July 1974 Popular Electronics
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Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Waaaay back in the mid-1980s
when I first became aware of Digi-Key, it
was one of the relatively few electronics component suppliers that had a large on-hand
stock of commonly used parts and provided fast shipping. Places like Newark Electronics
and Allied Electronics also provided good service, but Digi-Key usually offered
lower prices than the others. By the 1990s, I was placing orders at least weekly
during circuit design projects.
Digi-Key was founded in 1972 in
River Falls, Minnesota - the town that for many years often had the country's
lowest recorded daily temperature. This 1/4-page advertisement appeared near the
back of a 1974 issue of Popular Electronics magazine. By the mid-1990s,
their multipage ads in electronics magazines were proliferating like today's
Harbor Freight
ads. Here's a bit of trivia I just learned: The company's name is a reference to
the "Digi-Keyer Kit," a digital electronic keyer kit that founder Ronald Stordahl
developed and marketed to amateur radio enthusiasts.
If you are a Millennial or younger, the reference to a "Reader Service Card"
at the bottom might be an enigma. It was a cardboard mail-in insert where you filled
in circles next to companies from whom you wanted information mailed to you (which
was more often than not ignored). They were sort of the pre-Internet version of
a 2-D scan code.
Digi-Key Ad
Electronic Components
Digi-Key Corporation
Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Temp. range: -40°C + 85°C Tolerance -10 + 50% for more thon 4.7 μfd,
-10 + 75 for 4.7 ufd or less
1/2 & 1/4 Watt Carbon Comp. Resistors
5 each of the 85 standard 10% values (2.2-22M) 1/2 W Resistors (425 pcs)
Sorted by value $12/set 2-4 are $11/set 5-9 are $10/set.
5 each of the 70 standard 10% values (10-5.6M) 1/4 W Resistors (350 pcs)
Sorted by value $12/set 2-4 are $11/set 5-9 are $10/set.
Also available are TTL & Linear IC's, Silicon Rectifiers, Molex Pins, LED
Readouts & Lamps, Transistors, IC Sockets, Slide Switches, Reed Relays and more!
Send for Free Catalog or Mail Readers Service Card
C.O.D. Orders Accepted for Same Day Shipment
Call 218-681-6674
Orders less Than $10.00 Add 50c - Others Postpaid
Box 126 Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Posted April 21, 2020