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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

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Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

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WLAN Spectral Masks (802.11a/b/g)

FCC's Interference Handbook

Surplus Inventory Resources

SMC Electronics Surplus & Refurbished Electronic Equipment

Used Equipment & Parts Resources

Near-Field / Far-Field Transition Distance Calculator

New Poll - What is Your Average Time with an Employer?

American Technical Resources Filters & Services

Thanks to Paul for His MPN-14 Photo

The World of the Near Field

IEEE Press Seeks Book Proposals

That Famous Equation and You

GPS Hardware Design App Note

Re-Evaluating Base Closings

Automate IT Performance Management White Paper

Value of Storage Quality of Service (QoS) Technology for Your Business White Paper

Vast Resource of Free White Papers

Make Excel Display Engineering Data

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Tin Whisker Homepage

Reworked Bulk Resistivity Page

Reworked Skin Depth Page

Database for Solder Properties with Emphasis on New Pb-Free Solders

Age Discrimination Hits Younger Workers

Philips RF Design Manual

Added to Slogans - Linx Technologies: "Wireless Made Simple"

New - RSS Feed from RF Cafe

10-2-2005 Crossword Puzzle

"It Seems to Us . . ." Self-Regulation

RF MEMS Switches - TeraVicta Technologies

SDR 2005 Technical Conference

New Test & Measurement Forum

WFI - Next Generation Networks

Transformer Design Data

Besser dBm-to-dBW Applet

Integra Technologies RF Amplifiers

Instrument Rental Labs Test Equipment

Switches & Relays Design Data

Venture Capitalists Resources

Professional Career Development Institute

Financial Investing - Technology

The Amateur Radio Crossword Puzzler

MotorMaster Software

University of Washington's Circuits Archive

Martindale's Calculator On-Line Center (20,000+)

Radar Blind Speed Calculator

9-23-2005 Crossword

Why Professional Decorum is Important

The Last 2 Years of Manufacturer Name Changes (2003-2005)

iNEMI Releases Standards for RoHS Transition

Power Supply Design Data

Comprod Communications RF Antennas &  Filters

Lighthorse Technologies Cable Assemblies & RF Connectors

Official Language of the European Union

Free i-Pod Mini Giveaway by TXTLinx

IEEE Communications Society Tutorials

Teardown of the E-flite 4-in-1 R/C Helicopter Controller

Electronic Material Industries

Phase Shifters, Tuners & Delay Lines Design Data Design Data

Company Rankings: New Forum Area for Personal Experiences

Apothecary, Avoirdupois & Unusual Conversions

Oscillator, Frequency Source & Synthesizer Design Data

JIT Technologies Industrial Electronic Services

App Note: The ABCs of ADCs

Photonuum Fiber Optic and Photonic Technologies

AWR Presents a Limited Time Offer for Eagleware-Elanix Users

RFIC Solutions Wireless Solutions

Megown Test and Measurement's Blog

Anatech Electronics Launches New Website

Top Online Colleges Website

Webinar to Focus on Managing Career Transitions

9-13-2005 Crossword

Printed Wideband Antennas Using Fractal Patterns

RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications Course

Introduction to RF/Wireless MEMS Technology and Commercialization Course

The Astronomy Store

VSWR, Power Converter, Inductance Calculator

WeBidz Online Auction Site

Effective-Consulting Engineering Services

NanoMEMS Research R&D Prototyping, Consulting & Continuing Education

New Poll - EDA Mergers: Good or Bad?

NASA Tech Briefs Nano

Silicon Valley EOS/ESD Society

Junction Temperatures and MTTF in MMIC Devices

Mini-Circuits DC-18 GHz Test-Quality Coax Cables

Switched-Radar Scenario Generation with Femtosecond Jitter

Watlow Thermocouples

Engineers Affected by Hurricane Katrina

Mixer, Converter, Multiplier, Modulator & Transceiver Design Data

Substrate & PCB Design Data

ESD ESD Resource

New Employment Forum Rules

IEEE Globecom 2005

Absorber, Magnetics & Shielding Design Data

XL Technology Pre-owned Semiconductor Capital & Auxiliary Equipment, & Spare Parts

Megown Test and Measurement Sales & Rentals

Wavelength-to-Frequency Converter

9-1-2005 Crossword

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)