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Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

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Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

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Many Thanks to JyeBao for Long-Time Support

10 Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss

Mercury United Electronics - Oscillators - Listings Added to Vendor Pages

Sherlock Ohms: Monitor Goes Dark over Cheap Components

Integrated Low-Noise Amplifiers Set New Noise Figure Benchmarks

Thanks to AWR for Continuing Support of RF Cafe!

Why Your Teenager Can’t Use a Hammer

How Government Funding of Science Rewards U.S. Taxpayers (I largely agree w/author, but too much is wasted on junk science)

The Other FCC: The NTIA

Is There a Comparable Consumer Demand and Market to USA?, Bob Pinato

The Nation's Best Jobs in Engineering & IT

White Paper: Solving the Brain Drain for Nuclear and Power Generation

IEEE: Make Yourself Indispensable!

Slideshow: Remembering Jim Williams and Bob Pease

Spectrum Is the True Currency of Wireless Operators

Science Theme Crossword Puzzle for 6/24/2012

Cold Cathode Magnetrons: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, M.N. Zybin

5 Quick Steps for Managing Work Mistakes

Tech Blunder in "Air Force One" Movie

Please Visit to Apex Wireless in Appreciation for Support 

Pulse Code Modulation - It All Started 75 Years Ago with Alec Reeves

Amateur Radio Quiz: No Guessing

After Class: Special Information on Radio, TV, Radar and Nucleonics

Teardown: Inside the Samsung Galaxy S3 Smartphone

How to Make a New Job Fall into Your Lap: IEEE

Please Thank Antenna Factor for Their Support

Understand Key ADC Specs, by Martin Rowe

QA Manager Needed by TRM Microwave

GaN Powers High Speed Wireline Networks, by Kellie Chong, RFMD

Eavesdropping on Satellites, 1963 Popular Electronics

Thanks Again to Linx Technologies for Continued Support

Using CCDF as a Method of Measuring P1dB and P3dB, by Empower RF

5 Graduate Degrees That Don't Pay Off

Low Distortion Oscillator Tests Measurement Circuits, by Vojtěch Janásek

Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 6/17/2012

Practical Integrated Passive Device Technology on GaAs, by C. Wang, W. Lee, N. Kim

White Paper: Minimizing PIM Generation from RF Cables and Connectors

Could a Klingon Cloaking Device Really Be Developed?

Web-Based Video Radar Systems Courses to be Offered by IEEE (p.36)

Sherlock Ohms: West Wind Tilts Radio Antenna out of Range

Youth@HamRadio.Fun: From Field Day to Financial Aid -- What Amateur Radio Can Bring

The Patent Eligibility Bar Gets Raised Again

Thanks to Analog Devices for Long-Time Support

Reducing Data Transmission Errors by Breaking Ground Loops (p.18), by Nikolas Ledoux

Teardown Reveals Chevy Volt's Electronic Secrets

Think Before You Click - Facebook’s "Like" Button - BullsEye Author Maggie Tamburro

After Class - Working with Selenium Rectifiers

Sherlock Ohms: Case of the Failing 'C' Batteries

Introduction to IEEE 802.11ac Manufacturing Test Requirements, by Robin Irwin

Insights from Gordon Moore

Preserving Our Past: Oscilloscope History Museum

Wayne VanDenBroeke Added to the Venerable List of USAF Radar Techs

Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 6/10/2012

NAVAIR Seeking RF Communications Engineer

Custom Circuit Boards Listing Added

Listing Added for Indivum Technologies, Distributor of CTE Communication Technology Coaxial Switches

NAVAIR Looking for AEA Jamming Systems Engineer

Electronic Attack Payload Engineer Needed by NAVAIR

Please Visit Orbel in Appreciation of Their Support

Regulatory Compliance Engineer Wanted by Inovonics

Tech Firms Scour College Campuses for Talent

See My Venus Transit Photo (admittedly lame)

Tales from the Cube: Potting Problem

Essential Resources for PLL Design and Analysis (p.24) ,by Gary Breed

Many Thanks to American Microwave for Continued Support

Congrats to Chris H. for Winning the May 2012 Book Drawing!

Sherlock Ohms: Engineer Breathes Life into Dead Motor

What Engineers Need to Know About Patents

Navigating Multilayer Microwave PCB Tradeoffs, John Coonrod

Thanks to MECA Electronics for Long-Time Support

Unusual Saturation Degrades Passive EMI Filters (p.28), by Arturo Mediano

Tales from the Cube: The Case of the Chameleon Resistor

Characterizing Radar Interference Immunity, by Bob Muro

Singer-Stoddart NM-17/27 Manual Available

Please Thank Polyphase Microwave for Continued Support

Tales from the Cube: Lightning Strikes

Next Generation Passives for Defense Electronics, by Chris Reynolds

Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 6/3/2012

LinkedIn Poll: M vs. F Children for People Working in RF Labs

New Techniques Simplify Military Frequency-Converter Characterization, by David Ballo

Thanks to IPP for Long-Time Support

Antenna-Theory Website Listing Added

Poll: Are You Going to the IMS2012 Show in Montreal?

Paul's Tube Radio Restoration Website (thanks to Joe B.)

How Women Should Ask for a Raise

EDN: The Consequences of Tight Engineering Rules

Much Appreciation to Hittite for Supporting RF Cafe

Characterizing Radar Interference Immunity, by Bob Muro

, by Mike McKinley

Murphy's Laws of the Physical World

Looking for Android or iPhone RF App

ViaSat Job Openings in Gilbert, AZ

Thanks to Vector Telecom for Helping Deliver RF Cafe

Reed Relays, April 1967 Electronics World

Compact UHF Fifth Order Bandpass Filter Using Cascaded Triplet CRLH-ZORs, by B. Lee and S. Kahng

Laboratory Design Validation Testing (DVT) of Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) Systems Using Stimulus-Response Techniques

SDP Telecom Looking for Field Applications Engineer (Montreal)

Many Thanks to IPP for Continued Support

Loose Parts Comic for Nerds

Microwave and Millimeter Signal Measurements: Tools and Best Practices

Jon Titus: Engineering, Science & Math in a Water Bottle

"Radar Love," Air & Space Article with MPN-13 Radar (the type I worked on)

Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 5/27/2012

Please Visit Dong-Jin in Appreciation of Their Support

IEEE: The Kilogram, Reinvented

New Techniques Simplify Military Frequency-Converter Characterization

Portable Satellite Communications Link (Feb 1967 Electronics World)

Engineers Are Happy in Role as Non-Managers (I never desired to manage)

Thanks to Planar Microwave for Long-Time Support!

TWTAs, MPMs Continue Upward Performance Climb, by Fred Ortiz

Connectors Offer Durability, Superior Functionality and Practical Application for the Modern Military, by David Impett

Predict PLL Reference Spurs

Next Generation Passives for Defense Electronics, by Chris Reynolds

11 Top iPad Engineering Apps

Mosley Electronics Pro-57-B Five-BAND Beam Antenna for Sale

Need Help to Design Solid Wide Angle Antenna for NLoS

Anatech Electronics Offering Free IMS2012 Exhibit Passes

How Valuable Are Professional Associations?

Basic Electromagnetics Made True and Clear with Concrete Mathematics, W. Scott Bennett

Teardown Report for the Celestron NexImage Camera

Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 5/20/2012

The Official Telescope & Sky Observatory Is Now Complete!

The Magic of Cross-Country Communications, September 1959 Popular Electronics

Sherlock Ohms: Engineer Breathes Life into Dead Motor

Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Their Applications, by Rachid El Assir

A Good Reminder Why e=-1 (in case you have been out of school for a while)

Don’t Listen to Advice, and Other Advice from Nobel Laureates

Effect of Unemployment on Mental Health Changes over Time

Thanks Again to Anatech Electronics for Continued Support

Engineering Leaders to Convene to Discuss Future of U.S. Engineering

IEEE: Telling Secrets of the Hidden Job Market

Techniques for Improving Noise and Spurious in PLLs, by Eric Drucker

Tales from the Cube: Long Shots, Short Shots, and Hip Shots

Sherlock Ohms: Case of the Failing 'C' Batteries

Please Thank BRL Test for Their Support

5/13/2012 Science Crossword Puzzle

Supreme Court Patent Opinion Paves Way for Expert Testimony

Court Spells Out ‘Red Flags’ to Watch for in Experts (IMS ExpertServices™)

Optoelectronics Company of Hertfordshire, UK Listing Added

Aethercomm Seeking Senior RF Design Engineers

Sherlock Ohms: Freight Train Kills Cellphone Signal

EE Times: Weigh in on the Greatest Hits in Electronics

Graphene As a See-Though Conductor (slideshow)

Much Appreciation to Wenteq Microwave for Continued Support

Avoid a Common S-Parameter Problem, byEric Bogatin and Alan Blankman

Improve Production Test of High-Speed RF Components, by Peter Sarson

Basics of Digital Signals and Their Measurement (p.34), by Gary Breed

Differential Versus Common Mode Currents (p.40), by Arturo Mediano

Thanks Also to Comdel for Helping Deliver RF Cafe

Sorting Out 4G: Are We There Yet?

Theory and Application of RF/Microwave Absorbers, by Paul Dixon

Please Welcome to USAF Radar Tech Doug Reed to Our Honored List!

Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 5/6/2012

Please Visit NP Technologies in Appreciation of Their Support

G7KPF UK Quick Links URL Update

Edison's Revenge: The Rise of DC Power

Go inside Fluke's Electrical Metrology Lab

Ultracapacitor Applications in the Power Electronic World

Many Thanks to Isotec for Long-Time Support!

5 Ways a Personal Blog Can Boost Your Career (or sink it)

Congrats to Stanley Z. and Gin W. for Winning the April Book Drawing!

MicroElectronic Packaging Engineer Needed by Skyworks Solutions

Inovonics Looking for Firmware Engineer

Understanding the Basics of Setup and Hold Time

A High Bit Rate Miniaturized QPSK Modulator for Satellite Data Transmission (p.22), by D. Ramana and R. Jolie

Kevin Atkinson, W8YLN (Amateur Extra, unofficial RF Cafe spell checker), Earned His Ham License 42 Years Ago!

Win a Trip to the Indy 500

Oscilloscope Math Functions Aid Circuit Analysis

RF Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 4/29/2012

Laser Modulators, April 1967 Electronics World

Agilent Technologies Offers New Video on TD-LTE Beamforming

From Film Star to Frequency-Hopping Inventor

8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses

USAF Radar Shop Member Rodney Veal Checks In

Application and Theory of Dielectric Materials in RF/Microwave Systems, by Paul Dixon

5 Common Failure Analysis Mistakes

Many Thanks to Pulsar Microwave for Long-Time Support!

Inovonics (wireless sensor networks) Needs a Software Engineer

Unlicensed to Kill: A Brief History of the FCC's Part 15 Rules  (quite interesting)

"If I Wanted America to Fail" (substitute your own country for "America")

Don't Be Evil, but Don't Miss the Train

Report: Fast Oscilloscopes

Youth@HamRadio.Fun: The First Contact -- Explaining the Excitement of Your First QSO

Please Visit Vida RF in Appreciation of Their Support

RF/Microwave Connectors for Military Telecommunications, by Ted Worroll

Get Employers to Notice You

The Essentials of Mobile Computing in 2012

Use a Transistor and an Ammeter to Measure Inductance

Inventors Respond to the Sinking of the RMS Titanic with Novel Communications Devices

Thanks Also to PCB Material World for Backing RF Cafe

Dos and Don'ts of Working with Corporate Recruiters

MIT: The Smart Grid Isn’t Getting Smart Enough Fast Enough

Fellow USAF Radar Tech Wesley Jones Joins Our Honored Ranks

Microwave Transmission Line Considerations for Vehicle Applications

How to Design a Digital FM Radio

4/22/2012 Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle

Thanks to DYNE-TECH for Continued Support!

The Significance of Poles and Zeros

Shipping Now: Conflict-Free Parts

Passively Extending WiFi Antenna. Possible? (in the jungle!)

A Siri-ous Affair? - IMS ExpertServices

EDN Reader Caption Contest: Old Time Factory Floor

Thanks to NIC for Continued Support

Recent Developments in Electronics - March 1967 EW

Tales from the Cube: Smack Attack

Nanotechnology: Big Opportunities for Those Who Think Small

Network Like It's 1959

Please Visit Z-Comm in Thanks for Their Support

Carl & Jerry: Electronic Shadow

4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED) Announces Extended Call for Papers

Amateur Radio Quiz: Spring for Some Contest Action!

Is Writing Software "Engineering?"

Being 75 Still Young: The Doherty Power Amplifier, by Giofre, Piazzon,  Colantonio and Giannini

Thanks to PMI for Long-Time Support

Compact Microstrip Lowpass Filter with Wide Stopband and High Attenuation , by Hayati, Majidifar and Fathabadi

Sherlock Ohms: Beware of the Borrowed Design

How to Recycle Your Old Technology

Congrats to James L. for Also Winning a Book in the March Drawing!

4/15/2012 Analog Engineering Crossword Puzzle

Please Visit AWR in Appreciation of Their Support

RadioResource International Subscription - Free

Free Subscription to Military & Aerospace Electronics Magazine

Time-Delay Relays - Electronics World

Sorting Through EM Simulators, by Dave Morris

IMS2012 Final Program Book Available for Download

Thanks to SigaTek for Helping Fund This Website

Sherlock Ohms: Short Circuit Stymies First Shift

Top 10 Software Easter Eggs (remember them? Google stuff only works in Chrome)

Nanotechnology: Big Opportunities for Those Who Think Small

JavaScript Latitude / Longitude Calculator

My New Photos of Saturn Mars - Quite Cool

Much Appreciation for Alliance Test Equipment's Continued Support!

Radio Keeps You in Touch, 1957 Popular Electronics

Do We Want Science Education or Science Entertainment? - Jon Titus

Future Innovation Needs Public-Private Balance

Microwave Engineering Crossword Puzzle for 4-8-2012

Microsoft Visio 2010 - Free Quick Reference Card

Thanks Again to Fotofab for Continued Support

Will STEM Support Stoke Tech Future?

A Newbie's Getting Started Guide to Linux

I Got a Good Photo of the Rare Venus-Pleiades Conjunction If You're Interested

Special Report on Color TV Today, 1959 Popular Electronics

Combining Simulation and Measurements in the Design Flow (p.12), David Hall & Sherry Hess

Please Visit Linx in Appreciation of Their Support

Solar Shakeout Gets Scarier (not a lot of success being realized)

IEEE: Should You Still Choose Nuclear Engineering as a Career?

The 5 Big Reasons for Employers to Love Your Resume

A Rare Mix Created Silicon Valley's Startup Culture



Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)