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Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe

Recent Additions Archive: 34

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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One Sensor Does the Work of Many

Enter EDN's Iron Circuit Designer Contest - Win $500

More Manuals for Old Instruments - Jon Titus

Please Welcome Sunshine Design Engineering Services as a New Advertiser!

ESD Journal Online Magazine

Amateur Radio Glossary - Jargon Abbreviations, and Terminology

View UCAR's Collection of Radar System Images

Process Variation: You Can't Ignore Statistics Any More

Please Visit Cross RF in Appreciation for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

Female Engineers Hit Glass Door

Woken Technology  - Passive RF Components - Listing Added

Tech Primer: What You Need to Know About Fixed Wireless Broadband

Veovend - RFID / Contactless Sales Vending Machines - Listing Added

Red Mountain Radio - RF Design Consulting - Listing Added

Webinar: Multiple Antenna Techniques - SISO to MIMO

3-29-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Thanks to RFHIC for Supporting RF Cafe

Guide to Writing Scientific Reports

Radiofrequency Safety International Corporation - Listing Added

When is it Restructuring, and When is it Just a Layoff?

When Specifying Filters, Don’t Go It Alone - Sam Benzacar, Anatech Electronics

Please Visit vidaRF in Appreciation of Their Support

New Developments in High Frequency Printed Circuit Board Materials, by John Coonrod 

Can You ID Anyone in These Photos?

Download Z-Comm's Newly Released 2009 Catalog

Oscilloscope Challenge: What is the typical rise-time-to-bandwidth relationship for a flat-response o-scope? - Win $100

Thanks to Antenna Factor for Continued Support

Keithley White Paper Describes Semiconductor Characterization and Parametric Test Challenges

IEEE Communications Society - Free of Charge for 2009

Get Ready for ARRL Field Day 2009

IEEE - Remembering the Early Days

Phase Matching and Tracking of Coaxial Cable Sets

New High Density RF Interconnect System

Carlisle Interconnect Technologies - RF Cables & Connectors - Listing Added

Quirks of RFID Memory Make for Cheap Security Scheme

Online Coordinate System Converter

AWR and James Cook University Make RF and Microwave Design Course Available Free to Universities Worldwide

Do Elementary Particles Have Free Will?

Thanks to PCB Material World for Continued Support!

CTIA Wireless 2009, April 1-3, 2009 - Register Now

3-22-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Recalling Early GaAs MMIC Developments, by Ray Pengelly

Tim Talbert Checks in on the USAF Radar Shop Page

Aurora Software and Testing - FEST3D EM Simulator - Listing Added

New RF Cafe Poll: Are you an IEEE or IEE member?

Tales from the Cube: Conspiracy Theory

ADC Design: Whatever Happened to My Dynamic Range?

Understanding FFT Plots

RFAC Solutions Is Continuing Its Sponsorship - Thanks!

Tweaking the Antenna System (Radio magazine)

IEEE Webinar: Long-Term Care Planning in a Recessionary Environment (Today, Mar 19 @ 2:00 pm EDT)

Don H. Sends a Photo of Scamp - USN Seals K9 (retired)

Ferracci Machines  - Manufacturing Equipment - Listing Added

Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer Applications, by Loren Betts

Why CTIA Wireless Matters - Pat Hindle, MWJ

Career Outlook for Engineers in Today's Economy

2009 IEEE Green Technology Conference

Many Thanks to Colby Instruments for Their Support

March/April Antenna Systems & Technology Magazine Available Online

Noisy Radio Link Puts Brakes on Racing Crew Communication

Analog Devices 14-Bit Converter Performs Direct Digital Synthesis for RF Signals to 3.6 GHz (this is pretty amazing)

Comdel Is Continuing Its Support for RF Cafe - Thanks!

Help Wanted - Computer Engineer (humorous)

Brad E.'s Jack Russell Added to Pi

The Fundamentals of Patch Antenna Design and Performance (p.48), by Gary Breed

Reflection/Transmission Measurements Using USB Power Detectors (p.34), by Richard Hawkins

Panasonic Announces RF Architect Position for CMOS PA Design

J.J. Short Associates - Specialty Rubber Products - Listing Added

Flashback - Atomic Bomb on Barney Miller

Thanks to the Folks at IFI for Their Continued Support!

