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Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe

Recent Additions Archive: 35

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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802.11n: Complicated and About to Become Even Messier

New IEEE Benefit Makes Relocating Easier

Free Keithley Webinar Explores Fundamentals of Semiconductor C-V Testing

More on Patents and Employee Rights

"Tradeoffs and Other Requirements When Specifying RF Filters"

Many Thanks to Analog Devices for Their Support!

Commercial Practices Shatter Defense Manufacturing Paradigm, by Dr. Douglas Carlson

Build LPFs with Dot-Terminations - a Unique Method

RF/Microwave Solid State Switches, by Rick Cory

Aerial Tour of Presque Isle in Erie

Growing the Medical Device Industry by Shrinking It

5-24-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Sending Surface Waves Along Coaxial Cables, Part 1, by Glenn Elmore

Tunable IF Aids Bluetooth Flexibility, by Jim Wight

New AWR Newsletter Available

Register for AWR's Customer Appreciation Party at Hard Rock Cafe (IMS2009)

New Kirt's Cogitation - "SR3BMUN (NUMB3RS in Reverse)"

Patents: Fixable, Or the Next Weapons of Financial Destruction?

Thanks to MegaPhase for Providing Melanie & Me Free Tickets to IMS 2009!

App Note: IP2 and IP3 Nonlinearity Specifications for 3G/WCDMA Receivers

IPP Will Continue to Help Deliver RF Cafe to You

Cobra Electronics - Coax Cables & Connectors - Listing Added

Five-Dimensional Data Storage

Time Engineers - Intro to Engineering Principles for Kids

United Inventors Association - Patent Application Assitance

Edison Nation - More Patent Application Assistance

Lemelson-MIT Program - "Celebrating Those Inventors Who Have Turned Their Ideas into Accomplishments"

A Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna with Frequency and Polarization Diversities

Tales of CDMA

Thanks to Pulsar Microwave for Their Continuing Support!

IEEE: Next-Gen Ultrasound - Amazing Images

Linearity Improvement Techniques for Wireless Transmitters: Part 1

May Instrumentation Challenge: Function and Arb Waveform Generators - Win $300 Best Buy Card

The W1GHZ Online Microwave Antenna Book

Multiphysics Simulation Webinar

"Where Have All the Spaces Gone?" - by Gary Breed (he shares my concern for grammatical correctness)

5CCG Reunion/45th Anniversary Celebration

Fab Rankings

Electric Cars to Make Noise by Law?

An Entrepreneur's Dream - Space Debris

Sage Notebook - Spreadsheets for Many Topics

Desert Microtechnology - IC Design - Listing Added

New Items Added to RF Cafe Giveaway Selections

5-17-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Please Welcome Vector Telecom As RF Cafe's Newest Supporter!

New Vendor Page - Electronics Kits Suppliers

Coaxial Cable—Still the Best Way to Make An RF Connection (very good, but much better in printed form because of photos & illustrations)

Picking Pockets, Wirelessly

Visit the Heathkit Virtual Museum for a Walk Down Memory Lane

ROHS Changes Keep Design Engineers Vigilant

Thin Air: ATSC Reception Isn't Always Easy

Solder Repair Saves $400 for a Replacement Key Fob (a little  DIY for recessionary times)

Slideshow: The Many Facets of Microchips

Old Standards Live On

"All You Ever Wanted to Know About Radar Measurements" - App Note by Tektronix

"Challenges and Solutions for Testing Frequency Hopping Radios" - Free Webinar Tektronix

Flirting 101 for Engineers

Thanks to American Microwave for Continued Support

The 10 Commandments of Wireless Communications

Product Design Strategies: How to Keep Up With the Competition

Malware: Another Pandemic of Which You Need to Be Aware

Capacitor-Powered Electronics Is at the Core of Green Design

GPS Constellations Have Outlived Usefulness

The Time Has Come for Military Ground Robots

Patents: Fixable, Or the Next Weapons of Financial Destruction?

Please Thank TEC for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

Radar Measurement Comparison: Swept and FFT-Based Signal Analyzers, by John Barfuss

Free White Paper: ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

Free White Paper: "The Art of Teleworking"

5-10-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

New Boeing Job Announced: Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Analyst

Axsem Has Renewed Its Support - Thanks!

Power Meters Gear Up for Smart Grid Service 

Patents: Fixable, Or the Next Weapons of Financial Destruction? 

Testing DigRF for 3G Handsets 

Reality Check for Star Trek Tech

Thanks to Procyon PCB for Their Continued Support!

25 Microchips That Shook the World

May 21 IEEE Webinar: How to Win in a Competitive Job Market

USAF Radar Shop Member Jeff Jedinak Checks In

Padtech Industries - Manufacturing Services & Components - Listing Added

Kudos to Ajay S. for Winning the RF Cafe Book Drawing!

Test Ideas: Program Resistance in a Bridge Circuit
Alexander Bell

Power Meters Gear up for Smart Grid Service
Margery Conner

Demystifying Global Engineering

RF Cafe Forum Winner "biff44" Won an Coffee Mug!

Innovation: Genius, Practice, or Luck?

Congrats to RF Cafe Coffee Mug Winner Morten M.!

5-3-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Wireless Versus Powerline: Regretfully Going Back to the Starting Line

Equalizers on Demand Amplitude Flatteners by R.A.Wood

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing White Paper - Keithley/IEEE

ARRL Continuing Education Online Course Registration

Do Alpha Male Geeks Scare Women Away from Programming?

Impedance Matching Webinar - May 19

What Happens to Phones When They're Recycled?

RF Engineering Inc. - Wireless Design Services - Listing Added

Overcoming the No's to Joining IEEE

Space and the Developing World

Engology (Engineering Technology) Website - Resources

Agilent Webcast: Solar Array Simulation for Satellite Testing

IEEE Offers Free Communications Society (ComSoc) Membership

Praxsym Continues Its Support of RF Cafe

Ubiquiti Networks - WiFi/WLAN/WISP Base Stations, USB SpecAn, Embedded Systems - Listing Added

Why Do Cell Phones Cause Noise on My Office Speaker Phone?

Heisenberg Uncertainty and RF Measurements, by Dr. Don Metzger

Take the T&M World Oscilloscope Challenge: Pattern Triggers  (win $100)

4-26-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

6 Ways to Find a Stimulus Job

New RF Cafe Poll: Have you ever built an electronics hobby project?

"4G Technology - An Overview" by Broadband Expert

ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

Thanks to Polyphase Microwave for Their Continued Support!

Super-Regenerative Receiver, by Rohde & Poddar

Reinventing the Transmit Chain for Next-Generation Multimode Wireless Devices, by R. Harlan

NASA Software Repository - Lots of Free Stuff

Entrepreneurialism and Innovation During a Recession

Power Rail Filtering Improves PLL Performance

New Regional Service Manager Position Announced

New Kirt's Cogitation - "The New [Smart] Colossus"

Nanotechnology? What's That?!

Can Technology Save the Economy?

What Weapons Want: Q&A with DARPA's Microsystems Master, Greg Kovacs

IEEE Feature: Rebuilding Your Nest Egg

A Big Thanks to Guided Wave Technology for Their Support!

Dealing with Mad Patent Disease

Compost Software Site Available Again

White Paper - "Using Technologies to Increase Perfect Order Metrics: RFID, Speech"

"Mobility Starts at Home" - Video by Motorola

4-19-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Evaluating Impedance Transformers With A VNA, by
Ferreira, Pereira, Ribeiro

"A Bit of Radio History" (see pg. 64)

How Much Tx Power do WiMAX Nets Need?

ECA Digital Library - 1,700 Tech Papers

The III-V vs. Silicon Battle, by Darcy Poulin

Analyze Bearing Accuracy of a Monopulse DF System,
Leo G. Maloratsky

Test Solutions Soup Up for 4G

European Antennas is now Cobham Antenna Systems

802.11n: A Complicated Spec-To-Be is About to Become Even More Messy

Sherlock Ohms: The Adventure of the Incredible Sparking Car (very interesting)

Thanks to Microphase for Continued Support

Amplifier Research - High Power RF Amplifiers - Listing Updated

Pro Tips E-Newsletter - Machined Parts Advice

Ten Famous People You Didn't Know Were Engineers

Getting to 4G Through Design and Test

TrackWatcher - OEM Resource Tracking - Listing Added

Dealing with Parts Shortage Nightmares

Moortec Ltd - IC Design Services - Listing Added

RDO Labs - Design Services, Argentina - Listing Added

Free White Paper - ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

Free White Paper - 802.11n Planning and Network Management

4-12-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Key to Innovation: Universities

RF Cafe Quiz #21: Wireless Standards Knowledge

Many Thanks to for Long-Time Support!

Motorsense Ltd. - Materials &  Data Logistics - Listing Added

Says IGM: If Your Job Moves to India, Follow It

IBM Fellow: Moore's Law Defunct

Consider Carbon Nanotubes for ESD Applications

Space: The Final Frontier for Cell Phones?

CommScope Looking for RF Product Engineer

Phoenix Logistics Announces Opening for an RF/Microwave Design Engineer

CTIA Seeks to Block Cellphone Jamming Demo at DC Jail - RF Cafe Visitor Stevan M., of CellAntenna, Was Conducting the Tests

Cellular Carriers Need to Surrender Revenue from Illegal Cell Phones Found in Prisons, Says CEO of CellAntenna Corporation

CellAntenna - Cellular & Wireless Repeaters - Listing Added

Online Tools Home In on Analog Design

Thanks to Tharsus for Continued Support

Tales from the Cube: Flip-Flop Flap

Getting to 4G Through Design and Test

The Physics of Pizza Tossing

ESD Problem Diagnostics in IC and PCB Assembly

Utilities Suffer from CFLs' Poor Power Factor

A Smarter Way to Dig Up Experts

Please Welcome Haynes-Bent Consultants as an RF Cafe Advertiser!

TI App Note: Basics of Voltage-Level Translation

New RF Cafe Poll: What is Your Employment Status?

Online Inductor Impedance Calculator

Online Capacitor Impedance Calculator

Gartner: When Will the Recovery Begin?

Many Thanks to Analog Devices for Their Support!

What is the Difference Between a Human Eye and An Antenna?

Oren Elliott Products - Variable Air Capacitors - Listing Added

Free White Paper: "Getting the Most Out of WLAN in Schools"

4-5-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Free White Paper: "IP Phones Checklist: What to Ask Before You Buy"

Congrats to Peter C. for Winning a 15 oz. RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

2 New Job Listings: Senior Infrastructure Systems Engineer & Telecommunications Infrastructure Specialist

Xenon Project - RC Model Supplies - Listing Added

How Much Do Your ESD Solutions Really Cost?

Patent Reform Effort: Big Outfits vs. Small

RF Engineers Automate Tests

Thanks to Fotofab for Continued Support

Catherine S. Won an RF Cafe 15 oz. Coffee Mug!

Tales from the Cube: Conspiracy Theory

Congratulations to Balaji S. & Mike B. for Being Winners in the March 2009 RF Cafe Book Giveaway!

BYD Throws 5,000 Low-Cost Engineers at Auto Li-Ion Battery Packs

AnaSoft - SuperSpice Simulator - Listing Added

Amateur Radio Quiz: Stating the Obvious

Delivering During the Downturn: Engineering Management Strategies at Top IC Companies

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Has Begun Sponsoring RF Cafe

Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe
LadyBug RF Power Sensors


Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe