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Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

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Espresso Engineering Workbook™

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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

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Analyze Matching Networks For Low-Noise Amplifiers

Open Spectrum Website: Good News Site

Free IEEE Webinar: A Primer on Corporate Innovation

Tyco Electronics Sponsors Carnegie Mellon University's Tartan Racing Team with M/A-COM Sensors

App Note: Coaxial Electromechanical Switches

New Engineering Job Listings in Beautiful Colorado Springs, with Salvador Imaging

April 2007 Contest Winners

Azimuth Systems Announces Industry’s First Scalable MIMO Wi-Fi Engineering Test Solution

Rocky Mountain Radio HAM Products Distributor

Photon Dynamics LCD Displays

Homepage Poll Q: Are you paid fairly?

Oscilloscope Challenge #8: Eye Diagrams

Rick Leupold Added to the Radar Shop Page

New Job Search Book Page

Tektronix Quiz: What's That Signal?

Stealth Microwave Introduces the SM0825-40 GaAs FET Amplifier

Google Looking for Mfg. Test Development Engineer

Patent Reform: Is This the Year?

Calibrated Electric Field Source by AET

Reducing Measurement Uncertainty in EMC Test Laboratories

Wyke Regis Amateur Radio Training Centre

Mystery Item at RF Cafe HQ - Revealed

RF-vu In-Building Wireless Planning Software

Alternative Office Suites (many free)

Calculate Your Radiation Dose

Tyco Electronics Announces M/A-COM 1,000 Watt Bipolar Transistor for Avionics Applications

IEEE's New Technology Connections Website

ESD Plan: State of Shock - Lower the Requirements?

Using LINC2 with Sonnet® EM Software Enhances Simulation Accuracy

5-7-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

LOR Manufacturing Company - Controls, RF Modules

Sensis Just Added 2 Senior RF Engineer Positions

The K7RA Solar Update

Alien Technology® Demonstrates Support For Microsoft BizTalk RFID

Developing Designs For RFID Transponder Using DTMOS

Alien Technology® & Unisys Unveil Joint FLIER Program

Free to IEEE Members: IEEE-USA Consultants Profile 2006

Free to IEEE Members: IEEE-USA Consultants Profile 2006

New Posting @ TriQuint: Strategic Systems Engineer V

New Forum Poll: Do You WiMAX Yet?

Tyco Electronics Introduces Ruggedized RFID Antenna

Electrician's Paradise

Highland Technology Precision Instrumentation & Control Applications

Trés Cool Attenuator Calculator

'Wireless Fidelity' Debunked

The Inside Scoop

Mystery Item at RF Cafe HQ

Why Nanowires Make Great Photodetectors

Jyebao is Our Newest Sponsor - Thanks!

Getting a Security Clearance ... In a Nutshell

Vertilon Corp Data Acquisition Systems

5 New Clearwire Jobs Posted

Controlling LO Leakage In Passive FET Modulators

Wireless Telecommunications Symposium - WTS 2007

CurrentRF Seeking VC Funding for IC-Based Energy Harvesting

4-26-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

M&A Lessons Learned: Electronics Industry Executives Share Success Stories

Measuring Nanoamperes

CELAB Testing & Certification Services

Please Welcome Anatech Electronics as a New Banner Sponsor

Using Today's Test Equipment: Suggestions for New Engineers

New Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Vendor Page

The Human Clock

World-o-Meters - Unique

Samsung Chooses Azimuth Systems’ WiMAX Channel Emulator

New Kirt's Cogitations: All Hail the CFL

Mr. C's Top 15 Current IT Buzzwords

5 New Job Postings From TriQuint

Obsolete and Aftermarket Components & Parts

Discera Powers High Reliability Telemetry Transmitters

Homepage Poll Q: How often do you go to meetings?

