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Rohde & Schwarz SMW200A Creates Digitally Modulated Signals
up to 40 GHz for Complex A&D and 5G Applications

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Rohde & Schwarz has added new microwave frequency options to its R&S SMW200A high end vector signal generator

Rohde & Schwarz has added new microwave frequency options to its R&S SMW200A high end vector signal generator to support development applications requiring complex multichannel scenarios up to 40 GHz. The instrument creates signals of the highest quality for radar and satellite applications as well as for future 5G technology development.

Rohde & Schwarz SMW200A Creates Digitally Modulated Signals up to 40 GHz for Complex A&D and 5G Applications - RF CafeMunich, March 11, 2015 -- Rohde & Schwarz now offers three new options for its R&S SMW200A high end vector signal generator with microwave frequency ranges from 100 kHz to 12.75 GHz, 100 kHz to 31.8 GHz and 100 kHz to 40 GHz. An option covering the range between 100 kHz and 20 GHz has been available since the summer of 2014. The R&S SMW200A is the only microwave signal generator on the market to combine a baseband generator and RF generator with fading, AWGN and MIMO capabilities in a single box. As a result, it supports numerous challenging aerospace and defense and wireless communications applications.

Radar and satellite component and module tests

The 40 GHz version of the R&S SMW200A enables users to completely cover the K and Ka bands. The generator's integrated baseband offers an RF modulation bandwidth of 160 MHz with excellent I/Q flatness and EVM, making it possible to generate signals of the highest modulation quality in the microwave range. It is even easy to generate CW signals with multiple carriers for component tests and wideband QAM-modulated carriers for satellite receiver tests.

Complex signals for 5G test setups

The R&S SMW200A is helping developers identify potential technologies for accessing 5G wireless networks. The new frequency options enable the instrument to cover the frequency ranges that are currently the focus of 5G development. Its internal baseband section can handle all important digital communications standard including LTE Releases 8 to 11. The signal bandwidth of the R&S SMW200A can even reach 2 GHz when external I/Q signals are used ? an ideal feature for wideband 5G applications.

Modulated, phase-coherent signals up to 40 GHz

Beamforming applications are used to measure active antenna systems such as phased arrays. This requires high quality, phase coherent test signals. The LO coupling of the R&S SMW200A now makes it possible to set up a compact system with up to three phase coherent outputs up to 40 GHz. In addition to the R&S SMW200A, the setup employs two combinations of the R&S SGS100A and R&S SGU100A as additional RF paths up to 40 GHz. The additional signal sources can be easily controlled via the R&S SMW200A GUI.

Extensive test applications for wireless communications

Many wireless communications applications require complex microwave test signals. The R&S SMW200A now also generates high quality digitally modulated signals up to 40 GHz for direct microwave link applications. If, for example, a 12.75 GHz and a 6 GHz RF path are installed in a single instrument, it is fast and easy to carry out the complex conformance tests specified by many telecommunications standards. The instrument's integrated test case wizard enables users to configure even complex WCDMA and LTE test scenarios such as blocking tests at the push of a button. The 12.75 GHz frequency option also offers a wear free electronic attenuator.

The new R&S SMW-B112, R&S SMW-B131 and R&S SMW-B140 frequency options are available now. For more information, visit



About Rohde & Schwarz

The Rohde & Schwarz electronics group is a leading supplier of solutions in the following business fields: test and measurement, broadcast and media, secure communications, radiomonitoring and radiolocation. Founded more than 80 years ago, this independent company has an extensive sales and service network and is present in more than 70 countries. On June 30, 2014, Rohde & Schwarz had approximately 9800 employees. It achieved a net revenue of EUR 1.75 billion in the 2013/2014 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany. It also has regional headquarters in Singapore and Columbia, Maryland, USA, to manage its operations in these regions.




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Posted  March 12, 2015

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