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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

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Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

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Global Advantage International Product EMC & Safety Testing

Gutenberg Project: The Negro in the Field of Invention, c1917

TV Magic Broadcast and A/V Sales & Service

Military Technologies Conference Registration Deadline

Multilayer Baluns Break Size Barrier

Innertron Components Distributor

Altelicon RF Connectors, Lightning Protectors & Accessories

Symbian Selects Azimuth Systems for Testing of Smartphones

AVOCAD Circuit Simulator

International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT)

The Apple iRack

22-23 March: EWeek Global Marathon With 24 Hours of Engineering Insights for Women

IC Insights' Top 25 IC Firms: 'Haves vs Have-Nots'

Finesse Group Exhibition Stands

Azimuth Systems Introduces Industry's First Fixed-Mobile Convergence Performance Test Solution

Win $25 - Take an RFID Survey

IC Design Services Resources

What Are S-parameters, Anyway?

Chemical Composition of the Human Body

Dielectric Constant Equation Correction

Free Microwave Products Dielectric Materials Chart

Free Eccosorb "Problem Solver Kit"

IEEE Seeking Peer Reviewers for Technical Papers

RFMW Announces NEW Right Angle SMA YouForm™ RF Coaxial Cables

Azimuth Systems Named To The 2007 “Pulver 100” List

CDMA / W-CDMA Manufacturers & Services

Meeting Mobile WiMAX Performance Requirements

British Telecom Partners with Azimuth Systems to Validate Fusion Mobile Phones

Copy-and-Paste Papers Put Profs on the Offensive

Some Interesting Questions

BeaconTron Alternative Energy Systems & Equipment

Where Have All the Programmers Gone?

Understand Wireless Short-Range Devices for Global License-Free Systems

"RF Emissions and FCC Part 15: EMI Woes and Cures"

Thanks to BC Systems for Supporting RF Cafe!

3-12-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

NAE Seeking Feedback for Reaching Public Re Engineering

Top 10 Materials Moments in History Announced

Electronic Waste (e-waste) Recycling & Dispositioning Services

Whatever Happened to the Electronics Hobbyist?

GSM (CTSBCH) Timeslot Assignment

GSM (MS) Classes for Multislot Capability

Help Protect "The Wall" on March 17

Q-par Angus Website Updated - Visit the Downloads Page

5 Ways To Know When It's Time to Find Another Job

RFID: A Bad Rap?

Intercon Solutions Electronics Recycling Services

Radio-Electronics Exceeds 400 Pages of Tutorials

Bruce Blackburn from the 5CCG Radar Shop Check In

IC Master Website Relaunched

Radiotronix Announces a New Strategic Alliance with Analog Devices

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule

The International Slide Rule Museum

Electromagnetic Signal Attenuation in Construction Materials

Fundamentals of ISM-Band and Short Range Device Antennas

Modeling 3G/WCDMA/HSDPA Handset Transmit System

Automation Egypt 2007

Very Cool Slideshow of the Space Shuttle Assembly Process

Durex Industries Electric Heaters & Temperature Sensors

RFID Basics... and a Few New Challenges

Ralink Chooses Azimuth Channel Emulator to Develop Draft 2.0 802.11n Chipsets

2007 Military Technologies Conference Early Bird Deadline

EM Enables Classic Filter Technique

Power Conversion Trends in Military Electronics Webcast

DoD RFID Summit

IEEE-USA Beefs Up Public Awareness Programs

Course: MEMS in RF and Microwave Electronics

FAST Software and User's Guide Special - Pay Only $175 (save >$200)

Please Welcome Griff Paper and Film As Our Newest Supporter

2-27-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

New Kirt's Cogitations: Not Such A Smooth Operator

TWP, Inc RFI Shielding Products

Equipment Installation and Maintenance Services Resources

Trigent Offshore Software Development Services

Thanks to Microwave Circuits for Their Support!

Cleveland Institute 515-T Slide Rule Added to Collection

Reviewing RoHS Compliance For Harsh Environments

LINC2 v2.70 RF/Microwave Circuit Design and Simulation Software

2006 Test Engineer of the Year John Gmitter

New MSNBC Science Quiz

Job Searching: It Still Comes Down to Who You Know

Last Chance to Pre-Register for IWCE with Discounted Rates

Cal-Bay Systems RF Functional Test Systems

GSM Manufacturers & Services Resource

IEEE SoutheastCon 2007 Early Registration Deadline

Basic Principles of Electrically Small Antennas

Patent Ruling: It Depends on What the Meaning of 'About' Is

How Not to Take a Test

Microwave Circuits RF/Microwave Filters, Diplexers & Duplexers

Fiber Optics Resources

Helic VeloceRF Spiral Inductor Synthesizer

Bluetooth Bolsters UWB Performance

TelWorx Communications Wireline Services

The Entrepreneurial Engineer

Broadcom Corp Semiconductor and Software Solutions

Tackle Wideband RF Switching With PIN Diodes

Radio and Wireless Transmitters and Receivers

The Laptop Guy - Laptop Repair

Blue Streak RF Engineering Consulting Services

Packaging Products & Services

smartnfc NFC Solutions

Welcome Back Noise Com!

Global IT University Certification & Business Professional Training

Advanced SDR Platform Eases Multiprotocol Radio Development

IPC Printed Circuits Expo, APEX and the Designers Summit

Summitek Instruments, Inc. Introduces a Broadband Version of Their Passive Intermodulation Analyzer

Tips for Buying Used Test Equipment on eBay

2 New RF Technician Positions Available at Tektronix

The European Intellectual Property Association (EIPAWEW)

Tekron International GPS Time Clocks & Time Synchronization Solutions

Graphic Paper Products & Services

Welcome back to Boonton, an RF Cafe Sponsor!

New Version - RF Cafe Calculator Workbook - Free

Engineers Week Future City Competition

RF Packaging Trends Webcast

Taproot Systems Inc. To Demonstrate First Automated Test Engine In a Mobile Phone At 3GSM World Congress

Worldwide Laser Engraving, Marking, and Cutting Systems

A-Z Computer Network Test Equipment Liquidators

Telemakus RF Design Services

A 60 GHz Millimeter-wave CMOS RFIC-on-chip Dipole Antenna

Film Products & Services

Machrone Corp Electronic Components

SIEL Srl FM Broadcasting Equipment

2-12-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

NexTek "Extreme Currents" - Hot Stuff

Homepage Poll Q: Have you changed jobs in the last 12 months?

RF Magic - RF Systems on a Chip Integrated Circuits (ICs)

The Counter-Offer Conundrum

Writing Not Badly

Abidale IT Solutions

Fibre Optic Cabling

Vector Fields Announces a Novel Electromagnetic Design Tool for Coaxial Devices

NexTek Lightning Protectors Transition from Rigid to Flexible Cable

New Kirt's Cogitations: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Free Webcast: Designing for WiMAX

International Solid-State Circuits Conference 2007

New Forum Poll Q: What is Your Position on Global Warming?

Age-O-Matic by

TRUEbid Auction Services

European Microwave Conference (EuMC) - Call for Papers

How Much Are Public School Teachers Paid?

7 New Positions Available at Hittite

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors