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Is an Oscillator Upgrade on the Horizon?, Dingqing Lu

How to Measure High-Frequency Signals Over Multiple Channels, Yves M. and Jean Manuel D.

Smokin' CFL, by Martin Rowe

Testing Radar and EW Systems for the Real-World

Thanks to everything RF for Ongoing Support

Sherlock Ohms: Inaccurate Measurements Skew Data

How a Cellphone’s Case Can Imitate Its Maker

Pulling a Wireless Signal Out of Thin Air

Oversampling Reduces Quantization Errors - Jon Titus

Many Thanks to Skyworks Solutions for Longtime Support!

Power Line Communication – Design archive

A Ham's Eye View - Making Sense Out of Noise, Part 2

Seeing Through Walls with a Wireless Router

Can’t RF and Mixed Signal Components Just Get Along?

Thanks Again to RFtronics for Continued Support

The Forgotten, Unsexy Enabling Technology — Passives

IEEE-USA Launches New Career Website

The Advantages of Outsourcing Your RF/Microwave Assembly to an Onshore Contractor

Comparing Microstrip and CPW Performance, J. Coonrod and B. Rautio

Please Visit NuWaves in Appreciation of Their Support

A Surprisingly Long List of Everything Smartphones Replaced

Automation Can Speed up Telecoms Test Times

The Silent Job Killer: Our Unemployment System

MWJ: Expert Tips, Tricks and Techniques

How Most Millionaires Got Rich (they didn't do that)

How 10 Famous Technology Products Got Their Names

Many Thanks to Vida RF for Long-Time Support

Sherlock Ohms: The Satellite Station Had a Screw Loose

The Most Expensive Office Space in the World

Inc: Leadership Advice: Strike a Pose

The 3D Smith Chart and Its Practical Applications, A. Müller, D. Dascalu, P. Soto, and V. Boria

How to Measure High-Frequency Signals Over Multiple Channels, by Y. Maumary and J. Dassonville

To Improve Reports, Use Diagrams Wisely, by Jon Titus

The Words That Are Killing Your Productivity

RF World Is a Fledgling Resource Site for Electrical Engineers.

10 Commandments for Mobile Manners

A Kickstarter for Academic Research

Does Your Beloved Tech Artifact Belong in a Museum?

Conquer Phase Noise and Jitter in Frequency Standards

Get a Solid Grasp of IEEE 802.11ad

Thanks to Guided Wave Technology for Their Support

Sherlock Ohms: Case of the Strange Antenna Patterns

From Tech to Toilet Paper, Berliner Lives Completely Open Source (aka free) for One Year

IEEE: Why Bad Jobs-or No Jobs-Happen to Good Workers

Please Thank Skyworks for Supporting RF Cafe

Higgs Boson May Be an Imposter

The “Scale of Things”: Nanometers vs. “Giga-Bucks” & “Tera-Bucks”

SciTechTalk: If It Is the Higgs, Now What?

NPR: Father of the Cellphone 'Unleashed' World's Callers from Copper Wires

Thanks Also to Z-Comm for Helping Deliver RF Cafe!

EDN: Solar Flux in dBm

Is the Web Driving Us Mad?

Please Visit Electro-Photonics in Appreciation of their Support

Tales from the Cube: Aluminum Box Foils Frankenstein’s Monster   (a great story)

Recognizing Telstar and the Birth of Global Communications

Thanks to RFMD for Continued Support

David Herres Now Offering Electricians' Licensing Exam Courses

Tales from the Cube: Filters Are for Wimps

Many Thanks to Amplical and NoiseWave for Long-Time Support!

Techniques for Time Sidelobe Measurements with Pulse Compression Radar, John Hansen

An Introduction to RF Measurements with a Vector Network Analyzer (p.12)

Thanks to Planar Monolithics (PMI) for Continued Support!

"The Night I Met Einstein" - Reader's Digest Classic

The Conjugate Match: Applications Where it is Not the Desired Method (p.18), by Gary Breed

Please Visit American Standard Circuits in Appreciation of Their Subsidizing RF Cafe

Tales from the Cube: Day at the Races

Looking at the Heart of Wireless Regulations

Most Overpaid Jobs in the U.S. per

Why the Scientist Stereotype Is Bad for Everyone, Especially Kids



everythingRF RF & Microwave Parts Database (h1)
LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Temwell Filters

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe