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Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe

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5-2-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Congrats to Mark M. for Winning the April Book Drawing!

Radar Shop Member Tom Taylor Checks In

AWR White Paper: A Plethora of Ports: Making Sense of the Different Types of Ports in EM Planar Simulators

All About Ham Radios!: Brief Intro + Other Resources

Thanks Again to Anatech for Long-Time Support - Please Visit Them Today - iPhone repair - Listing Added

NEETS 16.1 - Introduction to Test Equipment

EDN Names Winners of the 20th Annual Innovation Awards

New RF Cafe Quiz: Human-Centered Information Fusion

IEEE Tutorial - Generalized DFT for OFDM Communications (free)

RadCon Immunity Software - EMC Test - Listing Added

Cheat Sheet: EMC Related Formulae

Please Visit Orbel for Your PCB Shielding Needs

Wilmer Engineering - RF, EMI & Systems Engineering Consulting - Listing Added

George R. Wilmer Resume - RF Engineer

Hands-On RF MEMS Design Seminar

4-25-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

NEETS Module 7:4 - Solid-State Power Supplies

Many Thanks to ASC for Their Support

White Paper: Top Tips for Choosing Mobile Computers

The Strange Link Between Spherium and Helium

Build Your Own Cellular Network

RF and Microwave Amplifier Output V, I, P, and Z Relationship

12Volt-Travel - CB Radios, Cellular Accessories - Listing Added

RF Cafe Quiz #27: Remarkable Engineers

Spinning out New Circuits

Please Welcome USAF Radar Tech Dallas Sharp to the Radar Shop Page!

Why Should Software Engineers Be Licensed?

Yes, You Can Teach Engineering in High School

Understanding X-Parameter Nonlinear Measurements, Agilent

What Should an Engineer Know About First to File?

Writing Cover Letters That Get Read

Thanks to Pulsar Microwave for Support!

Forecast Rain Effects on Microwave Links, Part 2, Dr. John Howard

Design MMICs on a Budget, byJohn E. Penn

Slashdot - True Tales of Tech Hoarding

How to Get Static Protection for Hot-Swap Boards

Electrical Safety - Research & Development

HP’s Memristor

Please Contact Sunshine Design Engineering Services' Joe Cahak

Help Request on Forums: LNA Noise Circles

DIT-MCO - Automatic Cabling Testers / Analyzers - Listing Added

VN-Technology - VCO, TCXO, OCXO - Listing Added

Many Thanks to Z-Comm for Long-Time Support of RF Cafe!

Enclosed Electrical / Electronic Equipment (labs & equipment racks)

Satellite Backhaul for In-Flight Connectivity for Wi-Fi and Cellphones

NEETS 7, Ch 3 - Introduction to Solid-State Devices (a very good synopsis)

Video Tutorial on Covering with Silkspan and Dope (for model airplane enthusiasts, by Kirt B.)

AWR White Paper Brings Emerging Nonlinear Device Models into Focus

4-18-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Thanks Again to Skyworks for Their Support

Sivers IMA - VCO, PLL, mm-Wave X-cvrs - Listing Added

Congrats to Richard E. for Winning an RF Cafe Coffee Mug!

L-Network Design Procedure (HFE, p.64)

Narrowband Microwave Bandpass Filter Design by Coupling Matrix Synthesis, M. Hagensen, Guided Wave Technology

RF System Design and Analysis Software Enhances RF Architectural Planning (HFE, p.46), Dale Henkes, ACS

IEE Spectrum: Shooting Stars Can Shoot Down Satellites

Electrical Safety - Temporary Wiring

NEETS Module 7 - Transistors

Sherlock Ohms: The Case for the Simple Solution, Sans Protractor

Revolution Semiconductor - RFIC Design Consulting - Listing Added

PenserSC - Logistics / Supply Chain Services - Listing Added

Patent Reform Bill Implications, by IMS Expert Services

RF Cafe Quiz #26: Substrate Noise Coupling in Analog/RF Circuits

USAF Radar Tech Jim Alderdice Checks In!

DOE Electrical Safety - Work in Excess of 600 Volts

Here's a Very Interesting WWII Radar Article from Bob Pease (...and not one word railing against the evils of computers and other things digital)

New Science-Theme Tattoo Found

RFHIC Helps to Deliver RF Cafe to You

4-11-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Tutorial - Build a Custom-Printed Circuit Board

Handcuffed: When the Government Wants Your Invention IEEE Spectrum

Technology Company Name Etymology & Acronyms

NEETS Module 7 - Semiconductor Diodes

Many Thanks to GWT for Continued Support

Silicon Valley Mourns EEs Killed In Wednesday's Palo Alto Plane Crash (a nice tribute to fellow IEEEers)

Tear-Down: Inside a 7W LED Light Bulb

Care and Feeding of Scopes and Probes - Jit Lim

Thanks to PedaSoft for Continued Support

Tales from the Cube: Can't Put a Band-Aid on a Boomerang

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - Requirements for Specific Equipment

A New Approach to Power-Line Communications - Jon Titus

What's Up in Space?

Torturing the Secret out of a Secure Chip

Please Thank PCB Material Word for Helping Deliver RF Cafe

Sherlock Ohms: Engineer Tells a "Moving" APU Story

Image-Reject Mixer Arms Direct-Conversion Receivers, by Gardiner, Logan & Nora

Friction Fundamentals and Accelerating Cars

How to Protect Li-Ion Battery Cells

Thanks Again to Stealth Microwave for Continued Support!

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - Special Occupancies

Free White Paper: "What Is ISO 9000 and Should I Care?"

Agilent Launches Handheld RF Power Meter (but it is not cheap)

Ed Roberts, PC Pioneer (1941--2010) & Altair Designer, by Jon Titus

Thanks to GigaLane for the Continuing Support!

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - Grounding

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - Electrical Preventative Maintenance

Waveguide Filter Design Spreadsheet, by RF Shop

Combline and Interdigital Filter Design Spreadsheet, by RF Shop

Many Thanks to vidaRF for Support!

Michael Nash (OU CoE) Gives Us 4 New Cheat Sheets for Circuits Courses

4-4-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Congrats to Morton V. for Winning the March RF Cafe Book Drawing!

Thanks to Narda Microwave for Continued Support!

NEETS Module 10 - Antennas

RedEye On Demand - Machined Parts - Listing Added

AWR White Paper on Cardiff Model vs. x-Params vs. S-Functions for Nonlinear Modeling

5CCG Radar Shop Brother Taylor Lankford Checks In

Test Ideas: Linearize Measurements From Bridge Circuits, by Quintáns-Graña, Marcos-Acevedo

RF Cafe Quiz #25: Component Reliability for Electronic Systems

Tubes vs. Transistors in Military Systems

Download TXLine from AWR

iPad Striptease: It's What's Inside That Counts

Download AppCAD v3.0.2

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - General Requirements

DoE Handbook of Electrical Safety - Introduction

AWR e-Newsletter Available

AWR Online Training: "What the Signal Integrity Engineer Needs to Know But Was Afraid to Ask" (free)

Sherlock Ohms: The Case of the Diabolical Icelink

Please Visit Cross RF in Appreciation of Their Underwriting

Agilent's Genesys Designer Pro License for Sale

Used Doble Engineering F2251 Power System Simulator for Sale

Being Overqualified for a New Job Can Work

Recognizing Technology's Inflections

3-28-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Thanks to RFAC Solutions for Continued Support

New Wideband Attenuator Simplifies Testing, byBrian Walker, JFW Industries

EMI and RFI Susceptibility: Breaking Down EMI/RFI Filters, by Scott Harris

GPS Challenges, Hans Wiedemann

White Paper: What Is ISO 9000 and Should I Care?

The Underground Guide to the iPhone

Please Thank TEC for Helping to Deliver RF Cafe

Aerial Shack - Aerial and Satellite Equipment - Listing Added

Agilent X-Parameter White Papers

Principles of Transmission Lines - NEETS Chapter 10

"How Scientific Business Intelligence Can Drive Top Line Innovation Growth"

Hassel Consult - RF Circuit & Antenna Design - Listing Added

Vicor White Paper - EMI Filtering: How to Get the Lowest Noise"

Wavelength ‹--› Frequency Converter (JavaScript)

Forecast Rain Effects on Microwave Links, by Dr. John Howard

Analyze Phase Noise in a Sampled PLL (Part 3), Peter Beeson

Please Visit Skyworks in Appreciation of Their Support

3-21-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Here is Great Synopsis of the Latest Nonlinear Simulation Software and Test Hardware, by David Vye

Ultra-Fast, Simpler and More Accurate Noise Parameter Measurements, by Gary Simpson

RF Cafe Quiz #24: Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics

Coaxial Cable Power Handling, by R. Schwartz & P. Waltz, Cobham Antenna Systems

Choosing the Optimal HF Coax Cable, by B. Thiele & S. Hardin

Analogies Give Engineers Insight - A Good Rehash of Electrical / Mechanical Equivalent Systems

Miller's Tree Service, Erie, PA

Very Popular: More Letters on Shields and Grounds - Jon Titus

Resources for Military, Space and Other High-Reliability Standards (p.28), by Gary Breed

Add Realism to Your Test Signals with RF Channel Simulators, by Mark Lombardi

Notes on Shop-Made Test Accessories (p.64)

Comdel RF DC Power Supplies Helps Deliver RF Cafe - Thanks!

Soldering Tip for a Tough Joint

IEEE: How to Ace the Million Dollar Interview Question

Employee or Independent Contractor? — IRS Déjà Vu All Over Again?

Recap of the October 2009 Electrical & Computer PE Exam Results

The Approxi-Meter... when close is good enough

Allics Technology - IC Design Services - Listing Added

Complete 1951 Sylvania Tube Catalog (15 MB)

Vacuum Tube Socket Dimensioned Drawings

Thanks to BC Power Systems for Continued Support!

Radio Wave Propagation

3-14-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Introduction to Wave Propagation

White Paper: "Discover How to Save Money with VoIP"

Please Visit Alliance TE for Helping Deliver RF Cafe to You

Is EMI a Credible Theory in the Toyota Case?

Designing Wireless Sensors to Last 25 Years

Spectrum: Public Trust or Cash Cow?

USAF Tech Chuck Rogers Check in on the Radar Shop Page

Please Welcome Kete Microwave As a New Sponsor!

Neutral Conductor Hazards

Optimum Technology Matching® – More Relevant Than Ever, by Ben Thomas, RFMD

Ultra-Miniature High Linearity SPDT Switch for WLAN Applications, by Jay Yang, Rick Cory, Skyworks

New T&M World Challenge: LTE Uplink Signals (win a Kindle)

3-7-2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

ISEE - Compact K-ISM-Band Radar - Listing Added

Amateur Radio Quiz: Workbench Wisdom

Innovative Power Products Has Renewed Their Support - Thanks!

Boost Your Engineering Career - Learn to Write Well

IEEE Podcast: The Need for Electrical Engineers

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Fernando S. Won an RF Cafe T-shirt for Participation in the Forums

Sherlock Ohms: The Adventure of the RF Power Amps with High Return Rates

Technology Axioms

Congrats to Brian A. for Winning the February Book Drawing!

Photonic Systems - Fiber Optics Components - Listing Added

Check Out the Engineering Library of Princeton University

Thanks to Lemos for Supporting RF Cafe

Congrats to Jason W. for Winning an RF Cafe T-Shirt!

How to Find a Good Patent Lawyer

New Start-Up Visa Promises: Create Jobs, Get a Green Card

Cool College Start-Ups 2010 - Why Not You?

FCC - Emergency Communications

VoIP Basics

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe