May 1962 Popular Electronics
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Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
UHF broadcast television was being introduced, pundits - as pundits
are wont
to do - were quick to predict the rapid, imminent demise of VHF channels. To wit,
"All current VHF stations (operating on channels 2 through 13) may be scrapped,
and operations shifted to the UHF band." That was in 1962, when the first experimental
UHF station (WUHF) went on-air in New York City. Cited as the reason was a supposed
inability for the two bands to co-exist. History - as it is wont to do - proved
otherwise, due largely to UHF signals' inability to bend around natural and manmade
obstruction to provide a clear signal. VHF channels 2-6 are on 54-82 MHz, 7-13
are on 174-210 MHz, and UHF channels 14-83 are on 470-884 MHz. This 1962
Popular Electronics magazine story is a very nice account of the early
days of UHF television broadcasting.
Must We Have UHF-TV?
The odds are stacked 70 to 12 that we will.
By Ken Gilmore
Antennas in cover photo and on page 41 courtesy
of JFD Electronics Corporation, 6101 16th Ave . Brooklyn 4, N. Y.
Last fall, a new television station went on the air in New York City. Since New
York already has six active channels, a seventh might seem barely newsworthy. And
when you consider that less than 1% of the area's viewers are equipped to receive
this new channel, it seems hardly worth mentioning. Yet the fact is that New York's
new station - WUHF, telecasting on ultra-high-frequency channel 31 - may turn out
to be the most important television station in the United States.
The results of tests now being conducted by WUHF are likely to have a profound
effect on the nation's entire television setup. All current VHF stations (operating
on channels 2 through 13) may be scrapped, and operations shifted to the UHF band
- channels 14 through 83, now receivable by only a small fraction of the nation's
TV sets. This means that even though you may now live in one of the country's few
UHF areas, your present TV set probably isn't equipped to pick up the new channels.
To watch UHF TV, you'll either have to add a UHF converter or buy a new set.

Bow-Tie UHF Reflector - Suitable for distances up to 25 miles.
Has peak gain of 4 db.

Bow-Tie UHF Corner Reflector - Ideal for reception at distances
of 25-50 miles. Peak gain of 9 db. Like bow-tie reflector but uses four bow ties.
Furnishes gain of 8 db. Six-bay bow-tie unit has 10-db gain and range up to 100

4-Bay UHF Bowtie Reflector - Designed for single-channel reception.
Has 12.5-db gain for excellent results at 75 miles; 16 elements will stretch range
to 100 miles.
The Mess in TV
These drastic proposals are designed to do something
meaningful about an inescapable fact: the present TV bands are in a mess. Stated
very simply, there just aren't enough VHF channels to go around.
Many cities have only one or two TV stations, and consequently have to struggle
along with extremely limited TV fare. Added stations in these cities would only
interfere with existing stations in nearby cities. With the present 12-channel VHF
system, all but a hand-full of the more than 500 possible VHF stations are already
on the air, and the few more which could be are in remote areas where there simply
isn't enough population to support them.
Many plans have been proposed to straighten out the mess. But the conviction
is growing that only one scheme really has a chance to succeed: throw out the present
VHF band and shift everything to UHF. Why UHF? Because the UHF band (channels 14-83)
offers an abundance of possible TV stations - 1500 or so across the country; although
only about a hundred are in actual operation, for one reason or another.
Actually, because of its relative disuse, the vast expanse of the UHF spectrum
has become the favorite target for space scientists, military leaders, and international
communications companies. All of these groups need spectrum space desperately and
have many uses to which they would like to put the UHF TV band. If television broadcasters
won't take advantage of it, they say, let's take it away from the TV people and
give it to those who will. To find out why this situation exists, let's take a quick
look at TV over the years.
Looking Back
Television's current difficulties began back in
the late 1940's when the then new broadcasting medium became an overnight success
- a far bigger one than anyone had thought possible. Within a few years after the
end of World War II, millions of TV sets were bought by eager audiences around the
country. Television stations sprang up as fast as the FCC could license them. The
country's big cities - New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and others - quickly applied
for and got many channels; they are the only areas, for the most part, which now
have enough stations.
Far more quickly than anyone could predict, a large percentage of the available
channels were in operation and there was still a terrific clamor for the few which
remained. The basic trouble was that there were only 12 channels available. Since
two stations transmitting on the same channel must be several hundred miles apart
to keep from interfering with one another, only about 550 stations could be fitted
into the 12 channels across the country.
Many smaller towns and cities found that most channels had already been grabbed
up when they themselves got around to applying. Suddenly realizing there wouldn't
be enough to go around, the FCC, in desperation, turned on The Freeze. For several
years, the Commission turned over the thorny problem of what to do to its best legal
and engineering minds. In 1952 they announced a solution: Establish 70 new channels
in a new, ultra-high-frequency band, and at the same time retain the older VHF channels.
Peaceful Coexistence?
The two systems, it was thought, could
peacefully co-exist. Unfortunately, the decision turned out to be a short-sighted
one, though for a while it appeared to have a chance of success.
When the freeze lifted and the FCC again began taking applications for new stations
in 1952, 200 of the first 500 applications were for stations in the newly created
UHF band. The reason: some telecasters were eager to get on the air with the new
stations and get the jump on competition. Since there was vigorous competition for
the few remaining VHF's, many broadcasters were able to get a UHF license, build
the station, and begin broadcasting, while the VHF channels were still tied up in
But by 1955, it was clear that the U stations were in serious trouble. As the
V's continued coming on the air, the U's began falling like flies in a hailstorm.
During the first three years, 131 of the authorized U's failed, 39 of them without
ever having fired a kilowatt. For every VHF station that went out of business during
the period, six U's couldn't make it, in spite of the fact that there were far fewer
U's to begin with. The highest number of U's on the air at one time during the entire
history of UHF was 171. Today, that number has shrunk to about 90 commercial operations
- half of them are in trouble - and a sprinkling of educational U's.
The ultra-high-frequency stations couldn't compete for two reasons. First, their
signals didn't go as far. A 100-kw. VHF station broadcasts a usable signal over
a far greater area than a UHF station of the same power. This made advertisers reluctant
to buy time on the U's with their smaller audience.
Second, and even more important, a very small proportion of televiewers across
the country were willing to convert their sets to receive the UHF transmissions,
or to buy a new television set with built-in provisions for covering both bands.
In most parts of the country, then, only a small percentage of the potential audience
could receive UHF signals.