NanoCon 2007

Tektronix White Paper: XYZs of Signal Generators

PK's Loop Antennas

Keithley Nano Days

Coiler Corporation RF Repeaters

Monitor And Control Base-Station Power Amps

Azure Communications Wireless Equipment & Services

Harry Brainum Jr., Inc. Steel Products

Fooled by a Thermocouple: Temperature Sensing Gone Awry

Future Technologies Professional Services & Technology Integration

FREE Webcast: How to Maximize Your Test Coverage

Cheap & Easy Inductance Tester Uses Few Components

The Day the BlackBerrys Died - An Addict's Tale

KØS Strange Antenna Challenge

Thanks to Star Microwave for Supporting Us

IP Expert Advice: Who Owns Your Ideas, and for How Long?

ACS Announces LINC2 2.7 Microwave Simulator

Please Welcome Back Alliance Test!

Please Welcome Microphase to RF Cafe!

4-17-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

EiE: Engineering & Technology Lessons for Children

The Top 10 Weirdest Things in Space: Weird and Strange Things in the Universe

Advanced Radar Testing with Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers - Tek

Veteran Electronics Hobbyists Finding New Ways to Enthuse Today’s Youth

Cosel USA Power Supplies

New Job Posting: Senior RF Product Designer, Cobham

The WiMax Boom: It's Not All Magic

Engineering TV: "The Accident Lab"

History...and Obsolete Computers

Quirky E-Mail Addresses Won't Help in the Hunt for Jobs

Lockheed-Martin CEO: Crisis in Aerospace Engineering

Masach Technologies Launches New Website

Assembly Outfitters Soldering & Magnification Equipment

International Reliability Physics Symposium - IRPS 2007

Vincent Electronics Test Equipment Repair, Product Design, & Prototype Services

ARK RF Systems' New Release: SPsim Analogue, RF and Microwave Circuitry

Oscilloscope Challenge #7: Mixed-Signal Scopes

Understanding the Basics of Image and Carrier Suppression Measurements

New Forum Poll: Is Cellphone/WLAN Radiation Damaging?

HP - An Introduction to Reverse Polish Notation

Tales from the Cube: The Smallest Change Necessary

4-6-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

Homepage Poll Q: Do You Smoke?

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Electronic Media Show

IMST Institute Launches New Full 3D Simulation Software Designated EMPIRE XCcel™

GaAs Will Remain at the Forefront

My Daughter, Sally, Featured in BizJournal Article

Rob Roberson - Yet Another Radar Shop Vet Stops by RF Cafe

Excalibur RPN Calculator Applet (free)

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Measurements

Barclay Enterprises Telephone Equipment Repair & Sales

IP Expert Advice: How to Determine and Correct Inventorship in U.S. Patents

Miller on Edge: The Role of Miller Capacitance in Nonlinear Circuits

ECOA Industrial Products

Applied Research Associates Engineering Services

Thanks to Pulsar for Supporting the RF Cafe Mission!

Samuel F. B. Morse Papers Museum

New Job Posting: RF Engineer at Applied Instruments

Redefining Dynamic Range for Today’s Digital RF World

Ultra-Crea Oy Antennas and RF Filters

Advanced Microwave Components

Please Welcome RFIC Solutions, Our Latest Sponsor

North Hollywood Space Junkyard: One Giant Heap for Mankind

Worldwide Bluetooth-Enable Devices Market Report 2002-2010

Evolving Oscillator Technology Answers Microwave Application Needs

INSTOCK Wireless Components Power Dividers / Power Combiners

IEEE Seeking Nominations for Education Awards

Clumsy Crooks

Free WiMAX Wall Poster from Tektronix

Entry Costs to Automated Electromagnetic Design

Are Slashed by New CAE Packages

Efield AB - Productivity in Computational Electromagnetics

New Forum Poll: Does Your Company Pay for Published Articles?

2 New Jobs Posted for Boeing

Over-the-Air Testing of Mobile Devices

SAF Southern Aluminum Finishing

New Job Postings: Senior Manufacturing Engineers EE w/Microwave RF with ValleyLab

New Kirt's Cogitations: Tax Freedom Day

Designing Wideband RF Impedance Transformers

3-22-2007 Crossword Puzzle + Java Version

New Job Posting: Broadcast Engineers at TV Magic

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe