April 1966 Popular Electronics
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Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
S-units are probably
not familiar at all to non-Hams since they refer to receiver signal levels (the
"S" stands for "signal"). It is a relative unit of measure rather than absolute.
Technically, the dBm unit of power is also a relative unit, but it is referenced
to a fixed power level of 1 milliwatt - traceable back to primary standards
at NIST or any other country's standards keeper. By contrast, the S-unit - at least
originally - is relative to the strongest useable signal level at a particular receiver's
input. An indication of S9 meant a maximum signal level was present at the input
based in part on the receiver's dynamic range at a certain frequency. Each S-level
step indicated a signal decrease of 5 to 6 dB below the previous S-level, again
depending on the manufacturer's preference. As you might expect, confusion ensued.
Nowadays there is an unofficial but generally adopted definition of S9 through S1,
beginning at -73 dBm for S9, and then a 6-dB step size down to S1 level of
(8 x -6 dB = -48 dB) = -121 dBm. It applies across the specified
receive band(s), independent of frequency. Author Marshall Lincoln reviews S-units
and S-meter circuits.
Some answers to why an S9 signal is sometimes not even S7 much
less 10 dB over
By Marshall Lincoln
It might happen like this. Joe Ham, W0XYZ, is chewing the rag with his buddies
on the air, and they get to comparing signal reports. Bob, who lives about a mile
away, says Joe's signal is 10 dB over S9. Sam, who lives clear across town, says
Joe is pounding in at 30 dB over S9, and Ed, just down the block, says Joe's signal
is just S9. Which one of these guys is wrong, or has a bum receiver?
Maybe none of them. Or, maybe all of them!
The reason is that even if these guys lived side by side and were using the same
model of receiver and the same type of antenna, they still might not get the same
readings! Using different receivers and different antennas, they definitely will
get different readings.
How come? It's just that an S-meter (signal strength meter on the receiver) doesn't
really measure actual signal strength. But, it does indicate the relative strength
of signals getting into the receiver. This means that a signal is shown to be stronger,
weaker, or the same strength as another signal, without a definitive measurement
of the actual strength of either signal.
AA signal which deflects your S-meter to S7 is two S-units weaker at the input
to your receiver than one which deflects the meter to S9. Since most manufacturers
calibrate S-meters so that one S-unit represents either 5 or 6 dB change in signal
strength, the S9 signal is 10 to 12 dB stronger than the S7 signal at your receiver.

The only difference between these two S-meter circuits is the
position of the meter. In both cases the meter reads backward - increasing signal
strength means less current.

To make the meter read forward - increase in strength means more
current - the meter circuit must be revised as shown here.

Hidden away on every communications receiver is the S-meter adjustment.
If this adjustment is not properly set by the operator, the S-meter is always off.

Most S-meter readings are at the mercy of the r.f. gain control
setting. In practically every communications receiver, the control must be full

This diagram shows the bridge circuit of a forward-reading S-meter
in its more familiar presentation.
Calibration Variations
An important variable which causes S-meter reports to be inconsistent is the
fact that receiver manufacturers do not have a common calibration standard. Also,
each manufacturer has his own calibration method. Plus, variations in components
may cause S-meters in two receivers of the same make and model to perform differently.
The folks at the National Radio Co., for example, calibrate S-meters so that
S9 indicates approximately 50 microvolts input signal to the receiver. This company
told the author that, "strictly speaking, the decibel readings over S9 should be
in a nonlinear scale, but ours are put into a linear scale for simplified reading
and for averaging purposes."
Swan Electronics Corporation says that its meters are calibrated to read S9 with
an input signal strength of 100 microvolts at 50 ohms at 14 mc. The S-units are
spaced at 6-decibel intervals. This company cautions that "production variations,
particularly in tube characteristics, will cause considerable change in these figures
The R. L. Drake Co. uses a 50-microvolt input signal at the antenna terminals
to determine the S9 point. Calibration is at 50 ohms impedance, but each S-unit
equals 5 dB!
Hallicrafters also uses 50 microvolts at the antenna terminals of the receiver
to set S9, and makes each S-unit equal approximately 6 dB. Measurements are made
at 50 ohms impedance at 5 mc. The company adds: "This approximation will have a
variation of plus or minus 5 dB on a new receiver, and, as the tubes age, the variations
may be still greater."
The standard for S-meters at Collins Radio Co. is approximately 100 microvolts
at 50 ohms through a 6 dB pad for S9. This may vary, says the firm, from about 90
to about 115 microvolts, depending upon adjustments in the i.f. section of the receiver.
More Woes
As if there aren't enough variables in the S-meter situation already, let's see
what else can affect S-meter readings. How about the S-meter adjustment pot on your
receiver - how long has it been since you checked to see if it was set properly?
This potentiometer is adjusted to produce a zero reading on the S-meter scale under
certain conditions - generally with the antenna terminal shorted to ground, or with
the r.f. gain control set at minimum, or both. Check the manual for your receiver
for the exact procedure. You may find that your S-meter has been off by several
S-units, because of tube and component aging.
While you're looking in the manual, check to see what the manufacturer has to
say about the setting of the .f. gain control during receiver operation - this can
have an effect on S-meter readings. Generally, the r.f. gain control must be in
the maximum gain position for the S-meter to read according to the manufacturer's
specs. With the r.f. gain reduced, a stronger input signal will be required to produce
a given S-meter reading. However, even with the r.f. gain reduced, you still can
use the S-meter for relative indications just as you would with full r.f. gain,
as long as all readings are made with the same setting of the r.f. gain control.
Change this setting and you change the meter indication.
How about the condition of the S-meter amplifier tube? When it gets weak, the
meter indications are affected, even though overall receiver performance doesn't
change. So don't overlook this tube whenever you check your receiver tubes.
How S-Meter Circuit Works
Generally, the S-meter is connected, through an amplifier tube, into the a.v.c.
line. When a.v.c. voltage increases, as it will when a stronger signal comes into
the receiver, the meter reads upscale.
Two typical S-meter circuits used in communications receivers are shown on p.
55. Essentially they are the same, except that one circuit has the S-meter, usually
a 0-1 milliammeter, in the cathode circuit, while the other has the meter in the
plate circuit.
The amount of current flowing through the S-meter amplifier tube, and hence through
the meter itself, is determined by the a.v.c. voltage, which is applied to the tube's
grid as well as to the r.f. and i.f. stages controlled by a.v.c. action. A strong
signal produces a larger negative voltage on the a.v.c. line than a weak signal,
and reduces the current flow through the S-meter amplifier tube. In this case the
S-meter will read backwards - strong signals will be indicated on the left end of
the scale and weak signals on the right end of the scale.
One way to make the meter indicate increasing signal strength as the meter needle
deflects from left to right is to use a special meter built backwards from the conventional
meters - one in which the needle rests normally on the right end of the scale, and
moves to the left as current through the meter increases. Another way to achieve
the same result is to use a conventional meter. but mount it on the receiver panel
upside down, while inverting the meter scale so it is read right side up. This explains
why some receiver S-meters are pivoted at the top of the meter face, and why others,
although pivoted at the bottom, deflect to the right when you turn off the receiver.
A more elaborate, but forward-reading S-meter circuit is also shown to the bottom
right. This is essentially a bridge circuit (see familiar version below) where R4
and R5 are equal in value. The other legs in the bridge are R2 and the equivalent
of tube resistance plus the zero-adjust potentiometer R1. The pot is adjusted for
zero reading on the meter (balancing the bridge) with no a.v.c. voltage present.
Application of a.v.c. reduces the amount of current flowing through the tube, thus
increasing the tube resistance and unbalancing the bridge, causing the meter needle
to deflect upward.
Regardless of the kind of circuit your S-meter has, always remember to use it
as an indicator of relative signal strength in the receiver, and nothing more, except
for tuning and alignment of the receiver and transmitter. When you tell a guy that
his signal is 30 dB over S9, you are actually indicating how well his signal is
getting through your rig.