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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe

Recent Additions Archive: 39

If you know you saw something on RF Cafe, but cannot find it now, check these archive pages. An even better bet is to do a site-wide Search.

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Debate: Technical Papers and Open Access Publishing

Radar Systems Handbook - Power Dividers and Directional Couplers

Signal Integrity: It's a Gaussian World

Anechoic Chambers Rise from the Pits

Com-Power - EMC/EMI Test Equipment - Listing Added

USAF Radar Tech Tom Bathurst Check In

View from the Top: AWR's Dane Collin Reflects on 2009

NEETS Module 5, Introduction to Generators and Motors, Ch 2, Direct Current Motors

View from the Top: Skyworks' David Aldrich Comments on 2009

Thanks to Silicon Radar for Continuing Supporting!

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Detectors

Circulators and Diplexers

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Handbook - Microwave Waveguide and Coaxial Cable

Math, Science Jobs Rank as Some of the Best Positions in 2010

Dean H. Won an RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

RF/μW Design Consulting Services

Amateur Radio Quiz: The Transistor, Our Three-Legged Friend

Used Passive Intermod (PIM) Tester Wanted

Congrats to Bob S. for Winning an RF Cafe T-shirt!

It Seems to Us [ARRL]: Not an Emergency Radio Service?

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Support Jamming

1-3-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - 2-Way Radar Equation (Monostatic)

JYEBAO Renewed Its Commitment to Help Deliver RF Cafe to You

FCC: "... the amateur service is not an emergency radio service"

Joe C. Won an RF Cafe Baseball Cap for Forum Contributions

NEETS Module 5, Introduction to Generators and Motors, Ch 1, Direct Current Generators

Sam Benzacar of Anatech Electronics Discusses the RF Filter Market

Thanks to GigaLane for the Continuing Support!

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Handbook - 1-Way Radar Equation

MPD Success Stories for 2009 (Dow-Key, Empower, IFI, Meca Elect., NIC, RFMD, Spectrum μwave,  Z-Comm, more...)

A Cold and Changing World for Silicon IP

Exact Formula for Pizza Discovered

Thanks to AWR for Continuing Their Support of RF Cafe!

Congrats to Itay R. for Being the November RF Cafe Book Drawing Winner!

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Handbook - Power Density

Take T&M World's Wireless Communications Challenge: LTE - Win $100

Thanks to RFHIC for Supporting RF Cafe

How to Protect Your Trade Secrets, Inc. Magazine

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Radiation Hazards

ABCs of RFID: Understanding and Using RFID

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Propagation Time / Resolution

12-27-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

RFIC 2010 Paper Submission Deadline January 5th

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Handbook - Polarization

Cryogenic Technology Applied to Microwave Engineering, by Cano and Artal

The Atom May Save Your Life - July 1950 Article in The Saturday Evening Post

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Transforms / Wavelets

Microwave Materials Lay Foundation For PAs, by John Coonrod

IEEE Around the World

Webinars Offer Career and Tech Tips

AnaRFIC Adds Capabilities to Custom IC Design

RF/Microwave New Grad w/Master's Degree Seeking Job

Options for Continuing Your Engineering Education (p.52), by Gary Breed

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Antenna Introduction / Basics

New JavaScript Directional Coupler Calculator

APN-85 Pressure Reduction Computer Added to Slide Rules Page

12-20-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Design Engineer Position Available for RF Company

Regional Sales Manager Position Available for RF Company

Another Soul Helped by My Solution for the HP Officejet 6310 All-In-One Printer Installation

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Antenna Near Field

Cryogenic Technology Applied to Microwave Engineering, by Cano & Artal

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Radiation Patterns

W.J. Vogel's EMC Slideshow

A Look Inside a Cellular Femtocell

The Top 10 Expert Rulings of 2009

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Modulation

Understanding Transformers: Characteristics and Limitations

Ten Common Myths About Static Electricity

Many Thanks to Highland Technologies

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Doppler Shift

An Introduction to the Sampling Theorem - National Semi App Note

1992 NY Times Article on the Demise of Heathkit

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Duty Cycle

Agilent: Digital Modulation in Communications Systems - An Introduction

Electronic Circuit Analysis, by David J. Sager

Thanks to Orbel for Their Continued Support

Animated Smith Chart Tutorial by Keith Schaub (on Savvy Paper)

IEEE: Is It Your Time to Be an Entrepreneur?

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Decibel (dB)

Develop Software for Test Instruments, Brian McLean

Holiday Social Networking Leads to the Hidden Job Market

Free E-Book: Maxwell's "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism Vol. II"

NEETS Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, Ch 5, Introduction to Waveform Interpretation

EW and Radar Systems Handbook - Abbreviations & Acronyms

12-13-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Most Popular DIY Projects of 2009

Thanks Again to Anatech for Long-Time Support - Please Visit Their Site

Radios With Micromachined Resonators, by Clark Nguyen (excellent article)

New JavaScript-Based Skin Depth Calculator

Sherlock Ohms: The Adventure of the Squealing Pins

DDoS: A Threat That's More Common Than You Think

Win an Agilent U1818B Active Differential Probe

Standardization—What Does It Really Mean?

Tales from the Cube: A Little Luck Saves the Day

PIM (Passive Intermod) App Note by Microlab

Thanks to Star Microwave for Their Support!

The IEEE Recommends an R/C Helicopter (so do I)

New Beta of PtP Path Loss Estimator Announced

NEETS Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, Ch 4, Qualitative Measurements

Cool Innovations - Pin Fin Heat Sinks - Listing Added

Keithley App Note: Making Volume and Surface Resistivity Measurements

Many Thanks to Noisecom for Sponsoring RF Cafe

Apply for This Engineer's Dream Job, by Jon Titus

NEETS Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, Ch 3, Quantitative Measurements

Amateur Radio Quiz: From One End to the Other

IEEE: Honoring the Trailblazing Transistor

Much Appreciation to Spectrum for Its Long-Time Support

GigaLane Extends Season's Greetings, Intros New Building

Bluetooth SIG Announces "Ditch The Dongle"

White Paper: Top 5 Trends in Learning Technology

Thanks Also to Boonton for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

The Underground Guide to the iPhone

What's in a Name? Everything! Trademark and Copyright Essentials (a slideshow)

Chevrolet Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) Fob Teardown - An RF Cafe Exclusive

12-6-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

S-, H-, T-, Y-, Z-, ABCD- Parameter Conversions (learn how to perform cascaded s-params)

Please Visit Alliance TE for Helping Deliver RF Cafe to You

S-Parameter Spreadsheet Available

7 Hard Lessons on Writing a Government Grant Proposal

Link Microtek - Waveguide & Coaxial Connector Manufacturer - Listing Added

New RF Cafe Frequency Conversion Calculator

NEETS Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, Ch 2, Component Testing

Spectrum Microwave Has Renewed Support for RF Cafe - Thanks!

"Video Conferencing Best Practices"

"Managing Travel Spending in a Downturn"

Made by Monkeys: Some Power Supply Repair Jobs Only Make Things Worse

The Mobile Internet Tsunami is Real, by David J. Aldrich, Skyworks

Please Visit Linx in Appreciation of Their Support

Develop Software for Test Instruments, Brian McLean

Quantifying the Cost of Business Lost

Tekmart International - Used SMT Production Equipment - Listing Added

Measure Group Delay Without Direct LO Access, MW&RF

Analyze BER Performance of Wireless FSK Systems, MW&RF

Thanks to RFtronics for Sponsoring RF Cafe

Congrats to Michael G. of Microphase for Winning an RF Cafe T-Shirt

Technosoft - DSP Motion Control Products - Listing Added

The Drive to Miniaturize - 0201 Flip Chip Silicon Schottky Diodes, by Rick Cory, Skyworks

Many Thanks for Connector City's Continued Support!

NEETS Module 21, Test Methods and Practices, Ch 1, Basic Measurements

T&M World Instrumentation Challenge: Frequency Domain - Win $100

RF and Microwaves in Asia: Challenging Times

11-29-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

RF Cafe Calculator Workbook v6.2 Available (prop time units calculator fixed)

NEETS Module 6, Ch 3, Power Supplies

CNN: Test Your Techno-Jargon

Dividers: Design Method of An N-way Power Divider with Dual-Frequency, MWJ

Axsem Has Renewed Their Support - Thanks!

RF Filter Designer Looking for New Employment

A New & Improved RF Cafe Sitemap

An Update on Shielding, by Jon Titus

Cable Industry Standards - Very Extensive - Anixter

Detailed PowerPoint Slideshow on Russian Hydroelectric Plant Disaster

Please Visit Skyworks in Appreciation of Their Support

Transmission Line and Lumped Element Quadrature Couplers (p.44), by Gary Breed

Transmission Line and Lumped Element Quadrature Couplers (p.44), by Gary Breed

Simulating RF Tuned Stages, by Steven M. Sandler

NEETS Module 6, Ch 2, Special-Purpose Tubes

Sherlock Ohms: The Case of the Errant Electrons

Linx-Parallax RF Design Contest - $3k in Prizes

Thanks to Narda for Sustaining Support of RF Cafe

Participate in the IEEE-USA 2009 Salary Survey

HERALD Professional - Point-to-Point Microwave Links and Networks Software

Free: Online Point-to-Point Radio Link Engineering Tutorial

IEEE's RFIC 2010 Call for Papers

See Why Daveid D's Dog is Named "Pi"

11-22-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Simon Lim - RF/SiP Engineer in Korea - Resume

NEETS Module 6, Ch 1 - Introduction to Electron Tubes

Looking for RF Sales Engineer Position in NJ

Douglas Morrison, MSEE, Optical/RF Engineer Resume

Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Handbook

IEEE Radio and Wireless Week (RWW 2010), New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2010

Twitter Means Business – How Microblogging Can Help or Hurt Your Company

Creating Enduring Customer Relationships

Sherlock Ohms: The Incidence of the Light Bulb Going Off (or In?)

IEEE-USA TechMatch Online Service Assists  Entrepreneurs

ANTEM/AMEREM, July 5-9, 2010, Ottawa, Canada

Congrats to Jacob S. for Winning an RF Cafe T-Shirt!

RF Connector Guide & History

Dilbert Electronic Candy Dispenser Troubleshooting & Repair

Thanks to American Standard Circuits for Helping Deliver RF Cafe

4th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2010, June 14-18, 2009

Accurate Measurement of On/Off Time for 802.11 b/g WLAN/ WiMAX LNAs, (p.18) Ahmad H. Abdelmajid, RFMD (I know Ahmad - great guy!)

Video - Tesla Turbine Pencil Sharpener

IEEE Contending with the Downside of Offshoring

Video from on Top of the Burj Dubai's Spire

Shocking Animated USA Unemployment Map 2007-2009

Vintage "Grid Leaks" Magazine Archive (PDF - thanks Barry L.)

11-15-2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

KJ Comtech Seeking for Distributors

Sherlock Ohms: The Instance of the Ruined Radar Relays

Wireless Communications Challenge: Constellation Diagrams  - win a $100 gift cert

Vintage Magazine Ads from Duke University's Ad*Access Website

DASH7 - A New Low Power Wireless Sensor Networking Technology, everythingRF

Vote for the 2010 Test Engineer of the Year

What is the Coolest and Most Practical Math Equation?

Controlling a Car with an iPhone - The Rest of the Story (thanks to Jason I.)

ARCH Electronics - AC & DC Power Supplies - Listing Added

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
everythingRF RF & Microwave Parts Database (h1)

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe