April 1959 Popular Electronics
of Contents
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Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Nobody younger than about
35 years old was alive when the "Iron Curtain" was still in
place. That was where the Communist countries were able to keep outside information
from the rest of the free world from getting to their oppressed citizens. The Soviet
Union, China, North Korea, and other regimes had a vested interest in keeping people
from learning that not everybody lived in squalor as they did. Maybe you remember
the tales of
Sears Roebuck and
Montgomery Ward
catalogs needing to be secreted into the countries because the Communists feared
their influence. The type of radio signal jamming mentioned in this 1959 issue of
Popular Electronics magazine was common during the
Cold War era. Modern communications
has made information dissemination ubiquitous, even in the still-Communist countries
- like Russia, China, and North Korea.
Short-Wave Report - Reception Versus Jamming
By Hank Bennett
For several years one of the chief scourges of the short-wave broadcast bands
has been the jamming stations. It is virtually impossible to tune across any of
the main short-wave bands without hearing at least one jammer and often as many
as a dozen. These jamming stations are largely located behind the Iron and Bamboo
Curtains and their purpose is to prevent listeners in those areas from hearing newscasts
and commentaries beamed to them from outside countries. (See article starting on
page 41 of this issue.)
The jammers are often so strong that they also prevent listeners in the U.S.A.
from tuning in on certain channels. Many readers report that this, alone, is enough
to turn them away from their receivers in disgust.

The receiver at Kevin Jessup's listening post in Westville, Ill.
(right), is a Hallicrafters S-53A. He uses a six-meter doublet antenna.

Dave Lund, of Holstein, Iowa, DX's with a Hallicrafters S-40B
and a long-wire antenna.
The International Shortwave Club of London has, for months,
been asking their members to avoid listening to stations that are located in countries
responsible for jamming and, of course, to avoid sending reception reports to those
stations. Whether this has or has not had any effect on the stations is difficult
to ascertain. On days when jamming signals blanket the regular short-wave bands,
you might try tuning in some of the off-beat channels where the jamming is almost
non-existent (although you may run into a good bit of Morse code interference from
time to time). These channels include many rarely heard stations that may prove
to be new countries for your log. Let's check some of them. If you want to snag
a rare one, try for
V3USE, Forest Side, Mauritius. This station wanders from about 14,980 kc. up
as high as 15,020 kc. and is currently being reported on 15,018 kc. at 2300 with
English news. You may need a lot of patience with this one but it is being reported
in Eastern states.
Another relatively clear channel is 9009 kc., where you can find Israel afternoons
between 1400 and 1600. Reports indicate that it is well heard in most areas.
If you can understand Spanish, go after the Nicaraguans in the 7000-kc. band.
Some of these are: YNMS, R. Phillips, Leon, 7650 kc.; YNCA, R. Atlantico, Bluefields,
last reported on 7755 kc.; and YNRM, R. Musun, Matagalpa, 7593 kc. You may need
a bit of extra tuning for them as they seem to wander around a bit. Try during mid-to-late
If you can tune above 40 megacycles (40,000 kc.) , try for the British Broadcasting
Corporation's television Channel I (audio only) on 41,500 kc. Two stations, Crystal
Palace and Divis, can be heard late mornings and they are just a few cycles apart
although listed for the same frequency. (Your editor has both of them verified.)
Another TV channel that is usually well heard at the same time is the French Channel
II at Caen on 41,250 kc.
Other stations that can be found occasionally include: Beirut, Lebanon, on 8000
kc. (varies up to 8036 kc.); a station in Ecuador, as yet unidentified, on 8899
kc.; Radio Espana Independiente (Spanish Clandestine) on or near 6948 kc.; and JOZ,
Tokyo, 3925 kc. A real tough one to log is the Falkland Islands station on 3958
kc., noted in Western areas around 1800-1900.
Check this list the next time you are baffled by the jammers. You'll find that
you can have as much fun tuning the off-beat channels as you will have in the standard
bands. Be sure to send reception reports; many of these stations are strictly regional
and reports from outside areas enable their engineers to know where their signals
are going. Let us know how you make out.
At time of compilation all reports are correct. Stations often change schedules
and/or frequencies with little or no advance notice. All times shown are Eastern
Standard and the 24-hour system is used.
Albania-Tirana is heard with Eng. news, music, and commentary
at 1530-1600 on 6900 kc. The 7850-kc. parallel channel is rarely noted here. (541)
British Guiana - R. Demerara is scheduled Sundays at 0445-2145,
Saturdays 0415-2245, weekdays at 0415-2145 on 5981 and 3255 kc. Listeners in southern
states might also try for this station on 660 kc. in the medium-wave band. (477)
Cape Verde Islands - CR4AC, R. Barlavento, St. Vincente, 3960
kc., may be noted from 1825 to 1900/close with typical native music. The anthem
"A Portuguesa" is played just before close-down. (MS)
Chile - CE1196, R. Sociedad Nacional de Mineria, Santiago, 11,960
kc., is often logged from about 2215 to 2230 with popular recordings. (420)
Dominican Republic - HI5B, Santiago de los Caballeros, is now
noted on 4905 kc. at 1800-2000. Previously it was covered by YVKB, Venezuela, on
assigned 4890 kc. (100)
Ecuador - R. Muruiial, Riobamba, has moved from 6295 kc. to
6218 kc. and can be noted at 1900-2300. (100)
French Guiana - Cayenne has moved back to 6195 kc. from 6215
kc. and is heard from 0515 s/on to 0600 when HJEZ, Colombia, blocks it out; also
noted at 1730 in French, again badly cut up by HJEZ. (4,166,378)
Germany - Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany) is currently scheduled
as follows: to the Far East at 0200-0510 on 21,735, 21,650, and 11,795 kc.; to the
Near East at 0930-1240 on 21,735, 21,490, and 17,875 kc.; to Africa at 1300-1610
on 17,815, 15,275, and 11,945 kc.; to South America at 1700-2010 on 15,375, 11,795,
and 9735 kc.; and to N.A. at 2030-2340 on 15,405, 11,795, and 9640 kc. German-speaking
listeners may receive the program schedule by airmail at no charge. (GN, 378, 474)
Haiti - The following list of active radio stations in Haiti
was compiled with the help of PE reporter #4: 4VU, relay of 4VI, Cayes, on 3322
(or 3455) kc., 250 watts power; 4VGS, R. Independence, Gonaives, 5020 kc., 400 watts;
4VPM, La Voix du Nord-Quest, Port-de-Paix, 5040 kc., 225 watts; 4VRM, La Voix des
Gonaives, Gonaives., 5060 kc., 400 watts; 4VBS, La Voix du Sud, Cayes, 5750 kc.,
300 watts; 4VB, R. Commerce, Port-au-Prince, 5982 kc., 7500 watts; La Voix de la
Vie Marie, Cap Haitien, 6100 kc., 540 watts; 4VE, La Voix Evangelique, Cap Haitien,
6138 kc., 50 watts; 4VWA, R. Citadelle, Cap Haitien, 6155 kc., 150 watts; 4VHW,
R. Haiti, Port-au-Prince, 6200 kc., 1000 watts; 4VCP, La Voix du Nord, Cap Haitien,
6222 kc., 300 watts; 4VEH, La Voix Evangelique, Cap Haitien, 9770 kc., 4000 watts;
4VWI, La Voix Evangelique, Cap Haitien, 11,850 and 15,390 kc., 300 watts.
Short-Wave Abbreviations
Anmt - Announcement N.A. - North America(n)
B/C - Broadcasting
R. - Radio
Eng. - English
ID - Identification
kc. - Kilocycles
Honduras - The call letters for R. Teguci-galpa, Tegucigalpa,
6035 kc., are HRTL and not HRCM as reported in other bulletins. The ID is plainly
noted at 0100 s/off. (149)
Indonesia - The current Eng. schedule for Voice of Indonesia,
Djakarta, reads: 0600-0700 (news at 0615) to Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific
Islands on 9710 and 11,795 kc.; 0930-1030 (news at 0945) to S.E. Asia and Pakistan
on 9710 and 11,795 kc.; 1400-1500 - (news at 1415) to Western Europe and New Zealand
on 9865 and 11,795 kc. The 1400 period is usually well heard in Eastern USA. Reports
and suggestions about the programs are wanted and may be sent to P.O. Box 157, Djakarta.
Ivory Coast - R. Abidjan, 4940 kc., is noted at 1700-1730 s/off
and at 0200 in French. The "William Tell Overture" (a part) seems to be a trademark
of this station for it is noted frequently. They verify promptly, (DR, 348)
Lebanon - Beirut has been found on exactly 8000 kc. at 0030
with Arabic chanting, French ID, news, but no English. (166)
Mexico - La Voz de America has replaced 15,160 kc. with 6165
kc. and is parallel to 9500 kc. at 0645-0100_ (378, 474)
Monaco - Monte Carlo can be found on 6035 kc. at 1630-1730 with
operatic music and at 0100-0105 with news in French, followed by a musical program.
The 7140-·kc. outlet carries Eng. and French at 2330-0000 with an excellent signal,
(BW, 348, 541).
