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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Recent Additions Archive: 38

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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Could Car Batteries Back up Our Electrical Grid? (I'm still thinking about this one...)

Many Thanks to Axsem for Sponsoring RF Cafe!

NEETS Module 8, Ch 3, Special Amplifiers

AIR802 - Antennas, Cables, Connectors - Listing Added

Art Is in the Eye of the Beholder... Are These Nice Connector Photos or What?

Thanks to Procyon PCB for Their Continued Support!

I'm on LinkedIn--Now What??

White Paper: Smart Metering for Electric and Gas Utilities

Develop Software for Test Instruments, by Brian McLean

New System Simulator Includes Spectral Domain Analysis, by Dale Henkes, ACS

Please Visit Z-Comm in Appreciation of Their Support

Photos of Mars Look More Like Taken Through Microscope Than Telescope

Electronics Design Salary Survey: Engineers Give Back 2008 Gains in 2009

R&S Tutorial Video: Wideband Generic OFDM Measurements

Philosophical Meanings of Relativity

Innovative Power Products Has Renewed Their Support - Thanks!

11-8-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

RF and Microwave Transformer Fundamentals, by Mini-Circuits (MPD)

A Summary of Connector Specifications for RF and Other Applications (p.34), Gary Breed (HFE)

Analyzing WiMAX Modulation Quality, byBill Wu (MW&RF)

Thanks to American Microwave for Continued Support

Avionics USA and Military & Aerospace Electronics Forum June 3-4, 2010

NEETS Module 8, Ch 2, Video and RF Amplifiers

RF & Microwaves' "Microwave Legends" - Updated

Please Thank Polyphase for Helping Deliver RF Cafe

Tim Hawkins Music Video - "The Government Can"  (ala The Candy Man Can)

NEETS Module 8, Ch 1, Amplifiers

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Options

Supporting Employees Anytime, Anywhere

RF Design of Avionics L-Band Integrated Systems

Digital Feed-Forward Linearization

Electronic Design - Embedded Internet Pop Quiz

T-SAN Electronics - IC Distributors - Listing Added

Circuits 2 Cheat Sheet Added (Michael Nash, OU)

High-End Probes Actively Improve Test Results

Thanks to BC Power Systems for Their Continued Support!

NEETS Module 12, Ch 3, Demodulation

Salary Aside, Engineering Remains a Great Profession

Select the Right Ultracapacitor Solution

NEETS Module 12, Ch 2, Modulation Principles

11-1-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Congrats to John A. for Winning the October 2009 Book Drawing

PWI Integrated Circuits - HV IC Design Services - Listing Added

Origin of the Handie Talkie, by Greg Whiter, VK3CA

State of the Union...of Digital and Analog

Electrical Measurements on Nanoscale Materials, by Keithley

VivaTech - mm-Wave Waveguide Components - Listing Added

WiMAX: Understanding Signal Structure and Performing Meaningful Measurements

Where Are All the Jobs?

University Researchers Need Your Help as they Study Early Amateur Station Logs

Radio Engineer's Bequest Goes to IEEE Foundation

What is Noise? - App Note by Noisewave

Tales from the Cube: Trucks & Antennas

7 Questions That Keep Physicists Up at Night

Lowering 3G Bills and Increasing Availability with Wi-Fi—Hotspots for Smartphone Users

Nominations Being Accepted for 2009 EDN Innovation Awards

NEETS Module 12, Ch 1, Amplitude Modulation

T&M World Challenge: In a DC load, what does slew rate refer to? (Win a $400 Best Buy gift card)

Warren Savage On: The Shifting Sands of Semiconductor

Engineering Trivia from the Website

Virtual Slide Rules
Standard slide rule -
Pickett slide rule -

Many Thanks to for Their Support

10-25-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

College Cheat Sheet Collection

NEETS Module 11, Ch 3, Microwave Antennas

Optimum Spring Solutions - New Listing

Sr. RF Engineer Seeking New Opportunity

Paradigm Shift: How Galileo's Spy Glass Upended Science

Bueno? Dobre? How to Learn a Foreign Language Online (a valuable asset in today's world)