Design Prototyping Technologies (DPT) - Plastic & Metal Packaging - Listing Updated

3-15-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Cover Your Patent Butt

New Kirt's Cogitation - "Zeptoeverything - It's Mine"

National Sales Director Position Announced by Communications Int'l

Why Patent Anything If You Have to Turn it Over to Your Company?

Orbel - EMI/RFI Shielding - Listing Added

Tales from the Cube: A Lesson in Humidity? No Sweat

"Outside the Box" Methods for ESD Testing on Welcome Back Kotter (c.1976)

Koral Associates - RF Heating/Drying & RFI Consulting - Listing Added (these guys do triode tube calculations)

Sports Bio Engineering - Wearable Technology for Sports - Listing Added

AWR’s AXIEM™ Software Challenge: Free Lunch if Your 3D Planar EM Simulator Can Beat Our Speed

3-8-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Understanding Noise Parameter Measurement, by Lawrence Dunleavy

Know the Nuances of SSB Phase Noise, by Jack Browne

Point Cooling Advances for Hot ICs

Time for a Change in Patent Law

Mitigating Tapeout Risk

Please Welcome Zealand Software as a New RF Cafe Supporter!

Teltron Engineering - Sheet Metal Fabrication - Listing Added

Innertron - RF Components - Listing Added

Haynes-Bent RF Design Services Listing Updated

GreenPeak Technologies - ZigBee Modules & ICs - Listing Added

Dave B. is Also a February 2009 Book Giveaway Winner!

Dave R. is a February 2009 Book Giveaway Winner!

I'm Out of the Market Today - How About You?

INTERLLIGENT - Training, Design, TE Rentals - Listing Added

Congrats to Jeff W. for Winning an RF Cafe T-Shirt

ISQED 2009 (International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design)

Impedance Matching and the Smith Chart – The Fundamentals

2008 Year-End Review and 2009 Outlook - H1B Visa Holders Going Home

Lark Engineering Product Guide (Filters) Available

Estimating Power Costs for Always-On Electronics: The 11.4¢ Rule

Immigrant Brain-Drain Challenges U.S. Innovation

Thanks to Microphase for Continued Support

Test Ideas: Bias Current Modulation Eliminates Wiring Errors, by W. Stephen Woodward

3-1-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Completely Re-Formatted Technical Books Pages

Women in Engineering & Science

A Cover Letter Is Not Expendable

Maguffin Microwave LLC - RF/Microwave Design Consulting - Listing Added

Webinar: Demystifying Testing of MIMO Communications Systems

RF Measurement Basics for Non-RF Test Engineers

Many New Websites Added to Technical, Science, & Engineering Museums Page

GSM/GPRS Power Amplifiers Use CMOS Technology

IEEE Spectrum: Inside the Plastic Electronics Revolution

IEEE: Technology vs. Pirates

AWR Has Released Its Latest Newsletter - AWR TV & More

Whatever Happened to Heathkit? (I built a few Heathkit kits)

ONE-NET Open-Source Wireless Control Protocol  Version 1.5 Released

Network International Energy Equipment Auctions & Sales - Listing Added

Thanks Also to RFMD for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

CSI Engineering - "The Case of the Sunken Pistols"

Schottky Diodes, by Rick Cory

Classify Digital RF Signals in the Field, by
Tom Elliot

Thanks to Narda for Sustaining Support of RF Cafe

Choosing the Right Power Amplifier Helps Minimize Harmonics in 2.4 GHz Range Extension Circuits, by
John Allan

Botnets Pose Growing Silent Threat

Webinar: High Voltage LDMOS Enables Reliable High Power Solutions from HF to L-Band

Webinar: De-Embedding Fixtures for Accurate Signal Integrity Measurement

IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, April 5-8, 2009, Budapest, Hungary 

Brent Locher's Interactive Smith Chart Flash Tutorials w/Lots of Audio.

Miami-Dade County Has Opened 2 New Engineering Positions: Telecommunications Infrastructure Specialist & Technical Support Analyst

Powerline: More Reliable Than Wireless? Yes?

Are Your Filters Filtering?

Free Webinar: RF and µW Power Amplifiers

Dow Key Extended It Backing for RF Cafe - Thanks!

Measure Small Resistances, by Jon Titus

"Top 5 Reasons to Stop Whining" - Engineering students need to take responsibility for their education

PACER - Proven Analog Concepts Engineering/Research - Listing Added

2-22-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Free: 90 Page IP Telephony Pocket Guide

A College Entrepreneur Success Story - Recycled Mobile Phones

New Content Added to Directional Coupler Reference Page - Thanks to Christian D.

Thanks to KR Electronics for Continuing to Support Us!

User Comment Areas Added to RF Cafe Pages

29 Tech Phrases You Should Be Punched in the Face for Using (I didn't' write the title)

10 Steps in the Evolution of Portable Computing

Industrial Equipment Recovery Listing Added

IEEE Patent Reform: U.S. Innovation, Entrepreneurialism and Competitiveness

Full Color 2009 Event Wall Calendar Available from AR

AR Announces Rental Program for Tough Times (this is thinking outside the box)

Tales from the Cube: Reversal of Fortune

Making Oscillator Selection Crystal Clear

8 Technology Etiquette Tips for Job-Seekers

Two Steps Toward a Terabit Internet

Many Thanks to ACS for Their Ongoing Support!

Free White Paper: 802.11n Planning and Network Management

Free White Paper: Legal Aspects of Incident Investigation

Call for Projects: Discovery-Based Projects for First Year EE, CE, CS, BE and EET Students

New IFI App Note: Selection and Operation of RF Power Amplifiers for EMC Testing Applications

JFW Industries Has Extended Support of RF Cafe - Thanks!

2-15-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

See Bob Davis' Documented Restoration of His RCA 86T Radio

Keithley Curve Tracing Product Demo Presentation

European Microwave Week- Final Call for Papers

Jack Z. Won an RF Cafe Baseball Cap - Thanks for Participating!

Thanks Also to Connector City for Their Sponsorship

Congrats to Eric K. for Winning a 15 oz. RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

Tales from the Cube: Getting Real with the Real-Time Clock

Berkeley School of Engineering "Engineering News" - RF Cafe Crossword Included

TigerTek Industrial Services - Motor Repair - Listing Added

Antenna FactorThanks again to Antenna Factor for Continued Support

Slideshow: Electric Cars Rule Detroit Auto Show

Please Visit Anatech in Appreciation of Their Support of RF Cafe!

AnaRFICs - RFIC and Analog IC Design Services - Listing Added

Live Webinar: Practical Considerations for Embedded Wireless Design & Certification

IEEE: Making It as a Consultant

New Kirt's Cogitation - "RF Cafe's Greener Man-Cave"

SeaSolve Software - Wireless Test Software & Services - Listing Added

The Safest Tech Jobs in a Recession

10 Commandments of Wireless Communications

Proposed Code of Ethics for Expert Witnesses

Microsoft PowerPoints Are Terrible for Engineers

2-8-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

10% Off Entire Stock at Test Parts!

Article: Next-Generation, GaN-based Power Amplifiers for Radar Applications

Advanced Interconnect Solutions Listing Added

January 2009 Winners List Posted

San Antonio Circuit Breakers (SACB) Listing Added

Article: High Power UltraCMOS Switches and Mixers Satisfy Demanding Military

IEEE Spectrum: Antennas for the New Airwaves

Jon Titus: "Give Me a Slide Rule, Please"

Thanks Also to Alliance Test for Supporting RF Cafe

This Car Runs on Code - IEEE Spectrum Article on µP Control in Autos

Commercial Communications Satellites for the Moon

Congratulations to Hugh P. and John M. for Winning the January 2009 Book Drawing!

5CCG Radar Shop Member Jeff Smith Checks In

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe