerly AWR Corporation) announces the release of its version 12 Analyst-MP™ 3D multiphysics finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic (EM) analysis software. This latest version delivers up to 10X improvement in speed from the previous version, making it even faster for analyzing extremely complex high-frequency, multiphysics structures like the X- and L-band accelerators designed by Japan's High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK).

Analyst-MP V12 Delivers 10X Speed Improvement - RF Cafe

Analyst-MP leverages the same capabilities within NI AWR Design Environment™ V12 - Analyst™ software but adds to it additional features and functionality that tailor it to large, multiphysics applications like particle accelerators, waveguides and complex resonators.

Select new features of V12 Analyst-MP include:

  • Threading, frequency sweeping algorithm and meshing options/refinements improvements.
  • Environment options including hotkeys for switch views and capturing views to clipboards.
  • CAD capabilities including defeaturing, standard for the exchange of product model data (STEP) import/export, Boolean split operation, entity querying and material preferences.
  • RF simulation specific features, including custom frequency lists, improved field normalization, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), stored energy and low frequency/DC extrapolation.
  • Inputs for MICHELLE simulations.
  • Post-processing enhancements including filter exclusion, streamlines, emission energy filter, animation types, particle querying and field export options.

Pricing and Availability

NI AWR Design Environment Analyst-MP V12 is available immediately. Contact your local NI AWR software sales representative for more information, specific pricing and licensing options. To learn more about Analyst-MP V12, visit awrcorp.com/products/analyst/analyst-mp.

About NI AWR Software

The NI AWR Design Environment software portfolio includes RF/microwave electronic design automation (EDA) tools such as Visual System Simulator for system design, Microwave Office/Analog Office for microwave/RF circuit design, and AXIEM and Analyst for electromagnetic analysis. NI AWR software tools help design engineers to dramatically reduce development time and cost for components, circuits, systems and subsystems employed in wireless, high-speed wired, broadband, aerospace and defense, and electro-optical applications. Readers can learn more at ni.com/awr.

About National Instruments

Since 1976, NI has made it possible for engineers and scientists to solve the world's greatest engineering challenges with powerful, flexible technology solutions that accelerate productivity and drive rapid innovation. Customers from a wide variety of industries–from healthcare to automotive and from consumer electronics to particle physics–use NI's integrated hardware and software platform to improve the world we live in.


Sherry Hess
Vice President of Marketing
AWR Group, NI
(310) 726-3000



Posted July 13, 2015

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