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Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe

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ATC's New Ultra-Broadband Coupling Capacitors - Amazing

Take MSNBC's New Science News Quiz

American Electronics Association (AEA)

Broadband Amplifier Gain Slope Equalization with a Single Passive Component

New Poll: Have you recently had items stolen at the airport?

Facing Financial Issues as Retirement Draws Near

Amateur Radio Resources

More Thermal Analysis, Fusing Current Resources

Collection of Articles on PCB Trace Fusing Current, Temp Rise, etc.

MIL-STD-275E: Printed Wiring for Electronics Equipment

Selecting a Spectrum Analyzer for Wireless

Tin Whisker Resources

Need an Expert on Just About Anything?

This Battery-Fueled Car Will Smoke You

Are You a Democrat, Republican or Southerner?


RFDataTech Wireless Data Solutions

Controlling Tin Whiskers in Pb-free Assemblies

Disruptive Innovation / Technology

Small Times NanoCon International

In Search of Maxwell

New Factoid: Disruptive Technology

RigPix Database

It's 2025. Where Do Most People Live?

7-18-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Technical Entrepreneurial Resources

Antennas are Where You Find Them

S-Parameter Design

Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Power Measurements

Download the Original VisiCalc

Eric Walton's "Noise Radar"

Industry Disruptive Diagnostic

Network Analyzer Calibration Help Needed

Looking for 2 Microwave Journal Papers

Don't Let Online Info Sabotage Your Next Interview

IEEE-USA Entrepreneurs Village

Lightning Protection Resources

Sony Ericsson W810i Finally #1

SOURCE ESB'S Last 2 Years of Manufacturer Name Changes

Sirenza Microdevices RF Components

CelPlan Technologies Wireless Software Tools & Services

Sharper Concepts Wireless Networking Equipment

Einstein Jr. Sharpens His Pencil

New Poll: Does the Government Spend Enough on R&D?

Home as the Hub of Health Care - IEEE

Xilinx FPGA and CPLD Products

FCC Compliance Measurement Documents

7-11-2006 Sudoku Puzzle

Dynamic Signal Cable & Interconnect Products

Five Radio Amateurs Now Aboard The Space Station

New Slide Rule - My Feeble Collection

Vintage Instruments - Slide Rules

RoHS / WEEE Resources

7-8-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Deceptive Specsmanship

New Factoid - Inflection Points

Simulation Technology & Applied Research Analysis - Solutions for Electromagnetic Design

RFtronics Couplers & Combiners

New Technologies Make Roads Safer... One Smart Car At A Time

Semiconductor Resources

IQ Modulators Advance Reconfigurable Radio

Microwavefilters RF and Microwaves Components & Services

RoHS / WEEE Manufacturers & Services

"Name of the Roses" - Synopsis of Russia's Failed Air Defense System

ARRL Certification and Continuing Education (C-CE)

Take This Abbreviated U.S. Citizenship Test

Very Cool Fireworks Display Applet

Not Just for Layovers: 10 Off-the-Radar Tech Hubs

Ready, Set, Retire - Free IEEE Webinar

"It Seems to Us . . ." Our Republic - ARRL

Electric Strings - Classical Meets Contemporary

Free Subscriptions - 69 for Engineering

Free Subscriptions - 53 for Telecom & Wireless

Lead-Free/RoHS Special

"Off the Record" Anonymous Workplace Stories

New Page: Density of Some Common Building Materials

RoHS Hampers Product Innovation

Nanotechnology Resources

Lysko Consultings Services

Amplifier Solutions (ASC) Manufacturer

New Poll: Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming?

Movies Show Nanotubes Bend Like Sluggish Guitar Strings

Nanotechnology Books

Cascade v6.0 by Spectrum Microwave

Low Resistance Measurement Errors

Point-to-Point Site Planning Guide

Terrain Analysis Package (TAP) Radio Propagation Software

ESD / EOS Resources

AdSem Thermistors

6-26-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Missing Square Term in ip2 Fixed

RF Cafe Quiz #11: Famous Inventors & Scientists

Relativity 4 Engineers Website

GSM Resources

Helical Resonators / Filters

IEEE Warms up to Wind Power

Magazine Article Archive Update

IEEE802.16 WiMAX - WiMAN Resources

SRF Technologies Services

RF System Design Presentation

SchmartBoard Break-Out PCBs for SM, CSP

Brian Hoskins' Personal Website

Procure International Electronic Components Distributor

Bluetooth Resources

Online Link Budget Calculator

Online Fresnel Zone Calculator

IEEE802.x Specification Downloads (free)

EMC / EMI / RFI Resources

White Paper Dispels Some Myths About UHF RFID

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Resources

MPDevice - Microwave Passive Device

Syrma Technology RFID Tags, Precision Coils & Magnetics

Play RoHS Invaders!

Pb-Free Soldering Technique Webinars - FREE

Global Positioning System (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo) Resources

Telespial Systems Track Stick GPS Location Recorder

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook News Release

Custom and Contract Power Solutions Design Services

New Poll: Is Hawaii a Good Idea for IMS2007?

6-12-2006 Crossword Puzzle

Ethics Is Serious Business

Return of the Mentor

MW&RF's Notepad Premier Edition

Clean Room Equipment, Services, & Supplies Vendor Page

Copyright Basics

AeroSat Airborne Antenna Systems

USPTO Program in China Underscores Importance of Protecting Geographical Indications and Trademarks

Listen to "The Measurement Blues"

Professional Teleconcepts Telecommunications Services

New RF Cafe Quiz

RF Energy Propagation Time Calculator

RFMD to Demo GaN High-Power Transistors at IEEE MTT-S 2006

Sensors - Vendors Page

On the Effectiveness of Aluminum Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study

EMC Test Design

TechNet International 2006

Noise Sources Cover Broad Applications

Amwei Thermistor Co

Spectrum Radio - Podcast by IEEE

Software Engineering Radio - Podcast

How to Choose a College Major

Beware Jiffy Lube - Caught on Tape

Chemical Equipment & Supplies Vendors

RTx Technology RF & Microwave Products

Spectrum Analyzer Tutorial - R&S

Please Welcome Our Newest Sponsor, Connector City

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook v5.0 Released

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe