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Aegis Power | Alliance Test | Centric RF | Empower RF | ISOTEC | Reactel | RFCT | San Fran Circuits
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Innovative Power Products (IPP) 90 deg Hybrid Couplers

Recent Additions Archive: 30

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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Free White Paper: "Good Mobile Messaging"

Free White Paper: "Unified Communications"

Free White Paper: "NonStop Wireless LANS in the Enterprise"

IEEE's Position Statement on Reverse Engineering

RF Connectors Added to Visio Stencils

Examine the Effects of Phase Noise on RFID Range

Resources Jump Start ZigBee Apps

Dr. Yorgos E. Stratakos - Microwave Engineering Specialist - CV Added

HP Journal Online Archive - 1949-1998

WAMICON 2009 - Paper Abstracts Deadline September 15, 2008

Determining CW Power Rating of Coaxial Components (p.S6)

Building a Microwave Frequency Synthesizer - Part 3: From Sketch to Product (p.18)

NasonTech Services - Analog, Wireless, RF and Mixed-Signal Design

Jeff Philips - RF Engineer - Resume Added

Bimal Barman - IT/Network/Software Engineer - CV Added

Ethics and Experts Prepping an Expert: How Far is Too Far?

Narda is Continuing to Help Bring RF Cafe to You

RFMW Design Engineering Resource Website

Thanks to Alliance Test for Supporting RF Cafe

Beyond 3G - Communications Services of the Future

123 CCTV Listing Added - Wireless Security

Vendor Page Added for Wireless Security & Surveillance

Tekron International Listing Added - GPS Clock Sources

22 iPhone Apps for Science Geeks

Substance and Style: Restrictions on Design Materials Continue

Under the Hood: Intel and TriQuint Surprise with iPhone 3G Wins

WildBlue Communications Adds an ODU Project Engineer Position

Miami Dade County Announces an Opening for an ETSD Infrastructure Systems Manager

7-11-2008 Crossword Puzzle

3Gmetalworks Has Renewed Support - Thanks!

Congrats to June 2008 RF Cafe Contest Winners Jerry P., Richard S, and gui076 (screen name)!

Jon Titus Plugs RF Cafe on his DEV-monkey Blog

Milaap Chand - RF Network Planning Engineer - CV Added

HP's Memristor: Now Slower and Less Like Unobtainium

eCalc Online Scientific & Engineering Calculator Continues Its Sponsorship of RF Cafe

Gill Sensors Listing Added

High School Program: Pathway to Engineering™

Designing a Short-Range RF Link into a Consumer-Electronics Product

Wireless Power Meters Help Olympic Athletes

TARGET Project Puts EU at Forefront of Microwave Amplifier Design

Opening for an Electronics Engineer at the Army Research Lab

Fixed Notch Filters - by CMT

Are Fuel Cells Ready to Power Mobile Phones?

Thanks Again to Anatech Electronics for Renewing Its Support

Here is a Treasure Trove of Technical Papers Written by Glen Dash - Glen is an EMC Measurement Guru

Systematic Errors in Normalized Site Attenuation Testing

EMC Antenna Fundamentals

TEMWELL Corporation - Helical Filters - Listing Added

Why Directional Couplers Are Better for High Power Measurements vs. Attenuators - MECA

Useful Wireless Test System Architectures Using Programmable Step Attenuators - JFW Industries

Bluetooth: Sufficient Fidelity Even for Average Listeners?

Thanks to AWR for Continuing with RF Cafe

7-3-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Electronic Design Would Like You to Do Their 2008 Reader Profile Survey

S-Parameters Are So Yesterday - Rick Nelson

Heuermann HF-Technik GmbH Listing Added

Mohammed Ziaul Azad - Antenna / RF Engineer - Resume Added

New Kirt's Cogitation: "Science in Music" Forum/Webpage

Effective Shielding in Medical Electronics Applications

IC Master 3.0 Just Released

Glowing Example of Wasteful Government Waste - Forcing Collectors to Destroy Test Equipment

"Feeling the Pressure" - You Are Not Alone

Free White Paper: Headache vs. Hassle-Free - How Technology Can Ease the Burden of Regulatory Compliance

Free White Paper: Security: The Wireless Revolution is Here

RF Cafe Quiz #17: Inventors & Their Inventions

New Addition to the Electronics Industry Look-Alikes Page (Bob Pease)

Aethercomm Just Opened 3 New Engineering Positions

Lithium-Ion Batteries Prepare to Take a Giant Leap Forward

Qualcad Semiconductors - IC Layout, Design, Training - Listing Added

Ask Inc. - "I Want to Sell My company's Circuit Boards and Engineering Services in Europe."

"How Hard Could it Be?: Glory Days" - by Joel Spolsky

Please Welcome Apex Wireless Data for Supporting RF Cafe

New Poll: How long have you been out of college?

Tawhidur Rahman (Pial) - Network Engineer/Manager - CV Added

Simple Fixture Statically Tests Programmable-Gain Amplifiers

Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis - Tektronix App Note

Visit EDN's DEV-monkey Website

Get Tips on Electronics & Measurement on the Jon Titus Blog (KZ1G)

IP2 and IP3 Design Considerations for a Direct Coversion I/Q Receiver

RF Integration: Another Point of View from Analog Devices

Nominations Sought for IEEE Technical Field Awards

Take T&M World's Oscilloscope Challenge #21: Bandwidth - Win a TomTom GPS Unit

Wulfsberg Engineering (a division of Cobham) Just Announced 2 New Engineering Opportunities

American Environments Company - Electrical Compliance Testing Services

U.S. Law Aims to Catch Up with Tech - and Misses

Using Community Events to Promote Amateur Radio

Mikhail Kantaria - RF/Microwave Design Engineer - Resume Added

Guided Wave Technology Releases v 2.0 of its Filter and Coupling Matrix Synthesis software

Arslan Ahmar Khawaja - Telecomm Engineer - CV Added

GPS RF Antenna Modules for Mobile Handset Applications

6-23-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Agilent's New NVNA Analyzes Active-Device Nonlinear Behavior

Who Invented Radar? - by Cornell Drentea

Bradden (Brad) K. Cowan RF/Microwave Engineering Consulting Services

Court to Inventors: Pay Those Fees or Else

RF: Will It Ever Be Plug-In IP?

Pinping Sun, Ph.D. - RF and Mixed Signal IC Designer - Resume Added

Sudama Sharma  -RF Engineer / System Planner - CV Added

IFI Offering Free Antenna with Purchase of an Amplifier

SigFox Systems - SDR, Bluetooth, PA, Synth - Listing Added

Testing Receivers for 802.11n

  Many Thanks to RFTronics for Its Support

Isolator and Circulator Basics, by MECA Electronics

Trends in Military Communication Systems

A New Level of Integration in RF Components

New Poll: Did or will you attend the IEEE MTT-S's IMS2008 show in Atlanta?

Thanks Again to Microphase

Visit TradePub for Free Subscriptions to RF & Microwave, Microwave Journal, etc.

Check Out This Cool Header Image on the iModelIt Website (kind of a Greek Matrix® thing)

Praxsym Has Renewed Its  Support for RF Cafe

Multibeam Antenna Serves Broadband Wireless Comms

Making Advanced Radar Measurements, by Darren McCarthy

Outgrowing QuickBooks? Get the QuickBooks Replacer Kit

Philippe Boulerne Adds 5 New Load-Pull Related Patents

Please Thank Guided Wave Technology for Its Continued Support of RF Cafe

WiseCalc Mathematical Text Engine Calculator - Free (donation appreciated)

Admiral Microwaves - UK Distributor - Listing Added

6-13-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Who Might Be Spying on You?

Energy-Scavenging Cellphones: Don't Hold Your Breath

Containing Internet Worms

The Washington Post Mensa Invitational

Webinar: Supercharging Products with Embedded RFID

"We Do That" with Amateur Radio! - New PR Campaign

High-Tech Will Relieve Energy Crisis--Some Day - EE Times

Recovery Photos of the Russian Soyez Capsule that Made the Hard Landing in Kazakhstan

Free White Paper: ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

Ray Micro Devices Listing Added

Free White Paper: Disk-Based Backup & Recovery: Making Sense of Your Options

Inject Voltage Pulses and Troubleshoot - T&M World

NI Multisim 10.1 and NI Ultiboard 10.1 Now Available

Interfering With the Global Positioning System

Put Down the Phone and Pay Attention!

