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Bendix Aviation Corporation
March 23, 1942 Life Article

March 23, 1942 Life

March 23, 1942 Life Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early technology. See articles from Life magazine, published 1883-1972. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Bendix Corporation was begun in 1914 by Mr. Vincent Bendix, eventually manufacturing brakes, starters, carburetors, and other components for automobiles, trains, and airplanes. During World War II, Bendix was a major supplier of critical components, including radio transmitters and receivers and avionic instruments. As with many - probably most - big corporations, advertisements were run in many magazines in order to make sure the public knew the part their companies were playing in the effort to defeat Communism, Nazism, Socialism, and all the other "isms" worldwide seeking to subdue and destroy freedom. Bendix branched out into many areas of development and production with computers, mine detectors, inertial guidance platforms (for Saturn V and other man-carrying rockets), televisions, phonographs, kitchen appliances, and much more. I don't know if it is still the case, but back in the 1970's when I did a lot of work on my 1969 Camaro SS, the term "bendix" was a generic reference to the solenoid-actuated spur gear that coupled the electric starter to the big starter gear connected to the engine crankshaft.

Bendix Aviation Corporation Ad

Bendix Aviation Corporation, March 23, 1942 Life - RF CafeBendix • Eclipse • Pioneer • Scintilla • Stromberg • Friez • Zenith

All We Can Do ...

for all that America means

There'll be many an enemy bomber downed, many a menacing tank stopped in its clattering tracks, many a hostile vessel sunk, through the micrometric accuracy of American industrial craftsmen.

For today's battles are won at lathe and desk and drafting-board, as well as at the gun-breech and the bomb-release.

In your peaceful service, America's aircraft and automotive industries developed the superb skills that are such priceless assets in this hour of need. As a vital part of these great industries, Bendix has enlisted with its loyal army of more than forty thousand employees, in devotion to our One Big Job - victory.

Bendix Products embrace aircraft carburetion, ignition, electrical units, instruments, radio and landing-gear. They include guns and gunfire controls, a vast array of ship equipment and vital components of nearly every tank, motor truck and reconnaissance car.

We're building our best into each ... with all our hearts ... for all that America means.

Bendix Aviation Corporation

Serving the cause of Victory in twenty great plants spread across America from the Atlantic Seaboard to California



Posted February 1, 2023

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