Troubleshooting Analog Circuits - Robert A. Pease

Discover the Art of Analog - Robert A. Pease
The great Bob Pease, National Semiconductor's
crown jewel, wrote an article many years back that described how breadboarding can
be useful for prototyping even sophisticated circuits as long as the limitations
are understood and heeded. Many times I have searched the Internet looking for a
picture of the breadboard I recalled seeing, but to no avail. Finally, I wrote to
him asking if he remembered it and he responded by saying it is the one featured
on the cover of his book, "Troubleshooting Analog Circuits." You can click on the
image to the right for the full picture. Just the breadboard portion is shown below.
If you would like a copy of his book, please click on the smaller thumbnail to the
Bob wrote, "THIS was actually the breadboard for the LM131 V-to-F converter
- which I designed in 1977, and which is still being designed in, today, and is
still in production. Yes, it can be used to convert voltages to F - and then you
use a counter, to make a very linear digital conversion - or for F-to-V."
...and of course his famous, "I really do like SOLDERING as my programming

(Click for larger version)
Bob, known to be a gracious and magnanimous person, sent me the signed covers
shown at the right and bottom of the page.
The world suffered a major loss in 2011 when
Bob was killed while
driving his famous 1969 Volkswagen Beetle. He was 70 years old. Here is Silicon
The Mercury News newspaper report.

How to Drive into Accidents and
How Not To
Lab Notes 2005
Posted October 27, 2021 (updated from original post on 7/3/2007)