May 20, 2016 - Optenni Ltd announces a new version of the Optenni Lab™ matching circuit optimization and antenna analysis
software featuring a new workflow for the optimization of switchable matching circuits.
After seven years of intense development, Optenni Lab has become the leading professional matching circuit optimization
software on the market, with many unique innovative features that are not found in any other software. With
Optenni Lab 3.3, we have added new features and usability improvements to speed up the antenna design
Optenni Lab now supports the optimization
of frequency tunable matching circuits and tunable filters, where the tuning is implemented by switches. Previously, impedance
tuners, tunable capacitors and simplified switch models were supported by Optenni Lab but the new version adds full support
for the use of multiport SPNT switches. Setting up the optimization is fast and easy: the engineer enters the desired operating
frequencies for the various switch states, reads in the switch model from an MDIF file (containing all the switch states)
and inserts the other components of the switchable matching circuit. Optenni Lab then optimized the component values so
that the best possible efficiency is obtained for all the switch states. Optenni Lab also supports complex switches which
have advanced states like "all off" or simultaneous connections between the common port and multiple RF ports.
"Optenni Lab 3.3 contains many usability improvements which have been requested by our customers. But we are especially
excited about the improved support for switchable matching circuits", said Dr. Jussi Rahola, founder and CEO of Optenni
Ltd. "We see increasing interest in the design of tunable and switchable matching circuits. To support this, we provide
the end user with a streamlined design flow for state-of-the-art switch technologies."
Optenni Lab 3.3 is available as of now. Visit our web page to find your local reseller of Optenni Lab.
About Optenni Ltd and Optenni Lab
Optenni Ltd, headquartered in Espoo, Finland, is the innovation leader in matching circuit optimization. Optenni employs
customer-driven innovation and partnerships with leading players in the wireless ecosystem to develop new matching circuit
design tools. Optenni's main product, Optenni Lab™ is the leading professional matching circuit design and optimization
software. Optenni Lab features automatic matching circuit optimization using realistic component models for broadband, multi-band,
multi-port and tunable matching circuits. Additional functionalities include complex termination impedance, tolerance analysis,
bandwidth and isolation estimation routines and interfaces to leading electromagnetic and circuit simulators and measurement
equipment. Optenni Lab speeds up the antenna and RF design process and helps to achieve optimal RF performance.
Jussi Rahola CEO Optenni Ltd Tekniikantie 14, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland E-Mail:
jussi.rahola@optenni.com Mobile:
+358 452658245 Web: www.optenni.com
Posted May 23, 2016