March 1973 Popular Electronics
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
According to author R.R.
Freeland, manufacturing processes for radio-quality manmade crystals saw major improvements
toward the end of World War II. At the time, the process was highly manual-intensive,
as can be seen in this really nicely done 1940s video titled "Crystals
Go to War." Prior to the use of crystals as frequency-determining devices, inductor-capacitor
(LC) tank circuits were the dominant configuration. There were actually other frequency-determining
schemes like spark gaps and even vibrating mechanical reeds. As you might guess,
anything less than a crystal suffered from higher short-term and long-term stability,
drift over temperature, microphonics, and the
phase noise
- composed of multiple effects like shot noise, i/f noise, etc. - was relatively
Crystals for CB & Ham Communication

Fig. 1 - Axes for the mother quartz crystal. Both X-cut
and Y-cut blanks are shown. The AT-cut crystal is widely used.
To Keep Your Signals Steady as a Rock, You Need Quartz Crystals in Proper Circuits
By R. R. Freeland
President, International Crystal Manufacturing Co.
Quartz crystalline material, natural and "grown" by man, has become the most
widely used device for controlling radio frequencies. Historically, crystal frequency
control began with radio amateurs back in the late 1920's. Full-scale production
and use of crystals in the commercial market began during World War II. Since 1945,
however, considerable effort has gone into improving crystal production methods
and the circuits in which crystals are used to provide close control over frequencies
over wide temperature ranges.
Many crystals, particularly quartz, exhibit a property known as "piezoelectricity,"
whereby they convert mechanical energy into electrical vibrations (oscillations)
and vice-versa. A crystal blank cut from quartz will vibrate mechanically about
one or more nodal points when a voltage is applied to it. Both fundamental and harmonic
(whole multiples of the fundamental) oscillations are generated by the crystal.
The fundamental frequency at which a crystal is made to oscillate depends upon
many factors but mainly the crystal's size and thickness, the angle of "cut," and
operating temperature. As far as size and thickness are concerned, the smaller they
are, the higher will be the operating frequency. The cut of the crystal refers to
the manner in which the blank is sliced from the bulk crystal material, taking into
account the six-sided crystalline structure.
Of the general modes of oscillation obtainable from a crystal (extensional, shear,
and flexure), we are interested in only the shear mode for amateur radio and CB
applications. In this mode, wave propagation is parallel to the thickness dimension.
The thickness shear is sometimes called the high-frequency shear mode. The quartz
can also oscillate at a mechanical harmonic (must be an odd number) such that the
two opposite faces of the blank effectively move in opposite directions. The mechanical
harmonic should not be confused with the electrical harmonic which can be any multiple
of the fundamental frequency.

Fig. 2 - Edge-clamp or cemented-lead mount.
The orientation of the raw quartz crystal is universally defined by assigning
X, Y, and Z axes as shown in Fig. 1. The Z axis is commonly referred to as
the "optical" axis owing to the fact that it can be located by optical methods.
No piezoelectric effects are directly associated with it as they are with the X
(electrical) and Y (mechanical) axes. X-cut crystals are used mainly for low-frequency
applications, and Y cuts are used mainly for medium- and high-frequency applications.
Hence, our only interest here is in the various Y-cut crystals.
A simple Y-cut crystal is a poor frequency control device. So, the simple Y cut
has been replaced by rotated-Y cuts, the most common of which is the AT cut whose
plane is rotated around the X axis by approximately 35° from the Z axis. By
carefully selecting the angle of rotation, crystals with very small temperature
coefficients can be fabricated. For critical requirements, angle tolerances are
maintained within 15 seconds of arc. For less critical ham and CB applications,
the tolerance can be within 3 minutes of arc.
The AT crystal is commonly mounted in its holder by the edge-clamp method (cemented
lead mount) as shown in Fig. 2. Plated electrodes cover part of the crystal
face. Plating on the opposite faces extends to the edges to provide good electrical
contact. By keeping the electrode area small, the capacitance is reduced and the
principal activity is confined to the central region of the crystal to improve stability.
This, in turn, reduces the impedance of the supporting wires.
High-quality piano wire supports the crystal. A small amount of conductive cement
assures a good connection between the wire and the plated electrode. (With the plated-wire
mounted crystal, calibration tolerances can be as high as 0.001 percent.) The crystal
is sealed in a vacuum or dry-nitrogen-filled glass or metal case.
Crystals are designed and processed to undergo a minimum of aging during their
useful lives. A 10-part-per-million rate the first year is not an unreasonable figure.
The aging rate decreases with time and usually levels off after about six months
of operation. Pre-aging by heat cycling can reduce the initial aging period.
When a crystal is put into operation, the lower the drive level, the longer its
useful life. The aging factors are more pronounced when a crystal is operated at
high drive levels, and the higher operating voltage increases the possibility of
corona discharges which, together with greater vibration amplitudes, can lead to
crystal failure. To obtain maximum life and stability, crystals should be operated
at the lowest practicable drive levels.

