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LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Temwell Filters

Please Support RF Cafe by purchasing my  ridiculously low-priced products, all of which I created.

RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio

RF & Electronics Symbols for Office

RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio

RF Workbench

T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads

These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

RF Cafe Monthly Drawing Prize Choices

Congratulations on being a Winner in the RF Cafe Monthly Drawing!
Please make your selection from the following items.

Winners are selected from among those who order RF Cafe software, those who advertise on RF Cafe, and those who point out errors on the RF Cafe website. The complete array of items available for purchase at just 50 cents over my cost is available here.

Click this link to see what previous RF Cafe winners have selected.
          2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
, 2011

As of December 2005, I have spent more than $2,700 shipping RF Cafe custom prizes to winners of this monthly drawing - and that does not include the Book Giveaways!

RF Cafe Smith Chart Ringer T-shirt - front (blue or black trim),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Ringer T-shirt - back (blue or black trim),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart T-Shirt
w/Color Trim
RF Cafe Smith Chart Gray T-shirt - front,  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design RF Cafe Smith Chart Gray T-shirt - back,  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Gray Smith Chart T-Shirt
RF Cafe Smith Chart Lady's T-shirt - front (available in 3 colors),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Lady's T-shirt - back (available in 3 colors),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Lady's Smith Chart T-Shirt
RF Cafe Smith Chart Men's Sleeveless T-shirt - (front) We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Men's Sleeveless T-shirt - (back) We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Men's Sleeveless
Smith Chart  T-Shirt
RF Cafe Smith Chart T-shirt - Front design only:  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart T-Shirt
(front design only)
RF Cafe Smith Chart Lady's Tank Top - front (white only),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Lady's Tank Top - back (white only),  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Lady's Smith Chart Tank Top
RF Cafe Smith Chart Coffee Mug - 8 oz. We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Coffee Mug - 8 oz., We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
8 oz Smith Chart Coffee Cup
RF Cafe Smith Chart Coffee Mug - 15 oz. We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design  RF Cafe Smith Chart Coffee Mug - 15 oz. We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design 
15 oz Large Smith Chart Coffee Mug
RF Cafe Smith Chart Wall Clock, We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart Wall Clock
RF Cafe Smith Chart Ceramic Tile,  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart Tile Coaster
(set of 2)
RF Cafe Mouse Pad, Engineer's Troubleshooting Flowchart design
Engineer's Troubleshooting
Flow Chart
Mouse Pad
RF Cafe Smith Chart Baseball Cap,  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart Baseball Cap
RF Cafe Smith Chart Tote Bag,  We Are the World's Matchmakers Smith Chart design
Smith Chart Tote Bag
Engineer's Troubleshooting Flow Chart
on Reverse Side

RF Cafe Custom Designs
These custom designs appear on our products. If there is a particular item offered by CaféPress™ that you would like us to add one of these designs to, please send an e-mail and let us know. Thank you.
RF Engineers - We are the World's Match  Makers™ Engineer's Troubleshooting Flow Chart
RF Engineers - We are the World's Match Makers

This custom design by RF Cafe is a montage of Smith Charts with forbidden regions and their associated L-C networks, along with conversions between return loss, reflection coefficient, and VSWR.

Engineer's Troubleshooting Flow Chart

Experts say that good humor has to have a bit truth in it.
Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe