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buena suerte, удачи, in bocca al lupo, 행운을 빕니다,
ádh mór, בהצלחה, lykke til, 祝你好運.
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Note: Some material based on books have quoted passages.
This quiz is different from most of the others. It tests your knowledge of the names of famous persons in
science and engineering history. Most of us are familiar with the last names of famous people, but how many firsts
names can you match with the last names.
Albert Einstein |
Austrian/American physicist who developed the theory of relativity |
Charles Babbage |
English mathematician who developed the first programmable computer - mechanical |
Johannes Kepler |
German astronomer who developed planetary laws of motion |
James Joule |
English physicist who studied properties of heat |
Robert Van de Graaff |
American high voltage experimenter |
Edwin Armstrong |
American electrical engineer who developed FM radio |
Walter Schottky |
German physicist who invented the screen-grid vacuum tube and discovered the Schottky effect |
Friedrich Bessel |
German mathematician who developed functions named after him |
Tycho Brahe |
Danish astronomer who studied planetary motion |
Ernst von Siemens |
German scientist credited for founding electrical engineering in Germany, unit of conductance named after
him |
Ernõ Rubik |
Hungarian architect who invented the Rubik's Cube |
Nikola Tesla |
Serbian electrical engineer who dabbled in high voltages and wireless communications |
Grace Hopper |
American Navy admiral who coined the term computer "bug" |
John Backus |
American computer scientist who developed the FORTRAN language |
Siméon Poisson |
French mathematician who developed the equations that bears his name |
Blaise Pascal |
French mathematician |
Jacques d' Arsonval |
French physicist and inventor of the moving-coil galvanometer |
Leo Baekeland |
Belgian chemist who invented Bakelite |
John Bardeen |
American engineers who invented the transistor |
EdmondHalley |
English astronomer who discovered the comet named after him |
Bill Hewlett |
American electrical engineer, ½ of HP |
Gabriel Fahrenheit |
French physicist who created the Fahrenheit temperature scale |
CarlGauss |
German mathematician who work with statistical distributions |
Guglielmo Marconi |
Italian inventor who developed wireless communications |
Jean-Baptiste Biot |
French physicist who co-developed the Biot-Savart Law that describes the magnetic field generated by a an
electric current |
Robert Watson-Watt |
English electrical engineer, "Father of Radar" |
Evangelista Torricelli |
Italian physicist who investigated pressures |
Hedy Lamar |
American actress credited with conceiving of frequency-hopping spread spectrum |
Wilhelm Röntgen |
German physicist who discovered x-rays |
Neils Bohr |
Danish physicist who developed the planetary model of atoms |
Jean Fourier |
French mathematician who developed the series named after him |
Georg Ohm |
German physicist who has the unit of resistance named after him |
Gustav Kirchhoff |
German physicist who developed laws on current and voltage in a closed circuit |
Enrico Fermi |
Italian physicist most noted for his work on the development of the first nuclear reactor |
Joseph von Fraunhofer |
German astronomer who discovered solar absorption lines |
Jules Lissajous |
French mathematician who's patterns can be created with the X-Y inputs of an o-scope |
Ludwig Boltzmann |
Austrian physicist who discovered the constant 1.3806503 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1 |
Svante Arrhenius |
Swedish scientist who discovered the relationship of temperature on process rates - like electronics
accelerated aging |
MarieCurie |
Polish physicist famous for work in radioactivity |
Heinrich Lenz |
Baltic German physicist who developed the magnetic induction law bearing his name |
David Packard |
American electrical engineer, ½ of HP |
Hiram Maxim |
ARRL founder |
Hermann von Helmholtz |
German physicist who invented a coil arrangement that produces a uniform magnetic field within itself |
Lee De Forest |
American engineer who invented the Audion vacuum tube |
Thomas Edison |
Prolific American inventor of the evil, Earth-murdering incandescent light bulb |
André-Marie Ampère |
French physicist who experimented with electromagnetism and has unit of current named after him |
Anders Ångström |
Swedish physicist who specialized in spectroscopy who has unit of wavelength named after him |
Isaac Newton |
English Physicist who formulated the law of gravity |
Alexander Bell |
American scientist who invented the telephone |