October 1949 Popular Science
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early
electronics. See articles from
Science, published 1872-2021. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was formed in 1946, shortly after the end of
World War II.
Photos of Secret A-Bomb Test

The A-bomb's "signature," the familiar mushroom
cloud, is almost hidden in this sunset-like picture. Eniwetok Atoll, on which explosion
occurred, is seen as long thin line below horizon.

After explosion, helicopter picked up ocean
samples from raft attached to water-sample cable.

These blocks and cable were part of a gadget
that collected samples of sea water after explosion.

Men aboard Navy ship turned backs or shielded
eyes with glasses at instant of detonation.
What went on during the hush-hush test of deadlier atom bombs in the spring of
1948? The curtain has been partly lifted with release of these pictures" But the
Atomic Energy Commission still won't say more about the bombs themselves than that
there were three, "each of improved design," and they all went off.

Concrete "igloo," near detonation point, contained
instruments to record data during blast.
Posted April 26, 2024