Newest EDN Edition Available Online

NEETS Module 11, Ch 2, Radar Subsystems

encounter - "The e-Newsletter for Graduates and Friends of the OU College of Engineering"

Paladin Manufacturing - Offshore Solutions - Listing Added

The Outsourcing Reality

The Adventure of the Suicidal IC's

Setting a New Standard for Through-Silicon Via Reliability

Phase Noise Reduction in Microwave Oscillators, by Alexander Chenakin

RF Design of Avionics L-band Integrated Systems, by Leo Maloratsky

Thanks to Orbel for Their Continued Support

Hire the Right Person the First Time

Get Your Company Listed in Radio World Sourcebook for Free

Request: Looking for Rare High-Z, Low-Capacitance Coax

Differential Circuit Design - Improve Rx IP3 by 6 dB, by Analog Devices

Please Visit Skyworks in Appreciation of Their Support

IEEE COMSOC: Emerging Technologies in Wireless LANs

NEETS Module 11, Ch 1, Waveguide Theory & Application (This is the best overview on waveguide components that I have ever seen)

AlphiMAX - P2P Signal Propagation Calculator - Listing Added

10-18-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

White Paper: "Secure Your Domains. Secure Your Business" (lots of domain hijacking going on)

Thanks to Microphase for Continued Support!

White Paper: "Successful Live Event Streaming" (a good way to get an audience)

Check Out AnalogHome - "An End-to-End Design Resource"

NEETS Module 18, Ch 4, Radar System Maintenance

NEETS Module 18, Ch 3, Radar Indicators and Antennas

NEETS Module 18, Ch 2, Radar Subsystems

Video Tutorial: Getting Started with Complex Signals

Nobody Did the Calculation for the Balloon boy over CO

Fellow Radar Tech Butch Salmon Checks in on the 5CCG Page

Comdel RF DC Power Supplies Helps Deliver RF Cafe - Thanks!

HELP™ Technology – A Revolution in Power Amplifiers
Mahendra Singh

NEETS Module 18, Ch 1, Radar Subsystems

A Chronological History of the Development of Radio (thanks to Greg W.)

Instant Expert: How Can We Tell If a Country Is Making Nuclear Power or Nuclear Weapons?

Fable: The Company Which Made Germanium Transistors

NEETS Module 18, Ch 1, Radar Fundamentals

Thanks to Advanced Test Equipment Rentals for Continued Support

Lowering 3G Bills and Increasing Availability with WiFi - Why Hotspots Make Sense for Smartphone Users

An Interesting "Vectors of Change" Timeline

3DudesGone3D - New Editions from SolidWorks

Jon Titus: More Common Mode Tips

Bob's Mailbox: "What's All This Little Guy Stuff, Anyhow?"

Please Welcome How2Power as a New Sponsor

Matheonics Technology - FAZA filter Synthesis Software - Listing Added

10-11-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

All Engineers Need to Understand Electronics

Sherlock Ohms: The Case of the Gummy Gears

Counting Electrons: How to Measure Currents in the Attoampere Range

Networks International Corp (NIC) is Continuing Support - Thanks!

Video: "4G Ahead! A New World of Enterprise Mobile Broadband"

White Paper: "Top Tips for Choosing Mobile Computers"

Take the Electronics Products Poll, Win an iPod Nano

New RF Cafe Poll: Does your work involve defense system design / development?

Capacitance Meter Uses PLL for High Accuracy

Waveform Art, by Tony T. (be prepared to laugh)

Sherlock Ohms - The Adventure of the Suicidal ICs

Thanks Also to RFMD for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

WR-Connect Waveguide Structure Design Tool

Corrugated Low-Pass Filter Design Workshop

Digoria Microwave - Filter & Antenna Design - Listing Added

Wavelength Electronics - Laser Diode Drivers & Temperature Controllers  - Listing Added

Round Solutions - M2M, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cellular Products & Services - Listing Added

Roving Networks - WiFi & Bluetooth Modules & Dongles - Listing Added

Thanks to GigaLane for the Continuing Support!

Amplifier Technology Ltd - PAs for Defence & Aerospace - Listing Added

Gauge The Effects Of Coplanar Ground Planes, by Mark Kolber

Rocky Mountain Tracking - GPS Tracking - Listing Added

Stubble Trouble: Beating Back Those Tin Whiskers (we have not heard about this for a while)

Please Visit Alliance TE for Helping Deliver RF Cafe to You

Full-Wave Active Rectifier Requires No Diodes

IEEE: Americans Don't Like Being Tracked on Web

A General Algorithm to Calculate Third Order Intermodulation Product Locations for any Number of Tones, by Chris Arnott

Download ATC's Classic Capacitor Handbook for Free

NEETS Module 3—Introduction to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement

Many Thanks to RFHIC for Renewing Support of RF Cafe

SKY Computers Inc. - -Radar Systems - Listing Added

Low Cost Manufacturing in North America: An Alternative to Asia

Batteries Present a Great Hope for U.S. Manufacturing

Thanks Again to Anatech for Long-Time Support - Please Visit Their Site

High Tech Won't Save the Economy This Time (I've been saying this for over a year)

10-4-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Congrats to Brian W. for Winning "Essentials of UMTS"!

Military Vital to RF Industry - Jack Browne, MW&RF

IDEAS, LLC - Engineering Design Services - Listing Added

Lowell H. of Polyphase Microwave Chose an RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

Book Review: The Flaw of Averages

The Origins of 60 GHz: How Does It Work?

Congrats to Brent C. of Z-Comm for Winning an RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

Thanks to Narda for Sustaining Support of RF Cafe

2009 Ig Nobel Prize Winners Announced  - Include Bra/Gas Mask Device

Dog Lovers - Please Check Out
Doggy Dynasty

Accellera Document - Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) Recommended Practices

Keithley Online RF Test Handbook

Characterizing Noise in Voltage-Reference ICs, by Jim Williams

Electronics Industry CEO Pay - Some Fuzzy Logic

Please Visit Cross RF In Appreciation of Their Underwriting

With Early Retirements and Layoffs, the Sr. Engineers Have Less Time to Train the Next Generation

Nokomis Is Looking for Antenna Engineers in Pittsburgh, PA

NEETS Module 1, Chapter 3: Direct Current

Smart Metering Communications Issues and Technologies

Thanks to Joe at Sunshine Design for His Continued Support of RF Cafe!

Boost Your Skills and Get Certified

Erie, PA Region Manufacturers & Manufacturing Services

Signal Analyzers Outshine Spectrum-Analyzer Cousins

Sherlock Ohms: The Adventure of the Exploding Drives

RF/Microwave Challenge, September 2009: Smith Chart (win $300)

The Basics of Patch Antennas, by Orban Microwave

9-27-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

System Phase Noise Calculation and Measurement Technique, by Spectrum Microwave

Agilent Offering Lots of Nice Wall Posters for MIMO, LTE, Wireless Standards

Free Agilent X-Parameter App Notes (w/o signing in)

Governments, Measurements, and CFLs

Sunburst Electronics - Contract Electronic Assembly in Erie, PA - Listing Added

Thanks to RFAC Solutions for Continued Support

ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using Radio Frequency Identification

IEEE: Here's an Idea, Why Not Patent It?

Why Haven’t I Been Hired Yet?

Sunburst Electronics - Electronics Assembly - Listing Added

Penn-Union - Connectors- Listing Added

Spending Money Effectively in Engineering

Please Thank Analog Devices for Continued Support!

9-20-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Drive-by Downloads—The Web Under Siege

Radar Pulse Measurement Application Note by Agilent - Listing Added

Sherlock Ohms: The Adventure of the Perpetrator That Played Possum

New RF Cafe Poll: How often do you visit RF Cafe?

Opinion Piece: Broadband Britain Needs Wi-Fi, Not 3G

U.S. Engineers at a Disadvantage. Join the Conversation.

Please Visit JQL in Appreciation of Their Support

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers