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Featured Products
Agilent / Keysight E8257 PSG Analog Signal Generator: Industry leading
output power, level accuracy, and phase noise performance up to 67 GHz (operational to
70 GHz). The Agilent PSG analog signal generator's high output power and superior
level accuracy often eliminates the need of an external amplifier for testing high power
devices and minimizes test uncertainty to identify errors early in the design process ...
World standard for high
resolution curve tracers and is used in a wide variety of applications. This Curve Tracer
performs DC parametric characterization of thyristors, SCRs and power MOSFETs. The high
voltage collector mode permits testing the Off-characteristics of a device up to 3,000 volts.
The pulsed high current ...
Cobham (Aeroflex / (IFR / Marconi) ATC-1400A Aviation Test Set, Transponder
/ DME. Microprocessor based test set designed for testing and calibrating DME, ATC Transponder
aircraft equipment, and ARINC 568 Digital DME Indicators. It can be operated manually
using front panel controls and switches, or remotely by ATE (Automatic Test Equipment)
control through the GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) ...
Tektronix H500 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer with DPX™ Live RF spectrum
display of 125 µs minimum signal duration for 100% Probability of Intercept (POI) and
signal classification capability. The Tektronix H500 Analyzer will quickly scan the RF
environment, classify the known signals, and help you locate the unknown signals with
its field-proven signal hunting tools. Featuring real-time DPX™ Live RF spectrum display
technology ...
At Axiom Test
Equipment we provide high-quality services and affordable solutions such as test
equipment rental, test equipment sales, and test equipment repair. These examples of
test equipment specials are a very small sample of our extensive stock available for
rental or for purchase. Axiom Test Equipment can also perform repair and calibration
of your gear. Contact us today with your needs.
Why Rent Equipment from Axiom?
Get equipment without a capital budget
Tax benefits - the expense of a rental can be deducted immediately
Protects you against product obsolescence
Save time and money with quick delivery
Try equipment out before committing a lot of money to a purchase
Save time and money on maintenance costs (which are the responsibility of the rental
About Axiom Test Equipment
Get Exactly What You Need. Rent - Buy -
Repair - Trade-In
Established in 2005, Axiom Test Equipment strives to continually improve itself and
offer the best value for its customers. We offer our customers several practical, efficient
and cost effective solutions for their business or projects' test equipment needs. Whether
you need to rent &
buy test equipment,
repair test equipment, sell or trade equipment, we are committed to providing superior
customer service and high quality electronic test equipment.
At Axiom Test Equipment we provide several services. We
rent electronic
test and measurement equipment. We also sell test equipment. If you have a piece
of malfunctioning or broken test equipment we also have an in-house repair lab. For anyone
seeking a way to offload their surplus or obsolete equipment, we offer a trade-in program
or we can buy the equipment from you.
We stock a comprehensive inventory of equipment and can use our extensive network
to find you those hard to get items. We believe in getting equipment to you quickly and
at a competitive price.
RF Cafe began life in 1996 as "RF Tools" in an AOL screen name web space totaling
2 MB. Its primary purpose was to provide me with ready access to commonly needed
formulas and reference material while performing my work as an RF system and circuit
design engineer. The World Wide Web (Internet) was largely an unknown entity at
the time and bandwidth was a scarce commodity. Dial-up modems blazed along at 14.4 kbps
while tying up your telephone line, and a lady's voice announced "You've Got Mail"
when a new message arrived...
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