Boeing Announces New Engineering Positions on RF Cafe Employment Forum

IQgistics - GPS-Based Fleet Mngt Equipment - Listing Added

Bineesh Varghese - RF / Communications Engineer - CV Added

Aspen Electronics - RF & Microwave Components Distributor - Listing Added

Imran Sabir - EE / Microwave Transmission Planning - CV Added

AgentsElite - Trade Show Displays - Listing Added

Do Ubiquitous Networks Lead to Ubiquitous Surveillance?

pcAnywhere 12.1 for Sale (by me)

Test Parts Offers Waveguide Components  (...and they just re-upped -thanks)

Greg Allan: The Cable Guy to the Rescue

"Homo Nerdus," by Paul McFedries

Thanks to Spectrum Microwave for Continuing Its Support!

Placing Components Inside PCBs Eventually May signal the End of Surface-Mount Technology

Using EDX for Non-Destructive Detection of Lead in Consumer Products

6-6-2008 Crossword Puzzle

How to Straighten Bent High-Speed O-scope Probe Tips

Nominate Someone for T&M World's 2009 Test Engineer of the Year Award

Unraveling the Dynamic-Range Specification in Modern Spectrum Analyzers

Calculating Mismatch Uncertainty

New Way to Use Kirchhoff's Current Law Simplifies Circuit Analysis

When Power Supplies Don't Meet Specs - by Martin Rowe

How Technology Scored Obama the Nomination and Why Tech Isn't an Election Issue - EE Times

Dana Dee Webb - RF / Communications Engineer - Resume Added

Keithley is Running a Big Sale on DMMs

RF and Microwave Filters Webinar - June 24

SeaSolve Software - Test and Measurement Solutions and IP Cores for ZigBee, WLAN, and WiMAX

The May 2008 Book Drawing Winner is Jerome H. (just send me an e-mail if you want to enter for June)

Jeongmin Jeon - RFIC & PA Design Engineer - Resume Added

Shankar Ramanathan - Electrical Engineer (New Grad) - Resume Added

Please Thank Reactel for Helping to Bring RF Cafe to Us

RF Cafe Forum Contributor FSomma Won a 22 oz. Ceramic Stein

Arpana Saad - Electronics & Communications Engineer - Resume Added

Ivan Boshnakov - RF/Microwave Engineer/Manager - CV Added

Congrats to Chris B. for Winning a 15 oz. Coffee Mug!

Radio Roots - One Ham's Odyssey

Free White Paper: "Why Business Acumen Wins More Sales"

Luke Weter - RF/Communications Technical Manager - Resume Added

Ravi Durbha - Antenna/Communications Engineer - CV Added

5-30-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Zelogtek Military & Commercial Packing Services - Listing Added

Assets2Market Surplus Inventory & Capital Asset Management Listing Added

Amplical is Continuing to Help Deliver RF Cafe to You

AnaPico RF Signal Generators & Microwave Samplers

Free Online Automated Test Summit by National Instruments

Thanks to NoiseWave for Continuing to Support RF Cafe

ESD Human Body Model: The Hidden Challenges

Jit Thaker - RF Optimisation / Design Engineer - CV Added

Consult Ed Ellis, LLC - Electronics Manufacturing Consulting Services

New IPTV /Mobile Streaming Video Resources Page

A Matter of Light, Part 1---The ABC's of LEDs

New Kirt's Cogitation: "Retiring Your Retirement Plans?" Forum/Webpage

Free White Paper: "Dealing with Chaos: 4 Steps to Manufacturing Success"

New Poll: Are you having to cut back in leisure activities because of the impact of high oil prices?

MSDS for the Woman Element

Krishna Rao Kakkirala - MSEE Electronics & Communications - CV Added

Free Webinar by Agilent: "Co-Simulation for WLAN Antenna and Circuitry Design"

FREE "Keithley's Switching Handbook: A Guide to Signal Switching in Automated Test Systems"

IEEE Project Management Webinar - June 3, 2008

Modified Thermal Chamber Cuts EMI

Top 20 Risk Factors for Tech Companies

Minimize WLAN Interference

Building a Microwave Frequency Synthesizer - Part 1: Getting Started

A High Dynamic Range Receiver for the Radar Open System Architecture

ThreadSpecs 2.0 Thread Engineering Software

Finding, Hiring, and Keeping Next-Generation Talent

What Process Data Mining Means to Chip Designers

Innovative Power Products (IPP) 90 deg Hybrid Couplers
Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs