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Hazardous Voltage Levels

5-29-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Microsoft TV Dinners

Understanding Noise Figures in Radio Receivers

P1dB Reference Page Updated

High Performance Active Mixer Overcomes RF Transmitter Design Challenges

Please Welcome Antenna Factor, Our Newest Sponsor

Microwave Oscillators: The State of the Technology

Universal Switching Corp Switching Equipment

EPA List of Most/Least Fuel Efficient Cars

Modeling RF Systems

Abbott & Costello's Cyber-Routine

Please Welcome Our Newest Sponsor, HoBid

New Directional / Hybrid Coupler Theory Page

2006 Worldwide Wireless Communications Standards

RoHS / WEEE Resources

Source ESB's Last 2 Years of Manufacturer Name Changes

Benefits of Thin-Film Dielectric Chip Capacitors at VHF, UHF and Higher Frequencies

MSNBC Science Quiz

USPTO Releases List of Top 10 Universities Receiving Most Patents in 2005

CustomRF Design Services

Electrical Equipment Resources

New Poll: In Which Country Do You Reside?

Optical, Electrical & RF Test Equipment Auction

GPS Resource Website

GENESYS 2006.04 Is Now Shipping

British Skies UFO-Free for Last 30 Years

Custom Systems Integration - CSI Custom Test Systems

5-15-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Please Welcome Microwaves & RF Magazine As Our Newest Supporter

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook v4.0 Released

Online Directional Coupler Calculator

Midland Communications

Free "Orbiter" Virtual Spaceflight Simulator - Incredible

Michael Hutchinson Added to the Radar Shop Page

2006 Should Be a Very Good Year for College Grads

Buy My Copy of Windows XP Pro Upgrade for Only $75

What are Engineering Employers Looking For?

Historical Electronics Museum

Technology Systems Design Software

Sage Advice: Include Language Skills on Your Resume/CV

Hybrids Vehicles Biggest Losers in New EPA Mileage Ratings

How to Make Nylon at Home

Cable & Satellite International Magazine

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook v3.0 Released

A Cable Guy(s) Tale

Congratulations to Our April T-Shirt Contest Winner: Taku Hodama

SAMCO Antennas

Please Welcome RFTEJerry As the New T&M Forum Moderator

The Designer's Guide Community

Antennas - Hardware & Controls Resource Page

CAE Online Used & Refurbished Semiconductor Equipment

Understanding Mixers From a Switching Perspective

RF Coverage Validation and Prediction with GPS Technology

Lab Equipment Resources

New Poll: What Was Your Base Salary for Tax Year 2005?

The Yin-Yang of Matching: Part 2—Practical Matching Techniques

Slide Rule's Demise Had Unintended Consequences

Webinar: Enabling Wireless Base Station Evolution

Gte Microwave s.a. Microwave & Millimeter Wave Components

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook v2.0 Released

New - Lower Prices on RF Cafe Gear

EE Times Updates List of Emerging Startups

"Circuit Bending" Lets Old Toys Play Tunes

Waveguide Theory

Rigorous Analytical Expressions for the Effective Dielectric Constants of the Shielded Symmetrical Bandline

Software for Design NMR Probes Using the Shielded Split Ring and the Shielded Symmetrical Band Resonators

Urban Sprawl in the U.S. - A View from Space

New Poll: How Much Do You Pay for A Gallon of Gas?

4-27-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Lands Precision RF Connectors

New Book: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility

RPN Calculator Applet - Kelly Painter

Sunstone Circuits PCBs

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook - FREE

Digitizer Provides Direct Sampling Of RF Signals

New: RF Cafe Education Forum

Rate My Professor Website

The Future of the Global Workplace

Even at Small Scales, the Big Decisions are Made at the Water Cooler

OpAmp Buffer Error Budget Calculator

Amplifier Parametric Evaluation Tool

Tru Cal International Reconditioned Test Equipment

KP Microwave Components

Caiqin Electronics Elements Filters & Resonators

Black Holes Thrown in Einstein’s Blender

The Evolution of Spy Tools

Before You Go

Chemical Analysis of Human Elements

Engineering in a War Zone

Income Tax Quotations

IEEE: Do-It-Yourself Patents

Diamond Systems Computer Boards

History of Programming Languages - Wall Chart

New Forum: CAE, CAD, Software

Understanding Radio for the Practical Engineer

4-15-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Johana Yan is Our March 2006 Hidden Object Winner!

Listen up, Corporate America: Engineers Underappreciated

RF Cafe Gets a Computer Upgrade

Automation & Control Vendor Resources

Outsourcing Saves Less Than Claimed

Machine Specialties Machining and Metal Finishing Specialists

Benjamin Franklin's London House Opens Its Doors

EE Product News Pop Quiz: Win a GPS Unit

Electronic Design Magazine Pop Quiz

TELSA Radio Transmission Components

Machined Parts & Service Resource Page

More Than Meets the Eye to Catching a Fly Ball in the Outfield

Open RFIC Design Platform Integrates Highly-Capable Design Tools

MEMS in RF and Microwave Electronics Course

MW&RF's "Microwave Legends" Feature

EE Times Student of the 2005 Year: Adam Sidman

Why a Spider Hanging From a Thread Does Not Rotate

Vidyut Yantra Ydyog Microwave & Millimeter Waveguide Components

Dozens of Online Puzzle Challenges

World's first DSSS Radio Control System

Company Slogans: Many New Added

Patent Reform, Fair Use and Inventors Rights

Picking a Good Boss

Erf(x) and Erfc(x) Formula Page

Top Ten Junk Science Stories of the Past Decade

Choosing RF CMOS or SiGe BiCMOS in Mixed-Signal Design

Mathcad 13: DE's Product of the Year

The 2005 Darwin Awards Are Out

Guidelines for Improving the RF Immunity of Audio Amplifiers

Please Welcome Our Newest Sponsor, Innovative Power Products

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe