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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

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TINA Pro Circuit Simulation Software

Micro-Cap 7 Simulator Released


6-17-2003 Crossword

Zarlink Semiconductor

Hunt Dabney & Associates

Salary Surveys & More

Watson Engineering

10 Top Anagrams for "Information Superhighway"

6-10-2003 Crossword

IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology

Millennial Net - June 2003 Featured Company

Morcom International

APLAC Student Version Available

Phonetic Alphabets - the mother lode

Communications & Energy Corporation

Sam Barros' Power Labs

JQL Electronics

Axis of Evil Wannabees

SpecAn App Note - Eagleware

IEEE Virtual Museum

6-1-2003 Crossword

Ham Radio Social at MTT-S

Analog University

Westgate Laboratories

Pantheon Layout Software

EDGE Tutorial - 3G Americas

3G Tutorial: NMS Communication

TDMA Tutorial - 3G Americas

CDMA Tutorial - Qualcomm

CDMA Tutorial - UMST World

E-Mode IQ Test

Communications Audit UK

Résumé Writing Service

5-23-2003 Crossword

INSPEC - abstracts

Cybershield 3-D Printed Circuitry

Pletronics Oscillators

Acoustic Properties of Materials

SMD Package Markings

The Bakken Museum - very cool

Engineering Training Series

Antique Radio Classifieds

Eric Weisstein's Math World

Everyday Practical Electronics

Ultra Converter I - incredible I

Ultra Converter II - incredible II

Morse Code Tutorial

Federation of American Scientists (FAS) - the Atom Bomb people

How Stuff Works

Amplifier Design Using S-Params

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

RF Inductor Design

Microwave Eng. Course Notes from U. San Diego: EEE 171, EEE 194 - very useful!

Impedance Matching Calculator

Swap Shop - NEW on RF Cafe

5-15-2003 Crossword

ADIsimPLL Synthesizer Circuit Simulation v2.0

NuWaves Design Services

Things Not to Do in an Interview

5-6-2003 Crossword

Virtual Valve Website

4-29-2003 Crossword

More Anagrams

EIA Tube Base Diagrams

Quick Thinking

Practical Aerospace Engineering

Properties of Lead-Free Solders

Countries That Ban Cell Phones While Driving

RW Calc Software - Free

RF Cascade Workbook 2003  Available - now includes a 17-page user's guide

4-16-2003 Crossword

Company Slogans

Noble Publishing Desktop Instructor Series

Cal Lab Magazine

Iraqi Information Minister Quotes

EE Times Design Library

4-9-2003 Crossword

S-Parameter Design Tutorial

Events Calendar

Transistor Museum

SAR Resource

Modelithics App Note - Eagleware

Standard Aluminum Tubing Sizes

Dr.s Making Lawyers Look Smart

Miniature Lamp Guide

Karnaugh Map Calculator

Bill Gate's New House

3-24-2003 Crossword

RF Calculator Download

Nixie Tubes

3-17-2003 Crossword

Elcom High Speed Synths

3-10-2003 Crossword

GCPrevue - Gerber File Viewer

Worldwide Cell Phone Coverage Maps

True Or False?

3-3-2003 Crossword

Amateur Radio Links

True-RMS DMM Evaluation

2-25-2003 Divide & Conquer

2-24-2003 Crossword

SitePlanner and LANPlanner

Global Wireless Frequency Chart

Tax Cuts For Dummies

PLL Phase Noise Calculator

HP AppCAD v3.0.2 Available

Truth In Advertising

RF Spectrum Analysis Basics

Things You'd Like To Say At Work

2-15-2003 Crossword

Awesome Technology!

App Notes from Eagleware

The Electronic Source Book

2-12-2003 Divide & Conquer

A Freedom Of Speech Issue?


TILE Software for EMC Testing


Cats Design Communications

Technology International

NanoMEMS Research


RF Spectrum Analysis Basics

Isola Laminate Systems

2-3-2003 Crossword

Smith Chart for Excel Instructions

For All You Lexiophiles...

Part Agent™ Website

"Featured Company" Is Back!

Big Business In America: An Insightful Parallel

1-27-2003 Crossword

dBm Engineering

1-24-2003 Divide & Conquer

Quadratic Equation Proof?

1-20-2003 Crossword

MS Patents 1s & 0s

Google Components Group

How CDMA Works

GPS Overview - Univ. of CO

RfTek EMC Consulting

MiCIAN μWave Wizard

RFIC Symposium 2003

Looking For An SUV?

Taxing Facts

HP48 Calculator Programs

RF Design Software Archive

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs