 May 23 & 24,
1466, 1467, 1468, and Lot 1469
As you might expect, Ham radio operators tend to be the type of people who engage
in more than one pastime. Many are handy with tools and like doing challenging home
improvement projects and renovations of cars, trucks or antique furniture. Others
enjoy hobbies like flying model airplanes and/or rockets, boating, fishing, baseball,
and other endeavors of skill and prowess. Some, like Canadian amateur radio operator
Neil Carleton (VE3NCE), count stamp collecting amongst their extracurricular activities.
Stamp collectors are known properly as
Neil does not collect just any kind of stamps, though; he has spent four decades
putting together an impressive assortment of radio-themed postage and special issue
stamps from around the world. The hundreds of carefully assembled pages in his collection
read like a book, with introductions to various aspects of the stamp categories
and carefully worded descriptions and histories. See some examples below.
Neil, a long-time member of the Almonte Amateur Radio Club and a career
Public School teacher, contacted me a couple weeks ago with (in
part) the following note:
Carleton, VE3NCE, Named to Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame
Good morning Kirt from the Mississippi Valley of eastern Ontario in Canada,RF
Cafe is a treasure trove. Thanks for your good efforts in sharing such a wealth
of information. Along with the fun of DXing, many radio amateurs and SW / MW / FM
enthusiasts also have philatelic interests. My radio stamps collection started in
1980 after I tuned in Radio Sweden while exploring the shortwave bands with my new
FRG-7. Part of the program that evening was about radio stations that were featured
on postage stamps.
Some health challenges in recent years have prompted the need to start downsizing.
Today I'm delivering my radio stamp collections to
Auctions* in Ottawa. Attached is an illustrated description
. This may be
of interest to RF Cafe friends and supporters.
Although the next sale will be in May, I don't know if there will be enough time
for Sparks Auctions to assess all the material, sort into lots, and prepare the
illustrated catalogue entries. My guess is that everything will be ready for the
September auction."
* Update: See Sale #24
catalogue as 5 lots by Sparks Auctions of Ottawa, Canada. Catalogue details are
available at these links:
Lot 846,
Lots 1466, 1467, 1468, and Lot 1469
Below is only a very small sampling of Neil's
radio stamp collection. This collection deserves to be held and preserved for the
benefit of future generations of amateur radio operators. A private benefactor would
be nice, or a public venue like a museum would be a real bonus. Please contact him
at ve3nce<at>gmail.com request access the the entire
image file set on his Google drive (see thumbnail image at
top of this page).
- AWR QSL Stamps, 1 file, 14 pages, illustrated history of Adventist World Radio's
verification stamps

- EKKO Album 1 to 18, 18 files, scanned images of all 106 pages

- EKKO Stamps Pages 1-6, 1 file, scanned images of additional pages
- Listening To Radio, 16 files, scanned images of all 92 pages

- Listening To Radio, Table of Contents and Inventory, 1 file, 4 pages
- Radio In The Mail, 80 files, scanned images of all 566 pages

- Radio In The Mail Inventory, 1 file, 104 pages, cross referenced by country
- Radio Stamps For Sale, 1 file, 10 page illustrated notice
- Radio Stamps For Sale Summary, 1 file, 2 page outline
- Welcome To Radio Stamps For Sale, 1 file, 2 pages
Note: Neil found RF Cafe during a search on
radio-themed stamps and found my meager page. There are a few
hyperlinks around the Web pointing to it, including this one by
Stan Horzepa (WA1LOU) on the ARRL website.
Posted January 30, 2017