North Vietnam - Hanoi, 11,840 kc., has an Eng. ID at 0730, 0830,
and 0930. English news is noted at 0930, with dictation-speed news at 0915. Parallel
to 9840 kc. (166, 377, 420)
Pakistan - Karachi can be tuned in Eng. to Turkey at 1315-1400
(news at 1330) on 11,674 and 7010 kc.; to the United Kingdom on 11,674 and 9705
kc. at 1415-1500 (news at 1430) ;, and with Eng. news at 2000 to S. E. Asia on 11,885
and 15,355 kc. Reports go to R. Pakistan, 71 Garden Road, Karachi. (WF, 61, 378,
Peru - OAX1Z, R. Nacional del Peru, Tumbes, 9549 kc., is a new
station and has been tuned at 0700 s/on; also at 1900-2300 when Prague is not too
strong. (100)
Philippine Islands - The schedule for the new 50,000-watt Far
East B/C Co. is: DZF2, 11,920 kc., at 0800-0900 in Hindi, 0900-0930 in Tamil, 0930-1000
in Telugu, 1000-1100 in Eng., 1100-1130 in Eng., 1130-1200 in Russian, 1600-1730
in Japanese, 1730-1830 in Mandarin; and DZF3, 15,385 kc., at 1830-1930 in English.
All transmissions are beamed west except the 1100-1200 and 1600-1830 segments which
are beamed north. (92)
Saudi Arabia - Tune for Djeddah on 11,950 kc. A tone signal
is broadcast at 2230-2250, an interval signal to 2300 when Home Service in Arabic
begins. Do not confuse this with London's Arabic service on 11,955 kc. (378)
South Africa - Johannesburg, 15,230 kc., has Eng. on Thursdays
from 1200. News at 1200 is followed by old American recordings. (61)
Tanganyika - Dar-es-Salaam is scheduled in Eng. on 5050 kc.
at 2315-0000 Sundays through Fridays, and at 1300-1430 (Saturdays to 1500). The
7167-kc. outlet carries Eng. at 0400-0615 Mondays through Saturdays, and Eng. and
Swahili at 0300-0400. (LP, 44)
Thailand - The Thai National B/C Station, Bangkok, 11,670 kc.,
gives fair to good reception only at 0850-0900 with a brief Eng. anmt at 0900. This
is a relay of the Home Service for overseas listeners. (378)
United Arab Republic - Cairo now carries Eng. dictation-speed
news on 11,670 kc. at 0145-0205 closing. The 11,989-kc. outlet has Eng. to Europe
and the United Kingdom at 1600-1700 with news and commentary at 1615. (RM, EN, 61,
Short-Wave Contributors
Jerry Badurski (JB), St. Petersburg, Fla.
Johnny Dyer (JD), Cisco, Texas
Werner Funkenhauser (WF), Kingsville, Ont.
Richard Martin (RM), Pittsfield, Mass.
Eddie Nance (EN), Elizabethton. Tenn.
George Neumann (GN), Culver City, Calif.
Larry Page (LP), Rochester, N. Y.
Denny Reeves (DR), Peoria, Ill.
Dick Schreiber (DS), Wheat Ridge, Colo.
Manuel A. Sousa (MS), Braga, Portugal
Bill Waltz (BW), Dayton, Ohio
Stewart West (4), Union, N. J.
Anson Boice (44), New Britain, Conn.
Grady Ferguson (59), Charlotte, N. C.
John Beaver (61), Canon City, Colo.
Del Green (92), Salt Lake City, Utah
Roger Legge (100), McLean, Va.
Maynard Simpers (121), Jacksonville, Fla.
J. Art Russell (149), San Diego, Calif.
George Cox (166), New Castle, Del.
Austin Frazee (190), Point Pleasant, N. J.
William Bing (226), New Orleans, La.
Glenn Cuthrell (348), Maxton, N. C.
Ken Boord (377), Morgantown, W. Va.
J. P. Arendt (378), Aurora, Ill.
L. E. Kuney (383), Detroit, Mich.
A. R. Niblack (420), Vincennes, Ind.
Robert Sabin (466), Wilmington, Ohio
Vernon Packard (474), Milwaukee, Wis.
Jerry Berg (477), W. Hartford, Conn.
Middle Eastern Correspondent (488)
Paul Buer (501), Harrison, N. Y.
Alan Roth (541), Bridgeport, Conn.
Windward Islands - Grenada's new 15,086- kc. outlet is heard
well at 1600-2115 in beam to Jamaica, dual to 5010 kc. News relay from London is
noted at 2100; home news at 1900. (JB, JD, 44, 59, 166, 226, 383, 420, 466)
Clandestine - R. Liberacion, Honduras, is heard irregularly
at 1900-2300 on 5810 kc. (varies) with anti-government broadcasts. (DS, 100,121,
190, 420, 466)
Posted December 7, 2022 (updated from original
post on 1/12/2012)