Fig. 3 - This is a simplified schematic of an equivalent
circuit for a typical quartz crystal mounted inside a holder.
Crystal Circuitry
The simplified equivalent circuit of a crystal
in its holder is illustrated in Fig. 3. Capacitor C2 represents the electrostatic
capacitance between the electrodes, while L, C1, and R represent the equivalent
mass, compliance, and frictional loss of the vibrating crystal. Capacitance C2 can
be measured by conventional methods; the series-resonant and anti-resonant impedances
and frequencies can be measured by using a crystal impedance meter. From these two
sets of measurements, C1 and L can be calculated. (The crystal can appear as either
a low-impedance device at series resonance or a high-impedance device at anti-resonance.)
Crystals can be operated at series resonance, but it is impractical to operate
them at exactly the anti-resonant frequency. Adjusted to operate at maximum voltage
(parallel resonance) at some proper phase and frequency, the crystal is most sensitive
to frequency changes with small changes in effective load impedance. Both the equivalent
impedance and resonant frequency change with effective load changes. A 30-to- 40-pF
load operates the crystal at a lower impedance point where small circuit changes
have less effect and the adjustment range is smaller with the same trimmer capacitor.
The total shunt capacitance across the crystal plays an important part in determining
the final frequency. However, the crystal itself bears the primary responsibility
for frequency stability, which is dependent upon the magnitude of the change in
reactance with frequency.
Crystal Performance
Crystals can be graded according to activity,
frequency stability, bandwidth, quality factor (Q), and parameter stability. Frequency
stability is the crystal's ability to minimize frequency changes arising from variations
in the parameters of the external circuit. Bandwidth is the useful operating frequency
range of the crystal. Quality factor is simply a figure of merit. Parameter stability
is the stability of the crystal parameters during changes in temperature, drive
level, and tuning adjustments. The stability of a crystal oscillator depends upon
both the crystal and the parameter stabilities.

Fig. 4 - Typical crystal oscillator circuit.
Transmitter crystals are usually operated at the fundamental frequency into an
approximate 32-pF load. A common crystal oscillator configuration is shown in Fig. 4.
The maximum effective load is present in this circuit when C1 is shorted. Inductor
L is used to balance out capacitive reactance to permit operating at series resonance.
Many CB rigs provide a single trimmer capacitor for all channels instead of individual
trimmers for each channel, which complicates correlation for many transmitters.
Switch lead lengths and dress, as well as component locations, affect the oscillator
load capacitance.
Most of the CB transmitters that cover all 23 channels reduce the number of crystals
needed by combining several crystals to produce the desired frequencies and use
the same group for the receiver's oscillator. Two crystals must be considered for
determining the accuracy of the final signal frequency. Both crystals must track
in tolerance over the temperature range to yield the desired results. Not only does
the crystal's temperature characteristic become important, but the exact oscillator
load must also be known to allow calibration.
Posted September 11, 2024 (updated from original
post on 1/15/2018)