4-Bay UHF Bow-Tie Reflector - Like a bow-tie reflector but uses
4 bow ties. Furnishes gain of 8 db. Six-bay bow-tie unit has 10 db gain and range
up to 100 miles.
The old chicken-and-egg problem cropped up: operators didn't want to build new
UHF stations until there were enough receivers to make it worthwhile, and home viewers
wouldn't buy UHF sets until there was something to see on them. Also, networks didn't
want to affiliate with the few U's which did exist until they had larger audiences,
and at the same time, the U's couldn't attract the audiences without the network
programs. Consequently, the vast majority of the UHF channels have lain idle.
Other Possibilities
Over the years, the FCC has made a number
of attempts to do something about this sorry situation. First, it instituted a crash
program to "de-intermix"; that is, whole cities would be made either all V or all
U, so that stations in any community could compete on an even basis. This raised
a howl from holders of VHF channels that hasn't died down yet. The de-intermix program
never really got off the ground.
The FCC was diverted, for one thing, by a plan to increase the number of VHF
stations from 12 to 50. Unfortunately, this scheme required that the military services
give up a block of frequencies adjacent to the present television band. After considerable
study, the military delivered the answer: NO. This left the Commission with only
three choices.
- Give up and admit defeat.
- Keep both the UHF and VHF bands, and try to take measures to put them on a more
competitive basis.
- Shift all stations to the UHF band in spite of the screams of rage from present
holders of the highly profitable VHF outlets.
Although all three approaches have their advocates, everybody agrees on one thing:
if more new stations - desperately needed in some parts of the country - are to
be had, then somehow the FCC must find a way to breathe life back into the UHF corpse.
With that goal in mind, the FCC is deliberating on a compromise program - not
even all Commissioners agree on the best approach - and will presumably come to
some firm decision in the next few months. Tentatively, the plan involves keeping
both the VHF and UHF bands-at least for the time being, and at the same time launching
a vigorous program to make the U's more competitive. The main provisions of the
What You'll Need For UHF TV
A UHF converter (see photo above) is all
you'll need to pick up UHF TV stations in your area. For best results, use separate
antennas for VHF and UHF (see diagram below).
If you, like most televiewers, are currently equipped only for standard VHF reception,
you'll want to know how you can pick up UHF programs when they are broadcast in
your neighborhood. Let's say you want to keep your present TV set. In this case,
you can just add a separate converter to it, such as the Blonder-Tongue 99R which
sells for $22.95 (list). If you're thinking about buying a new set anyway, you'll
want to consider one with a built-in UHF tuning section; such a receiver will probably
cost only $20 to $40 more than a similar set without this feature.
You may have to do something about your antenna, too. The UHF signals - ranging
from channel 14, transmitting on 470-476 mc., to channel 83, transmitting on 884-890
mc. are on too high a frequency to be picked up efficiently on VHF antennas. If
you need an outside VHF antenna now, chances are you'll need a separate outside
antenna for UHF, too; such an antenna will cost you from $5 to $35, depending on
how far you are from the station. On the other hand, if you now get by with rabbit
ears on top of your set, a similar (but smaller) UHF unit may do the trick.
Remember, the prices above are today's prices. Given a nationwide mass market,
UHF television set and antenna manufacturers will be able to tumble costs considerably.
- Begin a stern program of de-intermixture, in spite
- Take an unequivocal public stand in favor of promoting UHF broadcasting.
- of the vigorous protests which are bound to result. As a matter of fact,
the Commission has already tentatively selected eight urban areas* to be switched
to all-UHF service.
- Relax some engineering standards now required in the construction of UHF stations.
This would allow operators to build and run UHF stations more cheaply than at present.
- Encourage VHF operators to build UHF transmitters and broadcast the same programs
on the two channels simultaneously. The idea here is to urge telecasters to build
in anticipation of an eventual switch to all-UHF service. (Reserve your channel
now, the FCC is saying, and you can have your pick of the desirable low-numbered
channels - wait until later, and they may all be gone.)
- Eliminate competitive hearings on new UHF stations. If an applicant meets the
minimum standards and there are no other applicants, he gets the license without
- Sponsor a bill in Congress to require that all TV sets shipped in interstate
commerce be equipped to receive both VHF and UHF broadcasts. This would make it
far easier for new U's to go on the air, by giving them ready-made potential audiences.
UHF Test Tube
In addition, the FCC has launched the $2-million
experiment in UHF telecasting, New York's station WUHF operating on channel 31.
The program, which should be completed by 1963, is designed to test the transmission
characteristics of UHF in a big city area. Thousands of householders are being supplied
with UHF receivers and asked to report on reception quality.
Although the results of the WUHF experiment will not be known for some time word
has it that UHF reception is about the same as VHF reception. Commissioner Robert
E. Lee, for example, speaking before an IRE group shortly after the tests got under
way, observed that results were "pretty encouraging" in that early reports indicated
"no significant difference, within 25 miles, of low VHF, high VHF, and UHF transmissions."

An experimental ultra-high-frequency (UHF) station, New York
City's WUHF has been on the air since November of 1961.

Photo shows opening ceremonies and picture New York Fire Commissioner
Edward Thompson and Municipal Broadcasting System Director Seymour N. Siegel (left),
FCC Chairman Newton N. Minow (seated, right), and FCC Commissioner Robert E. Lee
(standing, far right).

Nine different types of UHF antennas were tested by RCA back
in the early 1950's. Shown left to right, they are: a parabolic reflector, rhombic,
double-fan dipole, Yagi, a dipole variation, helical, stacked "V," single-fan dipole,
and corner reflector.
Many industry observers feel that the whole thing is nothing but window dressing.
"The Commission is planning to switch all stations to UHF as soon as it can" said
one industry figure. "But they figured it would help shift public opinion if they
had a test, showing that UHF reception was as good as or maybe even a little better
than VHF reception. The engineers knew what the results of this test would be before
it ever got started."
Whether this is true or not, it does look as though the FCC finally means business.
Its dynamic young chairman, Newton Minow, says he is in favor of retaining both
the U and V channels.
Without the bill requiring that sets be built to receive both V and U stations,
though, Minow is doubtful about the success of the program. And at the moment -
although committees in both houses of Congress have held hearings on the bill -
the prospects for its passage do not look too bright.
Likely Outcome
Without such a law, feels Newton Minow, the
Commission may ultimately have no alternative but to scrap the VHF band entirely,
forcing all operations to the UHF band.
This step, while drastic, could be taken with a minimum of inconvenience to all
concerned by careful planning. If the final date for cutting off all V's were ten
years from now, for example, broadcasters could write off their transmitting equipment
between now and then, and prepare for UHF operations at the same time. Home viewers,
meanwhile, could continue to use their present sets until they wore out, then replace
them with sets capable of receiving both kinds of broadcasts.
Although few responsible figures are willing to say it, this is likely to be
the outcome. The FCC fumbled the ball in 1952 when it decided that VHF and UHF could
coexist comfortably. With the lessons of experience behind it, the Commission is
not likely to make the same mistake again.
Is UHF Better Than VHF TV?
At present, very little information is available from the FCC and the companies
conducting the VHF/UHF comparison tests in New York City. However, there is some
indication (based on 100 home installations) that VHF telecasts have a slight edge
over UHF.
In general, outdoor antennas benefit UHF somewhat more than VHF. Man-made noise
seems to be a very small problem on either. Thermal noise is a bit more troublesome
on UHF, but improved receiver design can eliminate this drawback. And UHF seems
to be just a trifle "ghostier."
In all, some 800 to 1000 test installations are planned, with one out of every
10 using a color TV receiver. Only when all tests have been completed can definite
conclusions be drawn from the compiled data, and the fate of UHF decided.
*Montgomery, Ala.; Hartford, Conn.; Champaign, Ill.; Rockford, Ill., Binghampton,
N.Y.; Erie, Pa.; Columbia, S.C.; Madison, Wis.
Posted March 7, 2024 (updated from original
post on 4/4/2017)