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PCB Directory (Manufacturers)

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

RF Cafe Monthly Prize Drawings: 2007

Sample Prizes
(see complete list here)
Now there are two ways to win a custom RF Cafe item!

At least one winner will be chosen each month from each category. ‡ Send me an e-mail telling what you purchased and I will enter you once for each item ordered.

Winners will be notified by e-mail, so be sure to give an e-mail where you can be reached. We do not pass on e-mails to anyone for any reason.

- Please note that anyone can enter, but if a winner does not live
   in the U.S. or Canada, shipment will be limited to countries
   serviced by our supplier, Cafe Press.
- Limited to one prize award per six month period. Here are our
  2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 winners.

"TBD" means that the winners have been notified but have not responded. I always send out at least two notices. My guess is a lot get ignored or sent to spam because of wording about having won a prize.

As of December 2008, I have spent more than $2,000 shipping RF Cafe custom prizes to winners of this monthly drawing - and that does not include the book giveaways!

Congratulations to December 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Patrick H.
M/A-COM - advertiser
Lowell, MA
8 oz Coffee Mug
Congratulations to November 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Walter W.
Spectrum Microwave - Advertiser
Palm Bay, FL
Gray T-Shirt
Paul K.
Centerville, VA
Ordered RF Stencils for Visio
Tote Bag
Dave R.
Tektronix - Advertiser
John W.
Wenteq Microwave - Advertiser
Arcadia, CA
Forum Winners

FL Techie (screen name)
Melbourne, FL
15 oz Coffee Mug
karthik (screen name)
Madison, AL
Ringer T-Shirt
Congratulations to October 2007 Winners
Website Winners

William M.
Spring Grove, PA
Ordered RF Cascade Workbook 2005
22 oz Ceramic Stein
Nancy B.
Draper Labs - Advertiser
Cambridge, MA
22 oz Ceramic Stein
Forum Winners

UWB_antenna_guy (screen name)
Congratulations to September 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Francis M.
Lancaster, PA
Ordered RF Cascade Workbook 2005
Dan C.
Rochester, NY
Ordered Stencils for Visio &
Symbols for Word Suite
Forum Winners

Design on back of RF Cafe T-ShirtRF Cafe Forums visitor mmaassel proudly wears his prizemmaassel
(screen name)
Fargo, ND
Congratulations to August 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Joseph A.
San Marcos, CA
Ordered RF & EE Symbols for Word
David P.
Peoria, IL
Ordered Stencils for Visio &
Symbols for Word Suite
T-Shirt - front design only
Forum Winners

Maxwell (screen name)
Boston, MA
Ringer T-Shirt
Congratulations to Our July 2007 Winners
Website Winners

John P.
Andover, MA
Ordered RF & EE Symbols for Word
8 oz Coffee Mug
John S.
Tallahassee, FL
Ordered Stencils for Visio &
Symbols for Word Suite
Forum Winners

attenuator (screen name)
Ringer T-Shirt
jaslovkel (screen name)
Dallas, TX
Ringer T-Shirt
Congratulations to Our June 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Bob J.
Wayne, NJ
RF Cascade Workbook Suite - 2002, 2004, 2005
Stencils for Visio & Symbols for Word Suite
RF Cafe Calculator Workbook - unlocked
$5 Contribution to RF Cafe
22 oz. Stein
Alison A.
Chicago, IL
Fotofab - Advertiser
15 oz. Coffee Mug
Forum Winners

yendori (screen name)
San Jose, CA
15 oz. Coffee Mug
jeanalmira (screen name)
22 oz. Ceramic Stein
Congratulations to May 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Pam C.
Suffolk, U.K.
European Antennas - Advertiser
Lady's Pink T-Shirt
Donald B.
Highlands Ranch, CO
Ordered RF Stencils for Visio
RF Cascade Workbook Suite - 2002, 2004, 2005
Ringer T-Shirt
Forum Winners

rftroubleshooter (screen name)
Congratulations to April 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Sombun R.
Lodi, NJ
Ordered Smith Chart for Visio
Stencils for Visio & Symbols for Word Suite
15 oz. Coffee Mug
James N.
Cave Junction, OR
Ordered RF Stencils for Visio
Grey T-Shirt
Forum Winners

wsemajb (screen name)
Congratulations to March 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Stephen D.
Ordered RF Stencils for Visio
Smith Chart for Visio
Albert E.

Forum Winners

darcyrandall2004 (screen name)
Perth, Australia
Ringer T-Shirt
mhtplsh (screen name)
Congratulations to February 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Cliff F.
PCN Alert - Advertiser
8 oz. Coffee Mug  
Forum Winners

Mr.Whatever (screen name)
Riverview, FL
Ringer T-Shirt  
Congratulations to Our January 2007 Winners
Website Winners

Daniel H.
Ordered RF Cascade Workbook 2005
Vincent H.
Palo Alto, CA
Ordered RF Cascade Workbook 2005
T-Shirt, Ringer Style
Forum Winners

sm7ovk (screen name)
8 oz. Coffee Mug
Skurup, Sweden
TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe