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withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Recent Additions Archive: 29

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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Precision Connector, Inc. Added to Connector Vendors Page

RF Quiz #16: Antennas

Tropospheric DX Modes Component Search Engine

5-17-2008 Crossword Puzzle

MWJ Special- "Then: Why The Microwave Engineer Should Join PGMTT"

TriQuint White Paper: RF Module Assembly Overview (w/ Flip Chip GaAs Die)

New Tech Paper: "Efficiency Measurements of Portable-Handset Antennas Using the Wheeler Cap"

How the Weather Affects Mobile Phone Signals Near the Seaside

Future IEEE Web Seminars: Tell Us Which Topics You'd Like to See

ETSD Infrastructure Systems Manager

IEEE Tech Insider Webinar: "RF Trends"

Modular Approach Provides Fast And Easy Prototyping, by Jenny Jiayan Shen

Opinion Piece: Analog TV Ripped Off by the Government

Check Out These 4 Great RF Engineering Opportunities

The 2007 Ig® Nobel Improbable Research Prize Winners Have Been Announced

Free Webinar: Six Best Practices to Design Test Systems for Scalability and Maintainability

Radio Communications and Tunnels Don’t Mix, or Do They?

Carole Raynal - RF Engineer - Resume Added

Artemis Announces an Opening for an RF/Microwave Test Engineer

Star Microwave Is Continuing to Help Bring RF Cafe to You

Keithley Creates Precision Sourcing and Measurement Resource Guide CD

Thanks to the Folks at Radiotronix for Their Continued Support

ARRIS Just Added 2 New RF Engineering Jobs

Jeff Philips - RF Engineer - Resume Updated

AMT Microwave Corporation Listing Added to Antenna Vendors

1st Used Network Hardware Listing Added

Thanks to Stealth Microwave for Supporting RF Cafe

New Paper: "Polynomial Model of Blocker Effects on Small Signal Gain and Noise Figure for LNA/Mixer Devices Used in Wireless Receivers"

5-9-2008 Crossword Puzzle

IEEE Spectrum Survey: How Green is Your Company?

TestParts Has Renewed Its Assistance in Bringing RF Cafe to You

Raytheon Baltimore Career Event - May 20th

Thanks to for Their Continued Support

Clemson University Vehicular Electronics Laboratory - Lots of Resources for EMC & Modeling - Extensive PCB Design Resource

ABC Vacuum Tubes - 2,000 Varieties, 3.5 Million Parts

DesignWorks Express - Free Schematic Capture from Capilano

Saeid Bezian - Mechanical Engineer - Resume Added

New RF Cafe Page: Engineering & Science Mistakes & Myths

SemiApps Readers Select Best Chip Solutions for Energy Conservation

UWB - A Window of Opportunity

Commentary: Engineers Need an Image Makeover

10 Phrases Employers Say They Hate to Hear

John Raymond C. Manalastas - RF Planning and Optimization Engineer - Resume Added

Bhupesh Kumar Sahu - RF/Microwave R&D Engineer - CV Posted

Nucomm Announces Engineering Openings on RF Cafe Employment Forum

1st Mob/Comm Alumni Photo Gallery

Don Nelson Reports in with His MPN-13 Radar Service

Scrape It: How to Probe a Microstrip Trace with No Accessible Test Points or Vias

15 Steps to Starting Your Own Electronic Kit Business

The New Challenge for Tech Companies: Currency Fluctuations

RF Cafe Forum Member sfnative Won a 15 oz. Coffee Mug for Participation

Sudipta Das - RF Planning/Optimization Engineer - CV Added

Robert S. is a Winner in the April 2008 RF Cafe Book Giveaway!

Having Problems Getting Older Programs to Run on Windows Vista? Try Here

All Peaks Aren't Gaussian

The New Economics of Semiconductor Manufacturing

Modified Thermal Chamber Cuts EMI

Congrats to Jess C. of RF Bites for Winning a T-Shirt

The Best and Worst Science Movies

Cedric Cooper - Telecommunications / IT Manager - Resume Added

Jeff Philips - RF Engineer - Resume Posted

5-1-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Signatec Data Acquisition & Signal/Waveform Generators

Logistica International Listing Added

Starting Up in a Down Economy - Time to Start a Business?

IMS ExpertServices - Expert Witnesses

Why Do They Call Us Expert Witnesses?

A Memorable Senior Moment

BCI Engineers & Scientists - Forensic Engineering

Matt Howell Reports in to the Radar Shop - A New Datasheet Search Engine

New Poll: Are you currently self-employed?

Dr. Pravinkumar Resume Updated

Expert Witness Secrecy: An Ethics Dilemma?

Webinar: Components and Circuit Design – Power Amplifiers

Gadget Freak Case #119: Take Control of Your Car’s Interior Lights

New Kirt's Cogitation: "Choose Your Welfare System" Forum/Webpage

Word Problems Fail Math Students

Free Seminar: Developing Measurement and Analysis Solutions for Emerging Communications Systems

Some Life-Saving e-Mails

One Person's Tech Trash is BuyMyTronics' Treasure

Jeevan Y. Meti - R&D/RF Test Engineer - Resume Added

Subramanian Ananthanarayanan - MSEE - Resume Added

Embedded RFID Webinar: Supercharging Products with RFID

"Marconi's Legacy: National Sovereignty Claims in Radio" by Robert Horvitz

Rahul Sadhu - RF MMIC Engineer - Resume Posted

Accurate High RF Power Measurement, by Jin Yu and Henry Szczurko

eSAY Fleet Management Systems Listing Added

Gideon Yong - RF/Microwave Engineer - Resume Added

Nurudeen Ganiyu - Telecom Technician - CV Added

Sawnics - SAW Filter Products

Linktronic - Search Radar System Design & Manufacturing

Please Visit 3Gmetalworx's Website in Appreciation for Their Support

Engineering the Electric Car - A Really Good Group of Short Articles by 'Design News'

National Academy of Forensic Engineers Website

New Forensic Engineering Books Page Added

"Box-O-Volts" Portable DC Supply

4-20-2008 Crossword Puzzle

New RF Cafe Intro Video

Royalty Mania Has Gone Amok

Determining Radiated Performance of Mobile WiMAX Devices

Transmission Lines Simulate Digital Filters in PSpice

What Can You (Legally) Take From the Web?

Using RFID for Industrial Applications

Seeking Urban Radar

GSM Handset Power Amplifier Control Loop Design - An Analog Approach

Swarupananda Hota - Electronics / Telecom Engineer - Resume Posted

Here is a Short, Good Article on New Battery Technology

OnBoardCircuits Prototyping Service Listing Added

A(n) Historical Perspective on 50 Years of Frequency Sources

A 300 W Power Amplifier for the 88 to 108 MHz FM Broadcast Band

New Radar Systems Vendor Page Added

Win a Chip Inductor Designer's Kit from FASTRON!

FASTRON Inductors Listing Added

Cut Loss in Low-Voltage, Wideband PIN Attenuators, by Chin-Leong Lim

Yingda Electronics - CATV Components & Equipment

What is the Threat of Counterfeit Components?

Mahesh Arkalgud Shivakumar - VLSI Design Engineer - CV Added

New Poll: Which browser do you use most often?

Congrats to Patricio B. for Winning an Engineer's Troubleshooting Flowchart Mouse Pad!

Computational Chemistry - Power Chemistry Software

EZGPIB - Free Test Equipment Control Software

Noor E. Alam - RF Engineer - Resume Added

Garmin Announces Many New Engineering Positions

Webinar: Ultra Wideband (UWB) Antennas

Congratulations to Jay Z. of Zebryk Engineering for Winning an RF Cafe Coaster

Tales from the Cube - "Semiconductor Contamination: Not Your Usual Suspects"

Electromagnetic Link Deep in the Earth Varies the Length of the Day

Thanks to Launch 3 Telecom for Supporting RF Cafe!

4-10-2008 Crossword Puzzle

What Began as a Joke Has Become Reality - Congress to Introduce Bill to Protect Blind People From Hybrid Cars

IEEE Takes on E-Trash

Those Evil Radios! (c1948)

David M. Gonzalez - BSEET Systems Engineer - Resume Updated

Iridescent Future Ahead for the Oscilloscope Market

Shifting Frequencies - Changes in the JTRS Radio Program

DARPA, Space and Network Pioneer, Turns 50 This Year (and so do I - ugh!)

Please Welcome RFMD as Our Newest Sponsor!

Political Correctness and Datasheets

The U.S. Should Be Smart Enough to Know Better

Zane Riddle - Communications / Electronics Technician - Resume Added

Monolithic Ceramic Block Combline Bandpass Filters Design - Darioush Agahi

VDI: Der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (The Association of German Engineers)

Help a Budding EE Ph.D. Student Choose a School

Ravishankar Prabhakar - MSEE Student Seeking Summer Internship - Resume Added

Abhishek Y. T. - RF Design Engineer - Resume Added

Crystal Grinding: When Electronics Were REALLY Hands-On

Is Now the Time to Aggressively Buy Semi Stocks?

New: FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure Tables

How to Convince Your Boss on Telecommuting - "World's Largest Radio Comms Reference Website"

Motorola White Paper: "Security: The Wireless Revolution is Here"

White Paper: "Dealing with Chaos: 4 Steps to Manufacturing Success" - Free

Free White Paper: "Security for the Wireless Network: The Ubiquity of Wireless Access"

ROHS – More Harm Than Good?

ViewSonic 19" Monitor for Sale

T&M World Honors 2008 Award Winners

"So You Want to Be an Expert Witness"

ARRL in Action: What Have We Been up to Lately?

Roseanna Watkinson - Network Services/VSAT Manager - Resume Added

Sajan K. is a March 2008 RF Cafe Contest Winner!

Congrats to Mark B., Winner of the March 2008 Book Drawing!

Honeywell Announces New RF/Antenna Engineer a& RF Technician Positions

Luis A. Valles - RF Engineer - Resume Added

Opinion: Engineering 'Mindset' Doesn't Include Politics

Yao Yuan - RF/Microwave Engineer - CV Added

Mid-Atlantic RF Systems Needs a Sr. RF/Microwave Engineer

Heads and Tails: Design RF Amplifiers for Linearity and Efficiency

Measuring S-parameters: The First 50 Years

Karl L. Harig - Communications Engineer - Resume Added

Residual Phase Noise Measurements of the Input Section in a Receiver

Ryan B. Cordle - Tech Control/Comms Technician - Resume Added

Article - Performance Analysis of OFDM

Steven E. Downs - Antenna/RF Engineer - Resume Posted

Michael M. Young - Sr. Electronics Hardware Design Engineer - Resume Posted

ARRL's Commentary on BPL - "It Seems to Us: Imaginary Numbers"

New Kirt's Cogitation: You Can't Choose Your Relatives

Webinar: Designing with DDS: A High Speed Solution for Portable and Hand-Held Application - by Analog Advices

Pulse-LINK, Inc (Fabless UWB Chipset) Added to Vendors

Steuby Manufacturing (Hardware & Controls) Added to Vendors

New Interferometry Resources Page Added

New Page for Interferometer Books Added

RF Quiz #15: Numerical Constants

3-31-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Mohsin Kahn - RF Optimization Engineer - CV Posted

Russell L. Pittman - Satcom & Business Development Engineer - Resume Updated

NEW! Complete Set of Schematic Symbols for Visio from the 2008 ARRL Handbook

"Compost v1.1" RF Software Released

Praveen Purushottam Chopade - RF/Communications Engineer - CV Added

Fellow Radar Shop Member Rickey Vaughan Checks In

Tales from the Cube: The Case of the 'Bad' Memory Chip

Radar Altimetry Tutorial

T&M World Webinar: Inject Pulses into Circuits and Test for EMI Immunity

Metrology Personnel Shortage is Real  - T&M World

Analyst: WiMax Might Scratch Cable's Wireless Itch

Ömer Evren İnan - RF/Microwave Engineer - Resume Posted

ETSD Infrastructure Systems Engineer Needed for Miami-Dade County - Land Mobile Radio - Job Offer Closes April 11

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs
Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Cafe Press