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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe

Recent Additions Archive: 31

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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DataNet Quality Systems - WINSPC Software - Listing Added

9-18-2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Take Design News' Engineering Survey - Win $250

Webinar: Signal Integrity Measurement Methods: S-Params, Jitter, TDR, Crosstalk

High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers: Turning the Pages of Forgotten History (HFE p.18) Andrei Grebennikov

Building a Microwave Frequency Synthesizer - Part 5: Advanced Techniques (HFE p.50) Alexander Chenakin

Recent Activities in Standards and Regulations (HFE p.30)

KA7IQ - Apple Roof Cleaning - Offering Free Roof Cleaning Advice to Hams

Tektronix AFG3102 Sweepstakes

Free White Paper: Best Practices for Selecting WAN Optimization Solutions

"Voltage in the Dell" - Another Ground Loop Tale... with Pink Lines

Tharsus Vision Listing Added

Free eBook - Principles of Semiconductor Devices - Nice!

Amateur Radio Quiz: As the Dial Turns

Pre-Pulse Voltage in the HBM ESD Model

Thanks to TestParts for Their Continued Support!

Are You An Engineer if You Don't Pass the P.E. Exam?

Component and Design Considerations for Extended Product Lifecycles

The $70 Billion DTV Spectrum Rip-Off

If You Can't Beat Patent Trolls, Join Them

Bert Lesley - RF Engineer - Resume Added

AWR Rolls Out Fall Training Schedule for Microwave Office

Dave Matthew Scott - RF Engineering /Technical Manager - Resume Added

A Paper Transistor

Electric Supergrids Gaining Traction

The Top 10 Hidden Costs of Outsourcing

Lithium Batteries are Still the Choice to Power Manpack Military Gear

Museum of Reontgen X-Ray Tubes - Dr. Grzegorz Jezierskiat

Spectrum Control is Looking for an Antenna Design Engineer

9-11-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Webcast: Test Applications Using LXI Instruments

Take EE Times' 2008 Salary & Opinion Web Survey

The Nov 1992 RF Design Article of My Contest-Winning SPURS Software - Scanned & OCRed

New RF Cafe Poll: How many paid vacation days do you get each year?

Mercyma Deeba Balachandran Antenna/RF/RFID Engineer - Resume Updated

Intelligent Training International Ltd - Corporate Counter-Espionage and Specialty Training - Listing Added

Stealth Microwave Continues to Help Deliver RF Cafe to You

Sagrad RF Design Products & Services Listing Added

Convergence Devices - Design Consulting - Listing Added

Thanks to Amplifier Solutions for Their Continued Support

8 Types of Online Mortgage Calculators

Congrats to Patricia W. for Winning the August Book Drawing!

Tom P. of Innovative Power Products is an RF Cafe Winner

Webinar: New Strategies for Validating RF Receiver Performance

Ravi Kumar - Cellular Network Engineer / Manager - CV Added is a Resource for Technical Consultants

The Tektronix RFIQ Challenge is Back! - Win $100 - Only 2 Weeks

Lalit N. Raina - Electrical Engineer - Resume Added

RF Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems Sip Power for 10 Years from One Small Battery

9-3-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Another Winner for August - Conrad J. Chooses a Coffee Mug

Mike Ashkenazi - Microwave / RF Engineer - CV Added

New Online Power / Voltage / Current / EM Field Converter

Radiated Power Calculator: ERP, EIRP & dBuV/m

Field Strength Conversion Table / Calculator

Compliance Engineering - EMC Testing Products - Listing Added

Congrats to RF Cafe's August Contest Winner - Barry S.!

Marcus Transformer Listing Added

Online Attenuator Calculator (auf Deutsch) by DK1RM for Pi and T attenuators

Employee or Contractor? - The Legal Difference

Madhusudhan Ramakrishnan - Telecom Engineer - Resume Added

CQ China - An Inside View of Amateur Radio in China

Rich Mccauley - Telecommunications Technician - Resume Added

Quantum Weirdness: 2x0 Doesn't Always Equal 0

Principled Connections - Telecommunications Installations Listing Added

SSTV (Slow Scan Television) Website - by G0HWC

Electronic-System-Level Design: Is There Fire Beneath the Smoke?

Copyright Law and the Web, Part 2: Who Are the IP Police?

Check Out NASA's 50th Anniversary Production

The Amateur Amateur: Doing It in the Street

IC Mask Design Limited - Listing Added

Tesla Roadster - A Look Under the Hood

New Science Videos Page on RF Cafe

White Paper: 60 GHz Transceiver IC Design Using High-Mobility .15-micron GaAs Process

Conference Covers All Aspects of Radiation

White Paper: SDR - The Next Wave in RF Test Instrumentation?

As Design Outsourcing Matures, a Potential Problem is Emerging: Hot Chips

Where Cell Phones Go to Die

New Tektronix App Note: Solving the Most Difficult RFID Testing Challenges

Thank-you to Coaxial Dynamics for Supporting RF Cafe

8-26-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Nikunj Khankhanwala - RF / Microwave Engineer - Resume Added

Ashish Pradhan - RF Circuit / Systems Designer - Resume Added

G.C. Kishore Kumar - RF Designer - Resume Updated

JQL Electronics Has Renewed Their Support - Thanks

RF Cafe Quiz #18: Archaic Scientific Words & Definitions

The Poor Man's Patent (IEEE Spectrum Article)

Datasheet Archive - More Than 100 Million Datasheets from 7,500 Manufacturers

Skyworks Has Decided to Continue Supporting RF Cafe - Thanks!

Shahidul Islam Mamun - RF / Transmission Engineer - CV Added

New RF Cafe Poll: If the U.S. election was held today, who would you vote for?

The Physics of Batman

Cash in on Keithley's Buy-1-Get-1-Free DMM Sale

Spy vs. Spy - Digital Forensics

Garmin Just Added a Handset Regulatory Engineer Position

Welcome to Michael Rush - Our Newest Addition to the USAF Radar Shop Page

Thanks to Applied Computational Sciences for Their Continued Support!

Take the T&M World's - Data-Acquisition Challenge: Sensors (win $300)

Changes for Becoming a Licensed Engineer

Eight Unusual Ways to Improve Your Soft Skills

Phased Retirement — The Time Has Come

NEW on RF Cafe: Obsolete S-Parameter File Archive

Measuring Modern Frequency Chirp Radars

White Spaces: Ready for Development Permits or Off-Limits?

50 Years of Millimeter-Waves: A Journey of Development - by Wolfgang Menzel

Retrospective: A New Philosophy for Mil-Specs on Microwave Components - by Leo Gumina

Compost Software 50% Off for Limited Time

Michael J. Guerre - RF Engineering Technician - Resume Added

Douglas P. Morrison - RF/Analog Design Engineer - Resume Added

8-17-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Congrats to Benjamin E. for Winning an RF Cafe T-Shirt!

Continental Automotive is Looking for an RF Engineer!

Ray Ramgopaul - Electrical Engineer - CV Added

ZoomRP Rapid Solid Model Prototyping Service Listing Added

Please Visit IPP in Appreciation for Their Support

+++ All-New Comprehensive RF Cafe Site Map +++

U.S. Satellite Shootdown: The Inside Story

Win a $50 Certificate - Take MW&RF's Reader Survey

Test Parts is Running a HUGE 10% Off Sale

ROHS Enforcement Getting More Forceful

Tales from the Cube: Microphonic Noise in Ceramic Caps

IEEE Webinar: Engineering the Art of Negotiation

Battlefield Satcom

Use Pulse I-V Testing To Characterize RF Devices, by Pete Hulbert

Custom Software Design Group - Listing Added

The Fine Folks at Guided Wave Technology Continue Their Support - Thanks

New Blogs Added on the LBA Group Website: As the LBA Antenna Turns, Hear No RF Evil, See No RF Evil, Antena LBA Hispana

GraphiCalc 2009 Just Released

Breadboard with SMT ICs an Easy Way - Jon Titus Blog

Keithley is Offering a FREE Poster for WiMax Measurement

Thanks to Narda for Supporting RF Cafe

What It Takes to Get a Security Clearance

Shalini Sodagam - Wireless Network Engineer - Resume Added

Tharsus Engineering Has a New Website URL

"Good System, Bad System" - Network Engineers' Humor

Who Needs Silicon Valley? Angel Investing

Axiom Test Equipment Has A New Website URL

The Gadget Freak Files' Latest Project - An Electronic Model Rocket Launcher

Please Thank IFI for Helping to Bring RF Cafe to You!

Digital Predistortion Linearizes Broadband PAs, by Hardik Gandhi

8-8-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Women Are Saying "Good-Bye" to Tech

Notice: The Radio Dr. Website URL Has Changed from a1rd .com to (some scumbag snagged his domain name and wants to sell it back to him)

N9GL's RF Safety Column: Hijacking Science

Please click here to visit the Empower RF Systems website.  Many Thanks to Empower RF Systems for Its Support

Oscilloscope Fundamentals - Agilent App Note 1606

Engineering Tops List of College Degrees Ranked by Salary - See Chart

CTS Corp Just Announced an Opportunity for a Filter Designer

Many Thanks to Wenteq Microwave for Helping to Underwrite RF Cafe

RFID Webinar - UHF Tags - August 19, 2008

Transport Streams 101

SKS Science - Labware Supplies - Listing Added

Tax-Free Holiday for Computers & Supplies by Some States - Check Dates List

New Kirt's Cogitation: "Of Free Software" Forum/Webpage

Congrats to Kevin P. for Winning the July Book Drawing!

Thallium Doping Boosts Thermoelectrics

Used Measuring Equipment Sales - Mechanical Measurement - Listing Added

Stellar Information Systems - Hard Drive Recovery Software - Listing Added

OPEC 2.0: Why Bandwidth is the Oil of the Information Economy

Where is the Semiconductor Industry Going? A Panel Discusses

COTS or Military: Sometimes It's Hard to Tell

7-29-2008 Crossword Puzzle

Fast Moving Electronics and Careers in Formula One Racing

Anthony Marzullo - RF Engineer (Washington/Baltimore area) - Resume Added

Vudhivorn Kanokwan - RF Engineer - Resume Added

Cross RF Solutions - Custom RF Cable Assemblies - Listing Added

JTK Communications Launches - Win a Sharp Digital Television

Driving Meta-Innovation Worldwide

The IEEE EMC Society: A Proud History of Accomplishments

Too Many Cellphones, Not Enough Landlines?

Kusum B. Nair - Telecommunications Engineer - CV Added

Thanks to Our Friends Across the Pond for Support

AWR Design Environment Version 2008 Boasts More Than 100 Enhancements

LINC2 Software Enhances the Design and Analysis of VCOs and Other Tunable RF and Microwave Circuits

New Poll: Are you looking to change jobs?

ITT Corporation, GNSS Solutions (GPS) Listing Added

NuWaves Has Renewed Its Support - Thanks!

Tektronix App Note: "Testing Modern Radios" - Includes Frequency Hopping

Prolificx GPS Fleet Tracking Products Listing Added

Historical Highlights of Microwaves, by Randy Rhea

Twenty Three Years: The Acceptance of Maxwell’s Theory, by James C. Rautio

Reliable Electronics -Electronic Parts Distributor - Listing Added

Thanks to RFMD for Continuing Its Support!

RF Cafe Forums Contributor gui076 Sent Photos of His T-Shirt Prize

Research Publications Online: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Commentary: What Price Entrepreneurship?

Will the Space Elevator Ever Rise?

Pepro, LLC - Shielded Mobile Comms Enclosures - Listing Added

EngineerSupply - Tools & Supplies - Listing Added

7-20-2008 Crossword Puzzle

RF-ASICS Design Service Listing Added

Mercyma Deeba Balachandran Antenna/RF/RFID Engineer - Resume Added

Take the Electronic Design 2008 Salary Survey and Maybe Win a $500 Certificate

Please Visit GigaLane in Appreciation of Their Support

Save $300 off WiMAX World Show - Limited Time - Use Code WMXMS33

A Stroll Down Memory Lane (pun intended) with Intel on their 40th Anniversary!

Take This EE Times Survey & Get a Free Starbucks Gift Card

Haswath N. Seshagiri - Mixed-Signal/RF Design Engineer - Resume Added

Free White Paper: "ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification"

What Process Data Mining Means to Chip Designers

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors