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Triad RF Systems Intros 800-2500 MHz, 12 W Linear Amplifier Module

Triad RF Systems

Model TA1148 - 800 to 2500 MHz, 12 W Linear Amplifier Module

This wideband GaAs linear amplifier module is capable of supporting any signal type and modulation format, including but not limited to 3-4G telecom, WLAN, OFDM, DVB, and CW/AM/FM. Due to several state-of-the-art circuits, this unit is highly immune from damage due to any out of spec DC voltage conditions that may be applied. Its rugged construction guarantees fault-free operation in the most extreme environments.

Triad RF Systems Intros 800-2500 MHz, 12 W Linear Amplifier Module

  • Output Power = 12 W
  • Linear Gain = 40 dB
  • Gain Flatness = ±1 dB
  • DC Power = 12.0 VDC, 5.5 A at 100% Duty Cycle
  • Rise and Fall time = <1 μsec.
  • Size = 6 x 3.5 x 0.693 inches

Triad RF Systems TA1148 specs - RF Cafe

Join Our LinkedIn Group- UAV Data Links  

Triad RF Systems Facebook banner - RF Cafe

The UAV Data Links group focuses on the engineering community involved in the systems design and integration of telemetry, video, and data links for unmanned air, ground and sea vehicles. The discussions include RF Power, Antenna Gain/Pattern, Receiver Sensitivity, Path Loss, RF Interference with GPS and other systems, Bi-Directional Amplifiers, Radio Manufacturers, RF Modulation, and Ground Station Tracking.

Check it out at https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=8287959

See Us at Milcom 2015: Oct 26th-28th 2015

MILCOM2015 banner - RF Cafe 

See us at Milcom 2015: Oct 26th-28th 2015, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa FL

About Triad RF Systems

Triad RF Systems comprises three partners with over 40 years of accumulated knowledge of what is required to design, manufacture, market, sell and service RF/Microwave amplifiers and amplifier systems. Three individuals who know the rules for making the highest quality, state-of-the-art RF/microwave circuits, but also have the innate knowledge of how to push the limits in order to create products that meet ever demanding challenges when it comes to size, efficiency and linearity. We do not make decisions via committee or after time consuming meetings; instead when an idea is suggested, we typically prototype it and if successful, turn it into product.

Our market knowledge enabled us to partner with some of the leading radio manufacturers and build state of the art solutions that give them an advantage in transmission distance and signal purity. We also understand the market pressures for increasing data transmission while simultaneously require less DC power. These opposing forces create challenging issues for RF power amplifiers. Triad RF has stepped up to this challenge by creating some of the most linear and efficient amplifiers in the market.


Triad RF Systems
Chris DeAngelis
180 Tices Lane
Building A, Suite 107
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Email: sales@triadrf.com
Phone: 1-855-558-1001


Posted August 14, 2015

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe