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Battery Resources & Design

Battery technology has improved at an utterly incredible rate in the 21st century. Much as the Pony Express had its glory stolen by Morse's telegraph system after only a few years of being a revolution in long-range communication, nickel metal hydride cells had their 1990s spotlight usurped by lithium ion (Li-Ion) and lithium polymer (Li-Poly) cells. Li-Poly batteries have utterly revolutionized the portable hand tool and model aviation / car / boat industry. It is likely the technology that will finally wean us from the carbon-based land transportation habit. Here is a collection of some of the major players in the batter industry, for all chemistries including carbon cells, lead-acid, alkaline, and others. These websites also  contain information relating to battery design including white papers, datasheets, tutorials, and online write-ups.


Aerogel Supercapacitors Provide Both High Energy and High Power Capability | High Energy-Power.pdf | 888-414-2645 / Boynton Beach, FL
From Cooper Electronic Technologies.

ARM7 Low Power Design |
This paper from STMicroelectronics discusses one of the most common design considerations when using the ARM7 in a low-power design.

Battery Design & Construction Knowledge |
By Engineers Edge.

Battery Design Guide for Portable Electronics |
An approach in simple terms, by Michael E. Manna

Battery Safety/Quality/Testing and Materials |
By Donald Georgi, Batteries Digest Website.

Battery Testing For Photovoltaic Applications |
By Tom Hund, Photovoltaic System Applications Department, Sandia National Laboratories.

The Dangers of Counterfeit Battery Packs |
A Micro Power Electronics White Paper, presented by Electronic Design.

Demystifying the Lithium Battery Industry |
Information from Micro Power.

The Design and Application of Multifunctional Structure-Battery Materials Systems |
Article from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, by James P. Thomas and Muhammad A. Qidwai.

Designing and Optimizing Battery Systems for Mission-Critical Portable Applications |
This paper is intended for engineers who may be familiar with designing power systems for plug-in devices, but who are now forced to broaden their expertise into the realm of mobile power supplies.

Developing New Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Article from

Energizer Cylindrical Alkaline |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Energizer Manganese Dioxide (Zn/MnO2) |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Energizer Silver Oxide (Zn/Ag²O) |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Engineering Guidelines for Designing Battery Packs |
801-764-9060 | Orem, UT | Custom design and manufacture of state-of-the-art battery chargers, battery packs, UPS, and power supplies, from PowerStream Technology.

Eveready Carbon Zinc (Zn/MnO²) |
Application manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

How to Assess Cell Suppliers for Your Portable Battery System |
Information from Micro Power.

Internal Battery Design |
From, by Dan Hagopian.

IPAQ H3800 and H3900 Series Pocket PC Battery |
White paper from HP/Compaq Computer Corporation.

Lifex Lithium Coin Cells & FB Encapsulated Lithium Coin Cells - Part 1 |
Application notes & product data sheet from Rayovac.

Linear Regulators in Portable Applications |
Application note from Maxim Integrated Products.

Nickel Cadmium Batteries |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Nickel-Metal Hydride |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Overview of the Design, Development, and Application of Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries |
By Lawrence H. Thaller and Albert H. Zimmerman, NASA Glenn Research Center Logistics and Technical Information Division.

Portable Power - A Designers Guide to Battery Management |
By Bob Mammano, Texas Instruments.

Selecting Cell Chemistries for Your Portable Battery System |
Information from Micro Power.

The Smart Battery Survival Guide Series: Design Considerations for Smart Battery Systems |
This “Smart Battery Survival Guide” series helps battery system designers recognize and avoid challenges inherent in the battery system design process. It also helps designers develop intelligent designs that contribute significantly to the value of a product and its success in the marketplace.

The Smart Battery Survival Guide Series: Intelligent Design for Portable Applications |
This “Smart Battery Survival Guide” series helps battery system designers recognize and avoid challenges inherent in the battery system design process. It also helps designers develop intelligent designs that contribute significantly to the value of a product and its success in the marketplace.

Smart Battery White Paper |
This document gives an introduction to the most usual tasks performed by the Smart Battery application, and the resulting requirements for a Smart Battery MCU. By AVR Applications Team.

Sonnenschein Lithium Batteries | brochure/basic/basic.htm
+44 (0)191 4274577 | UK
From Cell Pack Solutions Ltd.

UPS Battery Design Using VRLA Batteries in High Availability Applications | VRLA paper with graphics.pdf
Abstract by Dennis DeCoster.

Zinc Air (Zn/02) |
Application Manual from Eveready Battery Co. Inc.

Related Pages on RF Cafe:

- Battery Drawings

- Battery Vendors

- Li-Po or Li-Poly Battery Characteristics

- Inside a 9-Volt Battery

- How Many AA Batteries Would to Take to Power a Human?

- Ray-O-Vac Ad, August 25, 1945, Saturday Evening Post

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers